Empire of the Dawn
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Empire of the Dawn by SS47_GoT
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
26 Jul 2021
Six years after the destruction of King's Landing, winter finally begins to lift. The Six Kingdoms of Westeros are falling apart. Tyrion Lannister, Hand of the King, tries his best, but he is hamstrung by the disinterest and unforgiving cruelty of the Broken King, and the disdain of the Lords of Westeros for either his allegiance to, or betrayal of, the Mad Queen.
In the North, Sansa Stark holds the North firm, but plots are in motion that threaten her rule over her newly independent Kingdom. And further still, beyond the Wall, cold winds rise once more, and a threat thought defeated begins to walk in the white once more.
In Essos, from the borders of the Shadow in the furthest east, to the shores of the Narrow Sea in the west, the continent has united beneath the flag of the reborn Great Empire of the Dawn, its rule secured by professional legions, and an army of dragons.
When Tyrion and Davos set sail to treat with the Empress, they are reminded of one truth: death is not always the end of life. And the fate of the world rests in the hands of the Princess who was Promised, the Second Amethyst Empress...
Daenerys Targaryen.
- Part 1 of Empire of the Dawn