These are some of the most popular tags used in the collection.
- 17th Century
- 18th Century
- 1920s
- 1930s
- 1950s
- 1960s
- 1980s
- 1990s
- 19th Century
- 2010s
- 20th Century
- Abandonment
- Abduction
- Ableism
- Abuse
- Abusive Relationships
- Accidental Marriage
- Accidental Relationship
- Accidents
- Acting
- Action
- Action & Romance
- Action/Adventure
- Actor Merlin (Merlin)
- Actors
- Addiction
- Additional Warnings Apply
- Additional Warnings In Author's Note
- Adult Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Adults
- Adventure
- Adventure & Romance
- Advice
- Aes Sídhe | Aos Sí (Irish Folklore)
- Affection
- Affectionate Insults
- After Camlann Merlin Big Bang (Merlin)
- After Camlann Merlin Big Bang 2015 (Merlin)
- After Camlann Merlin Big Bang 2018 (Merlin)
- After Camlann Merlin Big Bang 2020 (Merlin)
- After Camlann Merlin Big Bang 2021 (Merlin)
- After Camlann Merlin Big Bang 2022 (Merlin)
- After Camlann Merlin Big Bang 2023 (Merlin)
- After Camlann Merlin Big Bang 2024 (Merlin)
- Afterlife
- Age Difference
- Age Regression/De-Aging
- Alaska
- Alcohol
- Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism
- Alliances
- Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
- Altered Mental States
- Altered States
- Alternate Reality
- Alternate Season/Series
- Alternate Season/Series 03
- Alternate Season/Series 04
- Alternate Timelines
- Alternate Universe
- Alternate Universe - 1920s
- Alternate Universe - 1950s
- Alternate Universe - 1980s
- Alternate Universe - Alice in Wonderland Fusion
- Alternate Universe - Ancient Greece & Rome
- Alternate Universe - Apocalypse
- Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage
- Alternate Universe - Assassin's Creed Fusion
- Alternate Universe - Ballet
- Alternate Universe - Bands
- Alternate Universe - Bridgerton (TV) Fusion
- Alternate Universe - Canon
- Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
- Alternate Universe - Career
- Alternate Universe - Circus
- Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés
- Alternate Universe - College/University
- Alternate Universe - Criminals
- Alternate Universe - Dance
- Alternate Universe - Detectives
- Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting
- Alternate Universe - Dragons
- Alternate Universe - Dystopia
- Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies
- Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale
- Alternate Universe - Fantasy
- Alternate Universe - Food Service
- Alternate Universe - Football
- Alternate Universe - Fusion
- Alternate Universe - Future
- Alternate Universe - Gender Changes
- Alternate Universe - Ghost Hunters
- Alternate Universe - Ghosts
- Alternate Universe - Gladiators
- Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting
- Alternate Universe - His Dark Materials Fusion
- Alternate Universe - Historical
- Alternate Universe - Hogwarts
- Alternate Universe - Hunters
- Alternate Universe - Love Rosie (2014) Fusion
- Alternate Universe - Mad Max Fusion
- Alternate Universe - Magic
- Alternate Universe - Medical
- Alternate Universe - Merpeople
- Alternate Universe - Military
- Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
- Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic
- Alternate Universe - Music
- Alternate Universe - Music Store
- Alternate Universe - No Powers
- Alternate Universe - Non-Magical
- Alternate Universe - Office
- Alternate Universe - Pirate
- Alternate Universe - Pirates of the Caribbean Fusion
- Alternate Universe - Post-Apocalypse
- Alternate Universe - Post-Canon
- Alternate Universe - Reality Show
- Alternate Universe - Regency
