tumblr prompts
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“You know,” Rose said, tucking the blanket tighter around her shoulders, “when you said you had something special in mind for New Year’s I didn’t think you meant Earth. Not in a million years. And it’s not even- about to blow up, or get overrun by big old-” She broke off, laughing. “Snake aliens or something, I dunno.”
She leaned her shoulder against the Doctor's for a second, just a quick bump, and then back.
- Part 1 of tumblr prompts
Jamie stared at the wood of the door, and, putting it together for the first time as he said it, asked slowly, “Why do I think we’re on Culloden?”
After a moment’s silence, the Doctor said, “Oh.”
- Part 2 of tumblr prompts
When your memories are taken from you and then suddenly returned, all at once, they’re not in various degrees of fade, like they should be naturally. Each little thing is just as sharp as the next, and Jamie remembered everything.
Jamie is back with the Doctor, but all he can notice is how much their years apart post-War Games have changed him.
- Part 3 of tumblr prompts
“Well, I could go on and tell you that it’s not a common human cold," he said. "Probably have trouble even recognizing the pathogen, you. Or any of your doctors, for that matter. Functions in a completely different way. And I could tell you that ‘cos of that it wouldn’t matter how much butter you used on the toast. Could’ve put a whole knob on. Wouldn’t make a difference. But I reckon what I want to tell you is thank you.”
9 comes down with something; Rose is more than happy to look after him.
- Part 4 of tumblr prompts