Twistmas 2020 - A Dark Remix Xmas Fest
Welcome to Twistmas 2020 - A Dark Remix Xmas Fest! Our holiday-inspired writing fest intended for our lovely members in The Slytherin Cabal and Dramione Fanfiction Forum. Participation is simple.
1) Choose a prompt to twist and claim it
2) Choose from eligible characters
3) WRITE! A 1,000-15,000 self-contained storyline that has never been published elsewhere is required.
(Closed, Moderated, Unrevealed, Anonymous, Prompt Meme Challenge)
Random works
Andromeda is living her best life with her husband Ted five years after she left home. An unexpected Christmas gift proves to her why she left in the first place.
Newly engaged, Draco comes up with a new Christmas tradition to spend every Christmas Eve with his friends, each taking turns to host. Hermione is on board, knowing they spend too little time with the Slytherins. However, this first year, it's Pansy's turn to host the dinner and not all is as it seems.
Scorpius and Albus's snowball fight gets interrupted by something far more deadly.
- Part 191 of Drabbles and OneShots
Fresh. Crisp. Nostalgic.
Even with a recent coating of snow, lingering flakes still floating in the air, the scent was unmistakable. Hermione cherished the aroma more so than most others. She supposed cedar might top it, simply because her two favorite men donned the scent so regularly. However, the fresh fragrance of pine would always hold a special place deep within her heart.
But this forest and the Austrian pines were, by far, her favorite.
Written for Twistmas 2020 - Prompt:
Narcissa Marie Malfoy had very few family members she liked entirely. One was Andromeda, another was her little cousin Regulus, and the other was her godfather, Lord Adlous Drosselmeyer. They all shared that Christmas was their favorite holiday, which made the Winter of 1971 that much more hard - Andromeda had been exiled and Regulus was starting to be introduced to what bearing the Black name came with. Narcissa knew she would have a horrible time at home having to live up to the expectations her parents had for her this holiday, but she didn't think cherry on top of the acid filled sundae that was her Christmas, would come in the form of Drosselmeyer's nephew: Lucius Abraxas Malfoy.A boy she hated.