Game of Thrones themed Marvel fics
Series Metadata
Listing Series
A Khaleesi for Calamity by CandyassGoth
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Game of Thrones (TV), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
22 Mar 2014
With war rising against the Vanir, Odin and Thor offer Loki to Khal Heimdall of Himinbjörg in exchange for his aid and his mighty army. Loki is glad to be able to help the war and save his people from destruction, and thank Odin for saving him from death as a babe, but he"s no less frightened of the might of his new husband and position.
- Part 1 of Game of Thrones themed Marvel fics
Blood Magic by CandyassGoth
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Thor - All Media Types, Game of Thrones (TV), Norse Religion & Lore
19 May 2014
King Thor of Asgard has a weakness in which even peasants surpass him—he cannot conceive children. After numerous disheartening failed attempts, his last hope for a solution is the suspicious witch king on Mount Loptr.
- Part 2 of Game of Thrones themed Marvel fics