Supercorp 10k

Supercorp 10k
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Active avoidance of thoughts & intimacy recognizes the possibility of intimacy. Kara has doubts & feels a lot of guilt. Lena is confusing, but is always here & present.or:
Kara tells Lena that she’s Supergirl, but Lena already knows. Things are awkward & unfamiliar & not them for a while, until it’s not.
lena has the ability to see how dangerous people are by the numbers over their head. one day she meets the new HR woman at lunch - she's a ten in more ways than one
Who knew that bumping into a stranger in a bar could turn into this?
Or Kara meets Lena at a bar then Lena pretends to be her girlfriend to get rid of Mike.
"Kara will hate her. Kara may never forgive her. Lena accepts that as she looks at the bloody mess on her torso. Even before Lex sent his goon to finish her, Lena knew that she would willingly die for Supergirl. Die for Kara. She will not accept any other alternatives. With sluggish movements, Lena writes down what she could not bear to say out loud.
I’m the lucky one for having your voice be the last one I heard. I love you.
- Lena"When Lena finds herself in grave danger and forced to choose between herself and Supergirl, she knows the choice is obvious. She accepts death. Little does she know the lengths Kara would go to keep her safe.
With her brother after her life yet again, Lena Luthor requests the protection of Supergirl until they can figure out who he's hired to kill her and how to bring them down.