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[fanvid] one wrong turn
marquisguyun_art (marquisguyun)
A fanvid set to One Wrong Turn by Alex Benjamin.
- For Rhea.
Content warnings for Cops, Blood, Explosions, Vehicular Manslaughter, Repeated deaths due to time loop
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
I chose this song less for the lyrics and more because I feel like it hits several of the same beats of the drama: cause and effect of peoples actions (intentional or not), people having more things going on internally than you originally realize, and a great plot twist!
thattimeloopguy, random_squiggle, dearspxtnik04, AurumCalendula, akiv, Avengerbunny, RevolutionaryJo, sternenschnuppendrachenschicksal, sandalwoodbox, absternr, thingswithwings, bingeling, FairestCat, felisnocturna, Josette_Arnauld, kit123, cupidsbow, Teuthida, inimitablereel, starlady, theofficialdramallama, runawaynun, eruthros, swizzlespoon, achray, Rhea, and icarus_chained as well as 2 guests left kudos on this work!