- Alternate Universe - Reincarnation
- Alternate Universe - Retail
- Alternate Universe - Rock Band
- Alternate Universe - Royalty
- Alternate Universe - School
- Alternate Universe - Science Fiction
- Alternate Universe - Showbusiness
- Alternate Universe - Soulmates
- Alternate Universe - Spies & Secret Agents
- Alternate Universe - Sports
- Alternate Universe - Star Wars Fusion
- Alternate Universe - Star Wars Setting
- Alternate Universe - Steampunk
- Alternate Universe - Stripper/Exotic Dancer
- Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements
- Alternate Universe - Teenagers
- Alternate Universe - Terminator Fusion
- Alternate Universe - Time Travel
- Alternate Universe - Vampire
- Alternate Universe - Victorian
- Alternate Universe - Vikings
- Alternate Universe - Western
- Alternate Universe - White Collar (TV 2009) Fusion
- Alternate Universe - Wings
- Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse
- Alternate Universe - Zombies
- Ambiguity
- Ambiguous/Open Ending
- Amnesia
- Amputation
- Anachronistic
- Anal
- Anal Fingering
- Anal Play
- Anal Sex
- Ancient History
- Anger
- Angry Merlin (Merlin)
- Angst
- Angst and Feels
- Angst and Fluff and Smut
- Angst and Humor
- Angst and Hurt/Comfort
- Angst with a Happy Ending
- Animal Sacrifice
- Animal Transformation
- Animals
- Animated GIFs
- Animation
- Antarctica
- Anxiety
- Anxiety Disorder
- AO3 Tags - Freeform
- Apocalypse
- Archaeology
- Aromantic
- Aromantic Asexual Leon (Merlin)
- Arranged Marriage
- Art
- Arthur Pendragon Finds Out About Merlin's Magic (Merlin)
- Arthur Pendragon Has Issues (Merlin)
- Arthur Pendragon Has Magic (Merlin)
- Arthur Pendragon Has Self-Esteem Issues (Merlin)
- Arthur Pendragon Knows About Merlin's Magic (Merlin)
- Arthur Pendragon Knows About Morgana's Magic (Merlin)
- Arthur Pendragon Needs a Hug (Merlin)
- Arthur Pendragon Returns (Merlin)
- Arthur Pendragon Wears Glasses (Merlin)
- Arthurian
- Arthurian Gift Exchange
- Artist Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Artist Merlin (Merlin)
- Artists
- Asexual Character
- Asexuality
- Asexuality Spectrum
- Asphyxiation
- Assassination
- Assassination Attempt(s)
- Assassins & Hitmen
- Assault
- Athlete Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Athletes
- Attempt at Humor
- Attempted Murder
- Attempted Rape/Non-Con
- Attempted Sexual Assault
- Audio Content
- Audio Format: MP3
- Audio Format: Streaming
- Austria
- Autism
- Autism Spectrum
- Autistic Merlin (Merlin)
- Awesome
- Awesome Gwaine (Merlin)
- Awesome Gwen (Merlin)
- Awesome Hunith (Merlin)
- Awesome Morgana (Merlin)
- Awesome Ygraine de Bois (Merlin)
- Awkward Flirting
- Awkwardness
- Babies
- Background Character Death
- Background Poly
- Background Relationships
- Bad Parent Uther Pendragon (Merlin)
- Bad Parenting
- Bad Puns
- Badass
- Balcony Scene
- BAMF Arthur
- BAMF Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- BAMF Gwaine (Merlin)
- BAMF Gwen (Merlin)
- BAMF Hunith (Merlin)
- BAMF Merlin (Merlin)
- BAMF Morgana (Merlin)
- BAMF Women
- Bands
- Banishment
- Bank Robbery
- Banners & Icons
- Banter
- Barebacking
- Bars and Pubs
- Bartender Merlin (Merlin)
- Bartenders
- Based on a Tumblr Post
- Bath Sex
- Bathing/Washing
- Bats
- Battle Couple
- Bearded Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Beards
- Beards (Facial Hair)
- Because of Reasons
- Beds
- Bedside Vigils
- Best Friends
- Betrayal
- Beverages
- Bickering
- Big Bang Challenge
- Bigotry & Prejudice
- Bird/Human Hybrids
- Birds
- Bisexual Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Bisexual Character
- Bisexuality
- Blades
- Blindfolds
- Blood
- Blood and Gore
