2 Works in Anemone & Cal (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist)
Listing Works
four chambers, just a standard issue by Pariahgraph
Fandoms: I Was a Teenage Exocolonist (Video Game)
05 Dec 2024
Anemone frowns, watching trees and cliffs pass them by. “That must have been hard, to re-learn something you used to be really good at.”
Sol shrugs, smiling. “Yeah, kind of? But I got to come back to it, and fall in love again."
Anemone grapples with forgiveness, feeling purposeless, and finding her way back to joy.
- Part 4 of children's work
Starting from Scratch by igiveuponmyusername
Fandoms: I Was a Teenage Exocolonist (Video Game)
22 May 2023
You're born on a ship with friends and a loving family. Everything is just the way it should be. But the ship's orbit enters a wormhole that changes everything. During the peak of this wormhole, you black out then You wake up in a strange new world called "Vertumna". This planet was similar to Earth—you think? All your friends are alright, and so are the adults! But... Something feels wrong. You feel wrong. Throughout your stay, you see visions— dreams? illusions? Whatever the case is, you chose to use these visions as guidelines to a better life for you, and everyone you love.