It's the 20s and Everyone's Queer
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Tigers Aren’t Gentlemen by beachkid (binz), binz, shiplizard
Fandoms: Dresden Files - Jim Butcher, Jeeves - P. G. Wodehouse, Dresden Files - All Media Types
09 Sep 2011
Bertie Wooster's in the supernatural soup! After a swinging party in New York leaves him accidentally affianced to an elven heiress with more than the usual amount of matrimonial influence to throw around, where's a young gent to turn? Why, to old acquaintance Harold 'Mimsy' Dresden, part time investigator, part time stage magician, full time wizard. Together they'll have to scuttle Bertie's engagement and solve the mystery of a missing sword that could completely upend the New York social scene. In their corner they have their manservants--the inimitable Jeeves and the Machiavellian Johnson--as well as a tiny bouncer, a massive bookseller, and a shady informant who likes his payment in dirty novels. Arrayed against them are Mimsy's parole officer and Bertie's fellow suitors. Oh, and the entire might of the Old Families, those inscrutable Unseelie socialites who can't touch iron and won't ever let you out of a debt... or an engagement.
- Part 1 of It's the 20s and Everyone's Queer