The Magic of Friendship Grows

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When Cody chooses to trust and protect Anakin over Obi-Wan, this leads to a cascade of change among the clones and the Jedi. Bonds are formed, things change, and a new path has opened up through the war.

In the meantime, Sidious works to keep the control he has so long maintained on the galaxy to see his ultimate goal through. As a direct result of the fallout between Obi-Wan and Cody, he leads the galaxy on a darker path, but that doesn't mean there isn't hope.


Totally Pro Jedi. If you think the Jedi were wrong about emotions, this series is not for you.

Timeline is a mess and vague as heck. I'm pretty sure it's prolonged the war longer than in canon lol.

I should probably note that later in the series it gets far Darker before it gets better. But I'm not giving more than that, not just because I don't want to give it away but because I don't want to spoil any of the twists this takes.

No Codywan endgame. Just wasn't going to happen after the way they broke up.

As of May 25, 2022, all currently written missing scenes are added to the series! So I am declaring this series complete! Unless I come back and write some of the other short missing scenes at some point.

The Extra oneshots will be numbered in where they fall in the timeline as best I can, so that it is easy to just read through in order for anyone new, or for anyone looking to reread. If you have saved a bookmark with a number on where you left off, be warned that it may no longer be accurate in a week or two.

Sequel/epilogue series here:

AUs of this universe found here:


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