- Blood and Injury
- Blood and Violence
- Blood Drinking
- Blow Jobs
- Bodily Fluids
- Body Modification
- Bondage
- Bonding
- Bongs
- Bookstores
- Bottom Arthur
- Bottom Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Bottom Merlin (Merlin)
- Bottoming
- Boys In Love
- Boys Kissing
- Break Up
- Breaking Up & Making Up
- British
- British Comedy
- Bromance
- Brother-Sister Relationships
- Brothers
- Bruises
- Bullying
- Businessman Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Businessmen
- Butt Plugs
- Camelot
- Camping
- Cancer
- Canon Compliant
- Canon Divergence - Episode: s05e13 The Diamond of the Day (Merlin)
- Canon Era
- Canon Het Relationship
- Canon Related
- Canon Relationships
- Canon Rewrite
- Canon Universe
- Canon-Typical Violence
- Canonical Alternate Universe
- Canonical Character Death
- Caper Fic
- Capital Punishment
- Captivity
- Car Accidents
- Caring
- Caring Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Caring Gwen (Merlin)
- Castles
- Casual Sex
- Cat Kilgharrah (Merlin)
- Cats
- Caves
- Celebrations
- Cemetery
- CEO Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Chains
- Changes to Gender or Sex
- Character Death
- Character Death Fix
- Character Study
- Character Turned Into a Ghost
- Chatting & Messaging
- Child Abandonment
- Child Abuse
- Childhood Friends
- Childhood Sweethearts
- Children
- Choose Your Own Adventure
- Christmas
- Chronic Illness
- Cigarettes
- Circus
- Clone Wars (Star Wars)
- Clones
- Closets
- Codependency
- Coercion
- Coffee
- Coffee Shops
- Comedy
- Comic-Con
- Coming of Age
- Coming Out
- Community: aftercamlann (Merlin)
- Community: paperlegends (Merlin)
- Competency
- Competent Merlin (Merlin)
- Computers
- Confessions
- Conflict
- Consensual
- Consensual Infidelity
- Consent
- Consent Issues
- Consort Merlin (Merlin)
- Conspiracy
- Conventions
- Coping
- Correspondence
- Cosplay
- Costumes
- Court Sorcerer Merlin (Merlin)
- Cover Art
- Crack
- Creature Merlin (Merlin)
- Cricket
- Crimes & Criminals
- Crossdressing
- Crossover
- Crossovers & Fandom Fusions
- Cruise Ships
- Crushes
- Crystal Cave (Merlin)
- Cuddling & Snuggling
- Curses
- Cute
- Cybersex
- Daddy Dom Merlin (Kingsman)
- Daddy Kink
- Daemons
- Dancing
- Dancing and Singing
- Dark
- Dark Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Dark Character
- Dark Magic
- Dating
- De-Aged Merlin (Merlin)
- Deaf
- Deaf Character
- Death
- Death Rituals
- Death Threats
- Decapitation
- Deception
- Decisions
- Deities
- Demisexual Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Demisexuality
- Denial
- Denial of Feelings
- Depressed Merlin (Merlin)
- Depression
- Dessert & Sweets
- Destiny
- Detectives
- Developing Relationship
- Difficult Decisions
- Digital Art
- Digital Painting
- Dinosaurs
- Dirty Talk
- Disability
- Disabled Character
- Discovery
- Discrimination
- Disguise
- Dissociation
- Doctors & Physicians
- Dogs
- Dom Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Dom Merlin (Kingsman)
- Dom Original Percival Graves
- Dom/sub
- Dom/sub Undertones
- Domestic
- Domestic Fluff
- Dominance
- Dovahzul (Elder Scrolls)
- Dragon Merlin (Merlin)
- Dragonlord Merlin (Merlin)
- Dragonlords (Merlin)
- Dragons
- Drama
- Drama & Romance
- Drawing
- Dreams
- Dreams and Nightmares
- Dreamsharing
- Drowning
- Drug Addiction
- Drug Use
- Drugs
- Druid Merlin (Merlin)
- Druids
- Drunken Confessions
- Drunkenness
- Dubious Consent
- Dubious Morality
- Dungeon
- During Canon
- Duty
- Dyslexia
- Dystopia
- Ealdor (Merlin)
- Eating Disorders
- Education
- Elvis Impersonator
- Embedded Images
- Emotional
- Emotional Baggage
- Emotional Constipation
