1 - 20 of 24 Works in Alycia Debnam-Carey/Eliza Taylor
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Clexa vs Elycia
- Part 3 of Savourez le Doux Plaisir
Eliza Taylor loves her job playing Clarke Griffin on the 100, the cast are like family but when Alycia Debnam-Carey walks onto set things start to change. Can she tell her how she feels before it's to late.
This is not a role, this is me by hfritschel
Fandoms: Elycia - Fandom, The 100, clexa - Fandom
23 Feb 2022
The first time they meet they know that there is some sort of tension between them. They pulled at each other like magnets. Will they be brave enough to accept their love for each other or will they always just be "friends" and bury their feelings?
Or Alycia and Eliza hang out in the forests of Canada shooting for the 100.Also Little disclaimer- I started this story 5 years ago and didn’t continue writing for a very long time so that’s why chapter one seems different compared to the following.
"My mind orders me to stay with it, but I want to go out. I want to get rid of these chains. I want to follow this melody. Eliza is asking me to fight for my freedom. I can't. I'm a slave and I don't know how to fight to win my life back again. Still, I want to follow that promise. For the first time in two months, I want to trust someone.”
Alycia hasn't left her house for two months. Two months spent fighting something traumatic that devastated her life. Will Eliza be able to bring her back to life and help her dealing with the pain that drags her deeper and deeper every day?
[Eliza Taylor x Alycia Debnam-Carey]
Clarke Griffin has always been a Girl with a Plan. But when the Plan goes belly up, she’s forced to reconsider.
After accidently answering her flatmate Echo's phone, she decides that since being Clarke isn’t going so well, she might try being Echo. With nothing left to lose, she accepts Echo's photography assignment to Hawaii – she used to be an amateur snapper, how hard can it be? Right?
But Clarke is soon in big trouble. And Lexa the mysterious Hot journalist on the shoot with her who is making it very clear she’d like to get into her pants isn't exactly making things easy. Far from home and in someone else’s shoes, Clarke must decide whether to fight on through, or fess up and run…
Stuck With U by Hemmuttage
Fandoms: The 100 (TV), The 100 (TV) RPF, The 100 Series - Kass Morgan
12 Aug 2020
Months on Etherea does something to a person and with whom is the question?
"Ecco com'è l'amore fra di noi, un continuo primeggiare, combattere, volersi e opporsi di nuovo.
Sono perdutamente, irrimediabilmente, inesorabilmente innamorata di lei che è semplicemente così, sensualità, mistero, passione e ... e amore, anche se non vorrà mai ammetterlo.
Solo lei è in grado di farmi provare certe emozioni, di farmi tremare il cuore. Credo che nessun altro avrà mai lo stesso effetto su di me, ma credo anche che noi due non avremo mai pace."
Jade Martin vive l' infanzia e l'adolescenza sull'isola di Bowen fino a quando scopre la sua reale natura e scappa rifiutando le sue stesse origini. Crede di poter restare lontana dalla sua terra e dalla sua gente, ma è impossibile e una volta tornata a casa troverà l'amore. Si innamorerà perdutamente di Kelly Carson e nulla sarà più come prima.
Storia originale Abo sui generis liberamente ispirata alle Clexa.
Tutti i diritti riservati
Lexa nei panni di Jade Martin
Clarke nei panni di Kelly Carson -
Fandoms: The 100 (TV), The 100 (TV) RPF
04 Mar 2020
"Sei distesa al mio fianco e stai dormendo profondamente. I lineamenti del tuo viso sono sereni, rilassati. Sembra che tu sia tranquilla, hai il sorriso sulle labbra, quelle labbra carnose e morbide che ho baciato fino a qualche minuto fa.
Ti guardo e mi chiedo se tu sia un angelo o un demone, l'angelo che mi ha salvata dalla mia eterna condanna o il demone che mi condurrà alla pazzia e mi strapperà via l'anima."
Sunshine (Clarke - Eliza) è una scrittrice e Kayleen (Lexa - Alycia) un'attrice emergente. Si incontrano per caso e dal quel giorno inizia una bellissima anche se difficile storia d'amore. Tra alti e bassi vivranno momenti intensi e appassionati alternati ad altri drammatici e a presunti tradimenti. Sarà l'amore a guidarle e a portarle dove il destino ha già tracciato una strada per loro se saranno pronte a seguirla.
