2 Works in Billie Pearce & Jess Valenzuela
Listing Works
Pan-American Treasure hunting by DisneyFan2003
Fandoms: National Treasure: Edge of History (TV 2022)
16 Jun 2023
Jess Valenzuela is daughter of two treasure hunters. One of them died during treasure hunting and second, wanting to protect Jess, hid before her the truth. When on the horizon appear another treasure hunter, who's also Jess's godmother, young Latina has to face with her destiny and her long-hidden past.
the connection between us is not accidental by a_dirty_storyteller
Fandoms: National Treasure: Edge of History (TV 2022)
11 Jan 2023
Billie could have left that party, found Liam, and blackmailed the magazine into her - that was a common thing in their line of work. It would solve almost all the problems, Jess is in prison, which means no one will interfere further. But what she realized when she saw the medallion around Jess's neck, that picture that formed like a puzzle in her head, made her stop the car and almost order the girl to sit down.
Or Billy knows more about Jess's family than Jess herself, time to open up.