The Sea's Song
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Percy was in a new room; the other was a bloodstained crime-scene. It was a nicer room and a nicer bed than the one he had occupied earlier, the least the hospital could do for the child they had practically forgotten about and allowed to be attacked by a random, unannounced visitor. Cops flanked the outside of the door, stationed there for the foreseeable future.
Poseidon thought bitterly that it was a little late – the damage had been done and the child in the bed looked dead.
(Check out the series description for some background context on this AU).Series
- Part 1 of The Sea's Song
It's Percy's first day of school.
Poseidon has a lot of ~feelings~Series
- Part 2 of The Sea's Song
Percy wakes up to a whale's cry on the beach outside his home; he helps, and his father helps, because that's what they do.
(See series description for a tiny bit of background info on the AU and any other works - cross posted on :D)
- Part 3 of The Sea's Song