BangsGiving 22

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Recent works
Staring at the Sun by JRC10 for ddddaaaannnniiii_ii
Fandoms: Outlander (TV), Outlander Series - Diana Gabaldon
04 Dec 2022
James Fraser is an engineer who's been aboard the International Space Station for the last three months. When a new flight surgeon, Dr. Claire Beauchamp, joins him on the ISS, she knocks his entire world off its axis.
The Fabulous Mr Fraser by AussieOutlander
Fandoms: Outlander Series - Diana Gabaldon, Outlander (TV)
24 Nov 2022
It's the day before Thanksgiving and Claire Beauchamp Randall is taking her daughter, Marsali, an aspiring model, to her first-ever photoshoot.
It's there she meets the fabulous, World famous photographer, Mr. James Fraser.
Antics ensue. -
Between Day and Night by JRC10 for the2ofusnow
Fandoms: Outlander Series - Diana Gabaldon, Outlander (TV)
16 Nov 2022
Jamie is living in his cave, hunting by night for those still at Lallybroch and struggling to survive the long, lonely days without Claire. He falls ill with a harsh cold, altering his state of mind, disrupting his tenuous hold on the small bit of stability he's created in the year and half since Culloden.
- Part 3 of Time Is Never Planned
You Can’t Sleep Out Here by JRC10
Fandoms: Outlander Series - Diana Gabaldon, Outlander (TV)
10 Nov 2022
A smuttier version of the Rent scene where Claire finds Jamie sleeping outside her door (mostly from the book).
- Part 2 of Time Is Never Planned
Do You Feel Yourself Content? by JRC10
Fandoms: Outlander Series - Diana Gabaldon, Outlander (TV)
06 Nov 2022
This takes place when John brings Willie to visit Fraser’s Ridge in Drums of Autumn.
Claire lies in bed near where Jamie and John are having an affectionate late night game of chess. Claire ruminates on John and Jamie’s relationship, stewing in jealousy and insecurity, causing her to act out with petty impulsivity…but she wasn’t expecting her actions to lead to revelations about life, and more importantly, herself.
- Part 4 of Time Is Never Planned