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Jehan's cat dies and Montparnasse doesn't know what to say.
- Part 1 of Requited
The Café Musain isn’t open all night, but it’s hours are pretty damn close and it’s the late-night hours of the Musain that Courfeyrac loves the most. It is in these late-night hours that he and Bossuet have argued over the finer points of Irish coffee, that Bahorel once got in that fist fight with that homophobic douche and wiped the floor with him, that Combeferre and Joly would try to explain to Enjolras why his body still needed sleep and food (despite his insistence that it didn’t). In the late-night hours, Musichetta invited Bossuet home with her and Joly for the first time and Feuilly allowed Courfeyrac to play his wingman as they flirted with the freshman and sophomore girls who came in for late night snacks.
And for the last month, the late-night hours are when Courfeyrac is most likely to see Flower Boy.
- Part 2 of Requited