The Dragon Lord
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"He bears Sorey’s face. His features. The same mop of messy brown hair that sticks up like a rooster’s ruffled feathers. The same verdant eyes that would sparkle with a brilliance whenever he got too excited about the ruins of old...
But it’s not him. It hasn’t been for the past seven years."- Entry from The Diary of Alisha Diphda, dated 19th Day of Month of Harvest C.C. 242
No one is sure what caused the Age of Seraphim to come to an end, whether it was by some calamity of nature, or by some illness of man. The records were thought to be lost, abandoned by time, until now.
- Part 1 of The Dragon Lord
Before, all she wanted was for the Dragon Lord to live as Sorey again. Now, all she wanted was for the Dragon Lord to die as Sorey at last.
- Part 2 of The Dragon Lord