Gundam Wing Big Bang 2013
Works from the 2013 round of Gundam Wing Big Bang.
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Recent works
Wufei owns a coffee shop; Duo doesn't have a secret talent for baking.
Life after wartime is different but not easier. Relena tries to control an unruly ESUN, and Heero and Wufei work world security with the Preventers, still led by Une. The rest of the pilots go their own way -- Quatre learning the ropes of the family business from his sisters, Duo working in space salvage, and Trowa heading to university. It's uneasy but at least it's peace.
After an unexpected and violent terrorist attack on the Mars terraforming project involves a Gundam, the pilots are grounded -- tagged, chipped, and told to remain on Earth until the attack can be solved. Duo is the only one that runs. Wufei wants to know why, Heero just wants to be the first to find him, and everyone's personal relationship drama gets in the way.
When Quatre falls apart after a mission he discovers that Trowa has the answers, though they aren't always the ones that Quatre wants to hear.
They had dreams, of being a doctor and a musician. Museums in Europe. Applause in New York. Pride. Accolades.
--I wasn’t supposed to be here.--
But “here” was where Heero and Trowa found themselves: the Pacific theatre, in the sweltering heat of the Philippines. They found themselves in the rough confines of a prisoner camp where, for some, the differences between guard and guarded were small at best.
Cruelty and the worst of mischance brought them together; or perhaps it was fate.