1 - 20 of 63 Works in Arnold Cunningham/Kevin Price
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"Arnold felt like he was going to throw up. The sounds of the Ugandan night got louder and louder in his ears as he watched Kevin walk away, until it felt like he was drowning in them. His best friend was gone. His best friend was never his best friend. He had scared him off, like he had done with every friend he’d ever had. He thought this time was different. This time was supposed to be different. Kevin was supposed to be the only one who couldn’t leave. "
or: i like making arnold sad and i like making arnold have wet dreams about kevin price
He started running Kevin’s hair under the water, scrubbing the cheap shampoo that Elder McKinley kept the bathroom stocked with into it. He made sure to get all the dried blood out of it, combing his fingers through. Kevin hissed whenever Arnold pulled too hard through the blood, and Arnold profusely apologized every time, no matter how much it hurt.
or: kevin has a panic attack and arnold comforts him
arnold's last therapy session by nato_obenkrieger
Fandoms: The Book of Mormon - Parker/Stone/Lopez
13 Jun 2024
“So, Arnold. Let’s cut to the chase. How have your.. urges about your fellow missionary been?” His therapist knew the drill by now too. Elder Price was most of what he ended up talking about at his sessions anyway.
or: arnold goes to therapy and talks about a spooky mormon wet dream he had
old people don't care by flour124
Fandoms: The Book of Mormon - Parker/Stone/Lopez, Homestuck, Great Expectations - Charles Dickens, Zero Day (2003), Elephant (2003), The Elephant Princess, Columbine - Fandom
21 Apr 2024
thank you reese, hank, and god for the help thanks -
strawberry chainsaw, youre the treat
one day youre harsh and then youre sweet
and thats okay, thats fine with merecollection, and that annoying voice that doesn't let you say your true thoughts.
paint me in trust, i'll be your best friend by wednesrory
Fandoms: The Book of Mormon - Parker/Stone/Lopez
04 Oct 2023
after everything goes comically wrong in act 2, kevin and arnold sit on the porch. arnold thinks about kevin and his sudden heel turn into blasphemy.
should i stay or should i go by orphan_account
Fandoms: The Book of Mormon - Parker/Stone/Lopez
31 May 2023
Arnold has something he’s ashamed of, but it begins to affect his and Kevin’s life.
i should've been home yesterday by wednesrory
Fandoms: The Book of Mormon - Parker/Stone/Lopez
24 Apr 2023
kevin and arnold come home from their mission. kevin isn't sure how ready he is to be home.
Elder Cunningham was eaten by a lion. This time was true. Kevin finally got what he’d always wanted- changing the companion and transferring.
Filled up by the Lord by nightjarctictern
Fandoms: The Book of Mormon - Parker/Stone/Lopez
06 Mar 2023
After the General shoved the book into Elder Price's butt, Elder Cunningham rubbed some ointment for him.
- Language:
- 中文-普通话 國語
- Words:
- 794
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 1
- Hits:
- 51
Elder Price被軍閥把摩門經塞入菊花後,Elder Cunningham幫他擦藥。
the train was crowded and the bus was late by Anonymous
Fandoms: The Book of Mormon - Parker/Stone/Lopez
28 Jul 2022
Elder Price goes to his best friend’s house to take his mind away from some… recent revelations.
Kevin loves Arnold's boobies.
After they told off the mission president, the Elders of District Nine had hard time adjusting to their new freedom to do whatever they wanted.
For the most part, they stayed within their beliefs, finding it hard to simply 'undo' the mental conditioning their entire way of life entailed until that moment. However, little by little, they started to loosen up and abandon things they used to strictly abide by. Sometimes unintentionally.
After everybody forgot about the special suppressants every missionary under the church is required to take during spring, the boys are suddenly overcome with urges they've never been permitted to feel.
Kevin is called up to speak at the worst possible time and has an accident. Arnold helps comfort him, implied Pricingham
Based off of “House of Gold” about Danny Gonzalez and Drew Gooden
“Arnold, get off me.” His voice is full of fondness.
Arnold shrugs. “‘M comfortable.” Eventually, to Kevin’s surprise, Arnold rolls to Kevin’s right side, and he cups his cheek. He gives a small smile, and Kevin would give anything to be able to see his eyes that are, unfortunately, closed right now. But, he thinks, this is nice too.a ficlet about our favourite mormons right before going to bed because i love tired arnold
four times arnold and kevin said "i love you" without using those exact words, and one time they did
(with a fake dating plot sort of woven through it all) (and a prologue and epilogue to establish said fake dating plot)named after the song imagine by ben platt because it reminded me of these two
inspired by the cast including ben platt as arnold and nic rouleau as kevin, though you can probably just read it as any cast
Gag Joy by PalmTreeTuesdays for HenceNothingRemains
Fandoms: The Book of Mormon - Parker/Stone/Lopez, The Book of Mormon - Ambiguous Fandom
05 Mar 2021
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 151
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 10
- Hits:
- 503