Matthew and Alastair: Burying the Hatchet
Series Metadata
Listing Series
Prices & Vices (I End Up in Crisis) by thegirlofthorns
Fandoms: The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare, The Last Hours Series - Cassandra Clare
18 Feb 2023
"For some reason he couldn’t identify, Matthew felt such bitterness well up inside his chest. Of course Alastair would leave; of course Matthew would realize, belatedly, that he did not want to be left alone, that even a man as loathsome as Alastair Carstairs would be better company than nothing but tremors and Christopher’s potion and his own vomit, and-
'This will help a bit.'"
Or, the one where Matthew and Alastair finally reach a truce.Series
Your Flower's Filled With Vitriol by thegirlofthorns
Fandoms: The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare, The Last Hours Series - Cassandra Clare
23 Nov 2023
Alastair confronts Matthew after learning about his Great Sin.
In the Gutter, Looking at the Stars by thegirlofthorns
Fandoms: The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare, The Last Hours Series - Cassandra Clare
10 Sep 2023
"Sometimes, Alastair thought that he wished to speak with someone who had the same little voice that made a cacophony in his head. The voice that sounded so much like Elias Carstairs’, telling him that he was a worthless little fool. The voice that sounded somehow like both Charles Fairchild telling him what Alastair owed to him and Augustus Pounceby telling him that the universe owed Alastair nothing.
He had no idea that such a person was closer than he thought."
Or, the one where Alastair and Matthew discuss what would now be known as cPTSD.
- Part 2 of Alastember 2023
- Part 3 of Matthew and Alastair: Burying the Hatchet