Work Text:
Adaar finally mustered up enough courage to get down on one knee...
Beesz, elfrootdealer, Lost_In_WLW_Thoughts, FalconRat, LesusCode, ea_phoenix, ursa_minor_o0_fall_and_major_chord_0o, isendir, Dandypandafangirl8, Mighty_Penguin_96, beanssenpai, Lemurian_Cutie, tamales, Wsrj_Fang, Graceful_Panda, LobeliaSB, Azzyew, kvella, ShiningSophie, cadashing, vendettadays, venatohru, Toshi_Nama, ghostbunny, Mytha, SarcoLaniar, kaijuburgers, hollyand, Raflesia65, Wintertree, amarmeme, midnightprelude, MyrddinDerwydd, truebluemoon, the_invisible_self, coarseCorsair, and manka as well as 5 guests left kudos on this work!