Herding Cats
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Obi-Wan would do anything he could to make Anakin happy, even if that meant spending hours every day directing a laser pointer around the room for his young – far too young – Padawan to chase. Within the same moment he had lost his mentor, become a knight, and gained not only a student of his own, but the most powerful and controversial Padawan learner in recent or distant memory.
And that wasn't even taking into account his lothchild heritage – and the fact that, according to Qui-Gon's reports, the boy's mother was a perfectly average baseline human, and swore profusely that no father was involved in her son's conception – lothchild or otherwise.
"I guess the Force wanted its Chosen One to have cute ears and a fluffy tail," Master Windu had said sardonically.
Or, the story of how a freshly knighted Obi-Wan Kenobi found One Easy Trick to entertain his rambunctious half-cat Padawan - a Catawan, if you will.
- Part 1 of Herding Cats
In the middle of the tableau, atop a console full of wildly flashing buttons, sat a large, black mass, as if the shadows of the room had all converged together to form into this one sacred shape.
“Lord Vader,” one of the officers began. “Please, sir, would you be willing to get down from the console? It’s only that in your current seat you are incidentally pressing many buttons at once, and we’re afraid that something catastrophic might happen.”
Lord Vader leaned his weight back against the buttons, stretching a leg out in front of him; an alarm light began flashing overhead.
“Little gods, we’re going to die.”
Or, the story of how an overly enthusiastic stormtrooper became the
petpersonal assistant to Lord Vader, a man with many unique and catlike qualities who is also definitely not actually a cat.Series
- Part 2 of Herding Cats