6 Works in Aurelius of Phoenix/Female Courier
Listing Works
"Heaven is a place on earth with you..."
You pay a visit to Cottonwood Cove, bringing good tidings and NCR dog tags. Alas, day shifts to night, and you need a place to stay. Maybe the Centurion known as Aurelius could help...
- Part 8 of Fan Works
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Except, Six's decisions could never be labelled as 'good'. That was probably how she had ended up in this situation. Her only regret is taking Arcade down with her.
The Legion's toughest soldiers sin for the Courier.
Caesar's senior officers compete for the heart of the Courier.
Novum Imperium by Taethor (orphan_account)
Fandoms: Fallout (Video Games), Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 2
11 Jul 2017
The continuation of the series about Aurelia of Phoenix, Courier Six and her way through the west. The story has its base in the canon-New Vegas storyline, but from this part and onward it is canon-friendly AU.
Six has given birth to her second surviving child and has been relocated to the newly annexed New Vegas under Legion rule and things seems to have solved themselves, much due to Six leaving all the hard work to the Legion and being a pliant slave. However, Caesar is not well and our over all favorite psychopath Vulpes Inculta grows more and more worried about the succession of the Legion hierarchy.Photos that I used for inspiration for my characters while writing can be found at: poisonivyzeigel.tumblr.com
- Part 2 of Vulpes Inculta and Aurelia of Phoenix
The Legion wins and the entire Mojave desert is at stake. Arcade and the Remnants risk their lives to smuggle wastelanders to safety on the east coast, as far away as possible from the Legion and Six's reign of terror. Arcade escorts his group to Sanctuary Hills, a rather productive settlement where the General of the Minutemen resides. He didn't intend to ask for help, but the General sort of forces it on him anyway.
Six has no regrets. Speaking to a man as wise and intelligent and manipulative as Ulysses brought several things to her attention: You've only got one life, so live it. You can do absolutely anything if you put your mind to it. The NCR had no business in the Mojave. She was determined to do the impossible- become second in command of Caesar's Legion. Several mundane tasks later, such as destroying the Brotherhood, removing Caesar's brain tumor, assassinating the NCR president, et cetera, and she'd done it. Caesar was wrapped around her finger, and for the most part, the Mojave was hers. She was going to rule Vegas like the tyrant she'd become.