8 Works in Ava (Lost in Space TV 2018)
Listing Works
If she’s pieced together his childhood as well as she thinks she has, he pulled himself out of poverty, put himself through school—if sometimes through dubious means—and then qualified for the Alpha Centauri program through sheer force of will. He didn’t have John and Maureen Robinson standing behind him while he did all of that, waiting to catch him if he fell. He had to do it on his own.
He is so much more than the world believes him to be.
- Part 3 of She's Coming Home With Me
Scarecrow lay there, defeated. He had the rift engine his grasp, and than SAR had come and took it from him. It was embarrassing, SAR had easily taken him down with barely even a fight. And now here he lay in the dusty sand, dizzy and hurt.
He heard approaching footsteps, and than the tell-tale sound of a chariot rolling towards him.
- Part 2 of POV Scarecrow
Don receives a letter from Victor with 3 days notice of his departure back to earth in 3 days... when he decides its finaly time to tell the robinsons. He and judy come up with a plan to save them both from the ongoing of both there lifes.
A year married to you're best frend can't be so bad...untill the enviable. What happens when true feeling's get in the way -
Badass princess and his knight in shining armor by Fatherless_Behavior
Fandoms: Lost in Space (TV 2018)
17 Jul 2022
Judy Robinson was starting to think the universe was trying to tell her something because she kept bumping into Don West ! A man she once saved back on earth.
'Metal glints in the azure rays; the dark canvas of space is absolute. And all thought of ever reaching the Colony seems infinitesimally small.'
An idea for how Lost in Space series 3 might begin.
Ava swung her seat and looked at Don. “You know you never told us what you were doing with the Robinsons while you were gone. Anything fun?”
Don’s eyes widened. “Fun? Uh-uh."
A oneshot wherein Ava thinks it's nice that Don's found a family in the Robinsons while Don has no idea what she's talking about.
Judy’s ambulance responds to a 911 call where she meets the most beautiful, infuriating man she’s ever seen.
This is a sequel to my story, He Who Saw The Deep.
Will and Judy are trying to deal with the things that happened to them on the Amber Planet. Will, by showing his first signs of teenage rebellion, Judy by trying to distance herself from her memories and her guilt. Meanwhile, it's up to Penny to try to hold her family together. But when she is pulled in to Will's quest, Judy and Will have to remember there is a bond that makes them stronger together than they ever will be apart. And that bond is their only chance of saving their sister.
- Part 2 of The Epic Of Will Robinson