- Emotional Hurt/Comfort
- Emotional Manipulation
- Emotional Sex
- Emotional/Psychological Abuse
- Endearments
- Endgame Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Enemies
- Enemies to Friends
- Enemies to Friends to Lovers
- Enemies to Lovers
- England (Country)
- Ensemble Cast
- Epilepsy Warning
- Episode Style
- Episode: s01e10
- Episode: s01e10 The Moment of Truth (Merlin)
- Episode: s01e11
- Episode: s01e11 The Labyrinth of Gedref (Merlin)
- Episode: s01e13
- Episode: s01e13 Le Morte D'Arthur (Merlin)
- Episode: s02e01
- Episode: s02e01 The Curse of Cornelius Sigan (Merlin)
- Episode: s02e03
- Episode: s02e03 The Nightmare Begins (Merlin)
- Episode: s02e04
- Episode: s02e04 Lancelot and Guinevere (Merlin)
- Episode: s02e07
- Episode: s02e07 The Witchfinder (Merlin)
- Episode: s02e08
- Episode: s02e08 The Sins Of The Father (Merlin)
- Episode: s02e13
- Episode: s02e13 The Last Dragonlord (Merlin)
- Episode: s02e22
- Episode: s02e22 The Wire (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
- Episode: s04e03
- Episode: s04e03 The Wicked Day (Merlin)
- Episode: s04e09
- Episode: s04e09 Lancelot du Lac (Merlin)
- Episode: s05e05
- Episode: s05e05 The Disir (Merlin)
- Episode: s05e12
- Episode: s05e12-13 The Diamond of the Day (Merlin)
- Episode: s05e13
- Epistolary
- Espionage
- Established Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
- Established Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Established Relationship
- Estrangement
- Eventual Happy Ending
- Eventual Romance
- Eventual Smut
- Everybody Dies
- Everybody Lives
- Everyone Hates Uther Pendragon (Merlin)
- Everyone Is Alive
- Everyone Knows About Merlin's Magic (Merlin)
- Everyone Loves Merlin (Merlin)
- Evil
- Evil Morgana (Merlin)
- Evil Uther Pendragon (Merlin)
- Excalibur
- Execution
- Exes
- Exhaustion
- Exhibitionism
- Explicit Consent
- Explicit Language
- Explicit Sexual Content
- Exploration
- Face-Fucking
- Face-Sitting
- Facial Hair
- Fae & Fairies
- Fae Magic
- Fairies
- Fairy Tale Elements
- Fake Marriage
- Fake/Pretend Relationship
- Falling In Love
- Familial Abuse
- Families of Choice
- Family
- Family Bonding
- Family Drama
- Family Dynamics
- Family Feels
- Family Fluff
- Family Secrets
- Fanart
- Fanfiction
- Fantasy
- Fantasy and Fictional Setting Racism
- Farmer Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Fate & Destiny
- Feelings Realization
- Feels
- Female Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Female Characters
- Female Merlin (Merlin)
- Festivals
- Fiction
- Fights
- Figurative Language
- Fingerfucking
- Fire
- First Kiss
- First Meetings
- First Time
- Firsts
- Fish out of Water
- Fix-It
- Fix-It of Sorts
- Flashbacks
- Flirting
- Flogging
- Fluff
- Fluff and Angst
- Fluff and Humor
- Fluff and Smut
- Food
- Food as a Metaphor for Love
- Food Kink
- Food Metaphors
- Food Porn
- Food Sex
- Football
- Football | Soccer
- Football | Soccer Player Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Forbidden
- Forbidden Love
- Forced Marriage
- Forced Pregnancy
- Forced Relationship
- Forest Sex
- Forests
- Friends to Enemies
- Friends to Lovers
- Friends With Benefits
- Friendship
- Friendship/Love
- Frottage
- Fugitives
- Future
- Gen or Pre-Slash
- Gen Work
- Gender Related
- Genderfluid
- Genderfluid Character
- Genderfluid Merlin (Merlin)
- Getting Back Together
- Getting Together
- Ghost Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Ghost Hunters
- Ghost Merlin (Merlin)
- Ghost Sex
- Ghosts
- Gifset
- Gift Giving
- Gladiators
- Glasses
- Gnomes
- Goddesses
- Gods
- Golden Age
- Golden Age (Merlin)
- Good Friend Gwaine (Merlin)