La storia è ispirata alle Clexa o Elycia.
Ringrazio fin d'ora tutti i lettori e tutte le lettrici che vorranno prendermi in considerazione e auguro a tutti una buona lettura.
Grazie di tutto
Tutti i diritti riservati -
The story in which Alycia Debnam-Carey and Eliza Taylor realize that there relationship took a turn after playing the relationship Clarke/Lexa on screen.
Dear Eliza and Alycia by laubrown1
Fandoms: Wynonna Earp (TV), The 100 (TV), The 100 (TV) RPF
31 Jan 2019
Waverly and Nicole are big fans of The 100 and the Clexa ship, so they write letters to Alycia and Eliza telling them how much they both love them, the Clexa relationship, their characters, and how much they both mean to the LGBTQ community.
Elycia AU dove Eliza Taylor è un'attrice famosa e Alycia Debnam-Carey è una sua fan che decide di andare ad una convention dove sarà Eliza sarà presente come ospite. Sì, sono reduce dalla Con-Clave. XD
La storia è ambientata alla fine degli anni sessanta, nel West Sussex contea inglese. La vita di Alycia Spencer, orfana di madre e figlia dello stalliere della tenuta Arundel, sarà sconvolta dall’arrivo della giovane duchessa, Eliza Howard, secondogenita del duca di Norfolk. Nonostante l’epoca, il diverso ceto e tutte le avversità imposte da una società bigotta e retrograda, troveranno il modo di imporre il loro sentimento l’una per l’altra, diventando prima amiche e poi l’una la vita dell’altra.
An Eternity Spent In Your Arms Still Wouldn't Be Long Enough by Janso
Fandoms: The 100 (TV), clexa - Fandom, Elycia - Fandom
02 Jul 2017
This is pt 2 to "I Wish There Were Stronger Words Than "I Love You"". Reading pt 1 isn't necessary to understand pt 2. Please enjoy! P.S. If you're here for the soul purpose of smut, go to Ch.4
Elycia: behind the scenes and reality by Charlotte_Luy
Fandoms: The 100 (TV), clexa - Fandom, Elycia - Fandom
04 Jun 2017
Elycia – por trás das câmeras e da realidade, conforme denuncia o título, traz a relação de Eliza Taylor e Alycia Debnam-Carey nos bastidores das gravações de THE 100 bem como a relação construída fora do núcleo da série. Evidentemente, trará uma “realidade” que não veio a público (talvez, nunca venha).
Em um capítulo qualquer: "Você entende o que eu estou deixando para trás? Você consegue entender que eu nunca mais vou amar alguém assim.... com esta leveza sexual, com esta.... Completa felicidade?".
Alycia & Eliza have a text conversation where they discuss some of the stranger (and raunchier) aspects of sexually explicit Clexa fanfiction.
There's a hard line between acting and real emotion.
But that doesn't mean it's impossible to cross.
Hurry up, we're dreaming by evilguaxinim, lexatroxa, orphan_account
Fandoms: The 100 (TV), The 100 (TV) RPF
24 Mar 2017
I was completely embarassed. My mouth was with that famous bitter and metalic taste of alcohol after a night of excesses, my head still dizzy, and the confused thoughts -all so known from the morning after hangover- came even more intense that I've ever remembered. My eyes burned so bad that I was on the plane with huge sunglasses, trying to maintain the posture despite the weakness and the nausea that were taking over me. Until this morning of January 24rth-2016, I considered hangover(the one that knocks you down) to be the worst sensation anyone could experience, but honestly? The phisical symptoms weren't bothering me as much as the moral ones right now.
Eliza Taylor and Alycia Debnam-Carey have finishing filming. They both have spare time to catch up. Eliza is bisexual and thinks Alycia is straight... what will happen next?
I Wish There Were Words Stronger Than "I Love You" by Janso
Fandoms: The 100 (TV), clexa - Fandom, Eliza x Alycia, lesbian - Fandom, Elycia - Fandom
09 Feb 2017
After Season 3 of The 1OO is finished with filming and Alycia has to leave, she can't say goodbye without letting Eliza know how she feels. This is their whirlwind of a relationship from that point on, and everything in between.
Alycia and Eliza have been married for nearly 5 years. The 100 got cancelled after six seasons, Eliza just finished her final convention tour for Clarke. Alycia is in India directing her first independent movie. Will this new start damage Eliza and Alycia's relationship ?