"To Have and to Hold" / Norman Conquest Reylo
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To Have and to Hold by bunilicious
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
31 Jul 2018
“Your husband is gravely injured, my lady.”
The envoy’s words should have pleased Lady Rey. After all, her husband was one of the dreaded Norman barons who invaded her beloved country and claimed the lands in the name of the bastard who now called himself king. Ben Solo had stormed her uncle’s keep, killed all the men who opposed their new conquerors, and claimed the stronghold for his own.
He took the keep, he took the surrounding lands and, at the new king’s orders, took Rey to wife.
Rey should have hated him. But, in the six months following their hasty and undesirable marriage, Rey found that hatred for her new husband was the furthest emotion from her heart and mind.
Historical AU
From This Day Forward by bunilicious for Atchamb7
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
14 Dec 2019
Everyone had told him that it would be impossible for her to love him.
After all, on the day he met Lady Rey, he was covered in her uncle’s blood as he laid claim to her family’s home.
He’d been a conqueror in the eyes of his men, but in hers he was an invader. A Norman dog, as she’d called him the moment he had her brought before him to surrender her stronghold.
Everyone was wrong.
Historical AU