- Good Friend Gwen (Merlin)
- Good Friend Lancelot (Merlin)
- Good Friend Leon (Merlin)
- Good Friend Merlin (Merlin)
- Good Friend Percival (Merlin)
- Good Mordred (Merlin)
- Good Morgana (Merlin)
- Good Person Morgause (Merlin)
- Good Sibling Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Good Sibling Morgana (Merlin)
- Gore
- Gothic
- Graphic Format: GIF
- Grief/Mourning
- Groundhog Day
- Growing Up
- Growth
- Guitars
- Gun Violence
- Guns
- Gwaine Being Gwaine (Merlin)
- Gwaine Has Magic (Merlin)
- Gwaine Knows About Merlin's Magic (Merlin)
- Gwaine Lives (Merlin)
- Gwen Has Magic (Merlin)
- Gwen Knows About Merlin's Magic (Merlin)
- Hacking
- Hair
- Hair Washing
- Hair-pulling
- Halloween
- Halloween Costumes
- Hand Jobs
- Handcuffs
- Happy Ending
- Harassment
- Harm to Animals
- Harm to Children
- Haunting
- Head Injury
- Headaches & Migraines
- Healing
- Heavy Angst
- Heist
- Het
- Heterosexuality
- High Fantasy
- Hijinks & Shenanigans
- Historical
- Historical Fantasy
- Historical Inaccuracy
- Historical References
- Hogwarts
- Holiday: Beltane | Beltain
- Holidays
- Homophobia
- Homophobic Language
- Hopeful Ending
- Horses
- Hospitals
- Hostage Situations
- Hugs
- Human
- Human Kilgharrah (Merlin)
- Humor
- Hunters & Hunting
- Hurt
- Hurt Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Hurt Gwaine (Merlin)
- Hurt Gwen (Merlin)
- Hurt Merlin (Merlin)
- Hurt/Comfort
- Hybrids
- Hypnotism
- Ice Cream
- Identity
- Identity Porn
- Identity Reveal
- Idiots in Love
- Illnesses
- Illustrations
- Immortal Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Immortal Leon (Merlin)
- Immortal Merlin (Merlin)
- Immortal Morgana (Merlin)
- Immortality
- Impact Play
- Implied/Referenced Abuse
- Implied/Referenced Character Death
- Implied/Referenced Cheating
- Implied/Referenced Child Abuse
- Implied/Referenced Drug Use
- Implied/Referenced Dubious Consent
- Implied/Referenced Homophobia
- Implied/Referenced Mind Control
- Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con
- Implied/Referenced Self-Harm
- Implied/Referenced Suicide
- Implied/Referenced Terrorism
- Implied/Referenced Torture
- Imprisonment
- In Character
- Inanimate Objects
- Indiana Jones References
- Infant Merlin (Merlin)
- Infidelity
- Injury
- Ink
- Insanity
- Insecure Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Insecure Gwaine (Merlin)
- Insecurity
- Inspired by Art
- Inspired by Dornröschen | Sleeping Beauty (Germany Fairy Tale)
- Inspired by Fanfiction
- Inspired by Tumblr
- Inspired by...
- Insults
- Interactive
- Interactive Fiction
- Internalized Homophobia
- Interplanetary Travel
- Interviews
- Intimacy
- Intoxication
- Introspection
- Ireland
- Irish Lena Luthor
- It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better
- Jealous Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Jealous Merlin (Merlin)
- Jealousy
- Jedi (Star Wars)
- Jokes
- Journalism
- Journalist Merlin (Merlin)
- Kid Fic
- Kidnapping
- Killing
- King Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- King Merlin (Merlin)
- Kings & Queens
- Kinks
- Kissing
- Kissing in the Rain
- Language
- Lapdance
- Las Vegas
- Las Vegas Wedding
- Law Enforcement
- Lawyer Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Lawyers
- Learning Disabilities
- Legal Drama
- Legends
- Lena Luthor is Morgana (Merlin)
- Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl
- Leon Knows About Merlin's Magic (Merlin)
- Letters
- LGBTQ Character
- LGBTQ Themes
- Libraries
- Lies
- Life-Affirming Sex
- Lifeguards
- Light Angst
- Light BDSM
- Light Bondage
- Light Dom/sub
- Light-Hearted
- Literal Sleeping Together
