Little Shop of HSM
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Ryan sighed to himself. Normally this would call for some classic Evans twin sleuthing. If Sharpay were in his shoes she'd be halfway through some over-the-top scheme to trick Troy into opening up to her. He could already see the sparkly pink journal heading now— How to Charm a Teenaged Boy: 12 Easy Steps to Finding His Soft Side. She probably still had notes left over from last summer.
But this was different, and Ryan knew that wasn't an option.
Chad invites Ryan over to watch Little Shop of Horrors and they both fight toxic masculinity and gay panic for like an hour and a half.
- Part 1 of Little Shop of HSM
Chad rolled his eyes. “Ryan,” he said, squeezing his friend's hand. “Do you wanna stay the night with me?”
Ryan felt his chest seize, anxiety already spiking. He wasn't sure where his and Chad's relationship was at the moment. Whenever he got the chance to ask, he was scared to ruin how perfect things were.
Still, if there was anything that would get the ball rolling, it was spending the night together. And he was feeling lucky tonight. “If you insist,” he sighed, “I'd be happy to stay.”
Chad lets Ryan sleep over to make their morning easier, but they both have to make it through the night first. Sequel to Grow With Me.
- Part 2 of Little Shop of HSM
“Do you wanna be the little spoon?” asked Chad, peeking over Ryan's shoulder.
“Oh absolutely.” He pulled the comforter over both their shoulders and settled easily with Chad's chin resting on top of his head. He was getting better at holding Chad, getting used to the places where his arms fit snugly, getting all wrapped up in that warm sensation of skin on skin.
Chad made the first move.
Ryan has a lot to talk through with Chad the morning after their first sleepover. Well. Not exactly a lot. More like one big thing...
- Part 3 of Little Shop of HSM