Apocalyptothon 2015
(Open, Unmoderated, Gift Exchange Challenge)
Recent works
After Captain America Dies by spiderfire for flipflop_diva
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
08 Aug 2015
The Captain America exhibit at the Smithsonian was, predictably, packed. The sidewalk outside the building had become a shrine. People had taped letters of thanks to the marble wall, posed action figures and stuffed animals, left flowers on the ground all along the block. There were candles, pictures of Captain America with civilians, vintage Captain America comic books.
that's great it starts with... by afrocurl for Maidenjedi
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The West Wing
01 Aug 2015
Coulson had been pushing off his cover for a few weeks in order to better understand what was at risk right now, how dangerous the threat was. There were indicators that someone with access to the Bifrost was inching closer and closer to Earth with more than just their otherworldly power at their heel. There were spies in Asgard who were saying Loki was up to something while his brother and father were off fighting in another realm.
Clive has a certain focus, and only when Seattle gets more weird than usual is he finally let in on the secret.
“It’s very lovely here,” Yusuf says, ambling beside her, where he’s always been. “You must have been building it for a long time.”
“I think I’ve been building it all my life,” she tells him, again.
Tauriel meets Kíli again, but he doesn't remember her. Can she bear to start over?