Before the past
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He had subconsciously ran to his safe place, the one place he knew he could escape to.
Except, Will had ruined it. He knows he did, and as much as he had regretted ruining his safe place, in the moment of anger and hurt, Will would have done it a thousand times over.
The ruins of Castle Byers was supposed to be what he was seeing, the damaged wood walls, the torn down sticks and branches and the old blankets and tarps should have been rotting.
But that is not what he is looking at, not even close.
Instead, someone has rebuilt Castle Byers to look almost identical to how it was originally made.
Or the one where Will comes out to his brother, Will and Mike share a bed, Will gets possessed and discovers something new about himself, again and somewhere in the middle of it all they fall in love.
- Part 1 of Stanger things
- Part 1 of Before the past
“Sorry, Cameron, I have to go,” Will says and Mike's frown increases.
Cameron?Are you fucking kidding? Why did it have to be him?
“My brother just walked in,” Will rushes out.
What the fuck. Why would Will lie about that? Mike would never be Will’s brother, that’s just wrong.
Or the one where Mike is a jealous, clingy, horny little shit the whole time, has to watch as Will is taken by Vecna, twice, and comes to realise that he may have been in love with his best friend the whole time. It sure would explain a few things.
- Part 2 of Stanger things
- Part 2 of Before the past
“I kissed Will.”
They all pause, turning to face him. Robin’s face drops as she groans loudly, Steve cheering over the top of her.
“Hand it over Buckley,” he demands with a grin. Eddie rolls his eyes at their antics and sinks further into the bed, still holding Steve’s arm while Robin grumbles and searches through her pockets.
She pulls out a five-dollar bill and slaps it into Steve’s open palm.
Or the one where they finally throw Will his surprise party, tell some people about their relationship and make out some more.
- Part 3 of Before the past
- Part 3 of Stanger things
Another love (Español Translation) by Jimin_Jay, Youngcreature28
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
12 Aug 2022
Había corrido inconscientemente a su lugar seguro, el único lugar al que sabía que podía escapar. Excepto que Will lo había arruinado. Él sabía que lo había hecho, y por mucho que se arrepintiera de arruinar su lugar seguro, en el momento de la ira y el dolor, Will lo habría hecho mil veces.
Se suponía que las ruinas de Castle Byers eran lo que estaba viendo, las paredes de madera dañadas, los palos y ramas derribados y las viejas mantas y lonas deberían haberse estado pudriendo.
Pero eso no era lo que estaba viendo, ni siquiera de cerca.
En cambio, alguien había reconstruido Castle Byers para que se viera casi idéntico a cómo era originalmente.
O en el que Will sale del armario con su hermano, Will y Mike comparten una cama, Will es poseído, otra vez y descubre algo nuevo sobre sí mismo, y en algún lugar en medio de todo, se enamoran.
- Part 4 of Before the past
- Part 7 of Stanger things
Love, Mike (Español Translation) by Jimin_Jay, Youngcreature28
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
05 Jun 2023
—Lo siento, Cameron, tengo que irme. —dijo Will y el ceño fruncido de Mike aumentó.
¿Cameron? ¿Está bromeando? ¿Por qué tenía que ser él?
—Mi hermano acaba de entrar. —se apresuró Will a decir.
¿Qué mierda? ¿Por qué Will mentiría sobre eso? Mike nunca sería el hermano de Will, eso estaba muy mal.
O en el que Mike es un celoso, pegajoso y cachondo de mierda todo el tiempo, tiene que ver cómo Will es llevado por Vecna, dos veces, y se da cuenta de que puede haber estado enamorado de su mejor amigo todo el tiempo.
Seguro que eso explicaría algunas cosas.
- Part 5 of Before the past
- Part 8 of Stanger things