Zhie's Bunniverse (AKA The Purple Plot Bunny AU)

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Bunniverse (2001-Present) is a series that spans from the Elves leaving Cuivienen all the way to getting back to Valinor again and into the Fifth Age. It currently contains 400 stories (mostly written by Zhie, but with some pieces co-authored and authored by others), and strives to tie together as much of the accepted canon of bookverse, movieverse, and gameverse, as well as additional pieces of the legendarium (eg., earlier characters such as Nielíqui and Finrun) and a stuffed purple rabbit named Nibbles. It is heavily elf-centric, but there are some stories about Hobbits, Men, Dwarves, Ainur, and the occasional little balrog or goat. The most recognizable stories in Bunniverse are Unforgettable, The Purple Plot Bunnies, Fluff'n'Stuff, Recovery, Consequences, Choices, Citius Altius Fortius, and For You, I'll Cross the Sea.


Additional notes about Bunniverse stories, including a timeline while stories are being imported into AO3 can be found at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1R7e1nky65lxhvfIabDX7n_TbknuhMH0m4eero6A-GC0/edit?usp=sharing - questions about Bunniverse can be directed to Zhie (see profile for more info). You can easily find me on the Bunniverse Discord Server-The very latest updates, plus 'behind the scenes' info

The seed of Bunniverse was sown on December 19, 2001, in a George Webb's diner after dark, and for almost a year dozens of stories were conceived and told verbally to small audiences. The written works began to be recorded in 2002. The first story officially written in the continuity is 'Friendly Wagers'. The first completed story in the continuity is 'Blue Ribbon'. It was referred to as the PPB-AU (Purple Plot Bunny Alternate Universe) in reference to The Purple Plot Bunnies until c.2007, when Smaug suggested Bunniverse as a shorter alternative. At one point, stories were edited to fit in with the tales from The Purple Plot Bunnies, but stories are now being edited to fit to the epic Unforgettable. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find two or more versions of the same story. (Choices has the most individual versions, with over twelve.)

Stories posted on Phoenix are typically v.2 unless otherwise noted; AO3 should be considered the latest or final versions of stories. Not all stories are posted to AO3 as of yet.

Note: This does NOT mean the characters are bunnies - apparently that has been an ongoing confusion for some - it's based on the idea of plot bunnies & a plush rabbit named Nibbles who appears in some stories.

Want to read something fun? Here's an article from Slate about the longest Tolkien fanfic (it's not mine, but it mentions Bunniverse!)

Want to read something else fun? Here's an article from Silmarillion Writer's Guild with some Bunniverse history as it relates to Peter Jackson's live-action adaptations.


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