14 Works in Al-Thamen (Magi)
Listing Works
The heir to the Ren crime family takes it upon himself to punish a subordinate for his failure.
Even in the depths of his pain, Judal is sure no brutality is more beautiful than Hakuryuu"s.
Kourin empieza una nueva existencia poco planeada para ser a largo tiempo, sumergida en las dinámicas del gran reino de Sindria... debe aprender a existir entre el drama generado del día a día... complicaciones que vienen con un cargo de peso político entre los ciudadanos e invitados promedios... sobrevivir a los rumores que brotan tan fácilmente alrededor de su existencia donde no ayuda en nada la postura del respetado rey de la isla... Una princesa de Kou exiliada se añade a la enorme colección de generales... ajustarse, coexistir y aprender a vivir.
- Part 3 of Entre laberintos
At the behest of Flow by Lia_san
Fandoms: Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Magi: Adventure of Sinbad (Manga)
26 Mar 2023
«Маґі – великі чарівники, які з"являються у вирішальні моменти історії та спрямовують потік незліченних життів. Їх називають «творцями світу» та «виборцями королів» через їхні незвичні здібності. Помахом палички можуть створити лабіринт, у якому знаходиться сила короля. Вони мають вибрати правителя, який пройде лабіринт, створений ними.
Лише Вартові можуть зрівнятись по силі із могутніми маґі. Безсмертні створіння, які боронять світ від гібелі – ось хто вони є. Лише Бог буде їх володарем, бо вони є втіленням мудрості та волі його. Тіла Вартових – то чиста енергія, а джерело їхньої сили – Великий Потік. Впізнати їх легко, бо рух залишили сліди на їхній шкірі. Здатні на великі дива та великі руйнування – вірні захисники божественної суті».
Сіндбад вкотре перечитав текст на пергаменті і втомлено зітхнув. Тепер він був на сто відсотків впевнений у постаті Милосердної Пані, яка занадто багато знає і вміє для простого привида минулих часів...- Language:
- Українська
- Words:
- 3,848
- Chapters:
- 1/?
- Kudos:
- 2
- Hits:
- 106
During the battle against the medium, before the arrival of their allies, a golden light lights up. Rukhs are thrown all over the place. Aladdin screams and his voice has an echo. A woman screams with him. A woman who wasn’t here before and is now - who screams but swallows back her pain and assesses the situation like a war veteran.
A mysterious woman with pink hair and pink eyes - but not a fannalis - a crown - but not known of this era - a golden sceptre - but it’s not a simple tool.
aka. Queen Sheba opens her eyes in a new world and explores a future where she’s dead.
Kourin Ren piensa que será fácil si simplemente juega bien, fluir con la trama, era después de todo una de esas cinco princesas desconocidas en ese imperio... buscara una manera de burlar el matrimonio político, pero hasta entonces, con lujos, con comodidades e ignorando las conspiraciones de Arba/Gyokuen la vida pinta a ser fácil.
Pudo haber sido peor.
El destino opina lo contrario.Series
- Part 1 of Entre laberintos
i have loved the stars too fondly by livingonthestars
Fandoms: Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
05 Mar 2022
As he wipes the sweat off his face he glances over his shoulder and meets Sinbad’s eyes across the battlefield. He is grinning at him maniacally, like he always does when he’s found another ticklish spot on Ja’far’s belly.
He is too far to see, but Ja’far is certain Sinbad’s eyes are sparkling.
Sinbad did as instructed, finding the correct position on Judal’s chest without any trouble. He could take a man apart like butchering a pheasant, knowing the location of a human’s heart was second nature. The bleached looking skin was soft, but still wet from their dive. It did indeed feel like the body of a corpse, utterly lifeless.
“Now you must summon a lightning strike. At exactly one thousandth a degree of your normal power. Strike directly into the center of his heart.”
Sinbad paled. “Baal…if this roasts the Magi’s corpse, I will personally destroy your vessel.”
“Do it, or don’t. I have not a care one way or another, King.”
The King shuddered slightly at the thought of mutilating Judal’s body, but remained firm on his decision. Taking a single deep breath, Sinbad summoned a bolt of sizzling lightning from the heavens. As it arced downward, the tip of the bolt thinned to the width of a writing quill, striking directly in the center of his palm.
Alya was just a girl living in the Kou Empire, the only difference being, she could see Rukh. Her only thoughts were of how to get her next meal. She meets Judal when she is swept off the streets by guards and brought before the Emperor. After a confrontation, Judal suddenly decided she will be his personal servant! How will she survive? Will she fall in love with Judal?
When Fairies Fly with Birds by Varnienne
Fandoms: Fairy Tail, Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
06 Oct 2020
They thought their peace would"ve lasted a bit longer. But they were Fairy Tail; trouble always finds them. A short year after the Alverez war, a giant hole consumes Fiore, taking everyone and everything with it. Now in a world vastly different from their own follow Nerida, Rose, and the rest of Fairy Tail as they set off on another adventure. Of course, it wouldn"t an adventure without evil brewing in the shadows, wanting to destroy the world. Another war will be on their doorstep, but they"re better prepared this time...aren"t they?
A Mother"s Love Endures Through All by Jacky_Of_All_Trades
Fandoms: Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
07 Sep 2020
Judar loved his son enough to follow Al-Thamen"s orders. And although he didn"t like the orders, he had to do it so that his son could survive.
- Part 33 of Multiverse of Madness
Memories of the Red Eyes by Jacky_Of_All_Trades
Fandoms: Naruto, Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
09 Aug 2020
Otsutsuki Indra.
Uchiha Madara.
What did these men have in common?
The fact that one is the founder, and the other two his reincarnations.
Each one being branded as a villain.
- Part 27 of Multiverse of Madness
"Are you lost?"
...Well, that was the understatement of the century.
You had a life all your own, a prince, and then suddenly fate or magic, or both-- decided to play a trick on you. Now you"re trapped and have no way out. But, do you REALLY want to escape? Or do you want to conquer? -
Les Kowait, peuple nomade aux membres étranges. Branche des Torran, mémoire de ce nouveau monde, ils le parcourent en purifiant les Rukhs avec leurs prières. Lei, princesse héritière, décide de découvrir le monde d"un regard neuf, et solitaire. Voici son histoire et ceux de son monde. Leur combat pour la vie, contre la mort et une secte millénaire.
[/!\ Alerte spoils scans /!\]
Judar doesn"t know what he was thinking when he finds two children under a peach tree.
- Part 1 of To Obtain Freedom