beyond evil fics that are 😚
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i"d suffer hell if you"d tell me what you"d do to me tonight by ltyrell
Fandoms: 괴물 | Beyond Evil (TV)
10 Feb 2023
A police fundraiser puts Han Juwon and Lee Dongsik in the same room at the same time, before everything.
[or: flirting with that handsome stranger at the bar gets a lot more high stakes once you realize he"s the son of your boss, technically]
Han Joowon goes to Lee Dongsik when he"s ready.
But is he?
“When are you going to bring us a girlfriend to meet, huh?”
Juwon looks, oh fuck, he looks hurt. Like he’s been slapped, shocked, dunked in cold water. Worse.
“Or–or a boyfriend! We wouldn’t judge. You know, I had a boyfriend, once.” He winces. This is not what he was trying to do.
Juwon dates. It drives Dongsik crazy.
Juwon shivers. “Stop that,” he says, closing his hand around Dongsik’s.
Dongsik tilts his head, blinking up at him. “It’s "stop this" and "stop that," isn’t it? What do you want me to do?”
Juwon reddens, further, at what he’d been hoping for. He doesn’t know what he was picturing—maybe a silent fuck, with no words whispered, but simply the mechanics of going through it, and then washing himself carefully and never talking about it again—but watching Dongsik now, he knows it’s going to be more complicated than that.
Juwon wants. This is what happens when he voices that desire.
Five moments that did not happen between Lee Dong Sik and Han Joo Won, and one that still might. A Five Things AU. (AKA five AUs that almost got written.)
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They were three.
Joo Won, Dong Sik and their daughter. -
“When you’re really worked up, you start speaking English. It’s attractive. Especially in bed.” Dongsik says, grinning at the embarrassed look Juwon shoots at him. “I’m curious. I don’t know much English, but you grew up in England. You never talk about it.”
Juwon sits with the question for a moment, staring out the windshield. The reeds are golden in the sunlight, sibilant in the wind. Their pungent scent carries, and Dongsik smiles despite it. He’s grown used to this view, obstructed by Han Juwon. It’s Juwon that he stares at, and it’s Juwon who is the subject of his unending fascination.
Bookmarked by frances_and_the_moon
21 Apr 2024
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5 Times Lee Dong Sik slept with someone involved with his sister"s murder and 1 Time he didn"t.
Bookmarked by Jimingotnojams7
21 Feb 2024
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Beyond evil