- London
- Loneliness
- Long-Suffering Leon (Merlin)
- Loss
- Loss of Virginity
- Love
- Love at First Sight
- Love Confessions
- Love Potion/Spell
- Madness
- Magic
- Magic Ban Lifted (Merlin)
- Magic is Legal (Merlin)
- Magic Revealed
- Magic-Users
- Magical Accidents
- Magical Artifacts
- Magical Realism
- Magical Tattoos
- Major Character Injury
- Major Illness
- Making Out
- Making Up
- Manip
- Manipulation
- Maps
- Marriage
- Marriage of Convenience
- Master/Servant
- Masters
- Masturbation
- Medical
- Medical Professionals
- Memories
- Memory Alteration
- Memory Loss
- Memory Magic
- Memory Related
- Mental Coercion
- Mental Health Issues
- Mentioned Arwen Undómiel
- Mentioned Elena Gilbert
- Mentioned Uther Pendragon (Merlin)
- Mentions of Cancer
- Merlin (TV) Season/Series 01
- Merlin & Morgana Friendship (Merlin)
- Merlin Being an Asshole (Merlin)
- Merlin Bingo 2021 (Merlin)
- Merlin Bingo 2024 (Merlin)
- Merlin Has Magic (Merlin)
- Merlin Has No Magic (Merlin)
- Merlin in Love (Merlin)
- Merlin is a Little Shit (Merlin)
- Merlin is Emrys (Merlin)
- Merlin is Missing (Merlin)
- Merlin is Older than Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Merlin is So Done (Merlin)
- Merlin Loves Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Merlin Needs a Break (Merlin)
- Merlin Needs a Hug (Merlin)
- Merlin Waiting for Arthur Pendragon's Return (Merlin)
- Merlin Whump (Merlin)
- Merlin-centric (Merlin)
- Merlin's Magic Revealed (Merlin)
- Merlin's Scars Revealed (Merlin)
- Merpeople
- Metaphors
- Midsummer
- Mild Gore
- Mild Hurt/Comfort
- Mild Language
- Mild Sexual Content
- Mild Smut
- Military
- Mind Control
- Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery
- Minor Character Death
- Minor Elyan/Gwaine (Merlin)
- Minor Elyan/Percival (Merlin)
- Minor Gwaine/Merlin (Merlin)
- Minor Gwaine/Percival (Merlin)
- Minor Gwen/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Minor Gwen/Lancelot (Merlin)
- Minor Gwen/Leon (Merlin)
- Minor Gwen/Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Minor Gwen/Morgana (Merlin)
- Minor Injuries
- Minor Lancelot/Merlin (Merlin)
- Minor Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Minor Merlin/Morgana (Merlin)
- Minor Violence
- Misogyny
- Missions
- Mistaken Identity
- Misunderstandings
- Mixed Media
- Modern Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Modern Era
- Modern Merlin (Merlin)
- Modern Royalty
- Monsters
- Moral Ambiguity
- Morality
- Morally Ambiguous Character
- Morally Ambiguous Morgana (Merlin)
- Morgana Deserves Better (Merlin)
- Morgana Has Magic (Merlin)
- Morgana Knows about Merlin's Magic (Merlin)
- Morgana Lives (Merlin)
- Morgana's Magic Revealed (Merlin)
- Mountaineering
- Mountains
- Movie Poster
- Mpreg
- Muggle Quidditch
- Multiple Crossovers
- Murder
- Murder Mystery
- Museums
- Music
- Musical Instruments
- Musician Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Musician Merlin (Merlin)
- Musicians
- Muteness
- Mutual Pining
- Mystery
- Mythical Beings & Creatures
- Near Death
- Near Death Experiences
- Near Future
- Necromancy
- Needles
- Neglect
- Negotiations
- Neurodiversity
- Nevada
- News Media
- Nightmares
- No Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Nobility
- Noble Merlin (Merlin)
- Non-Consensual
- Non-Explicit
- Non-Explicit Sex
- Non-Graphic Violence
- Non-Linear Narrative
- Non-Sexual Bondage
- Non-Sexual Intimacy
- Nonbinary Character
- Nonbinary Merlin (Merlin)
- Nonsense
- Not Canon Compliant
- Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
- Not Happy
- Not Really Character Death
- Not Suitable/Safe For Work
- NSFW Art
- Nudity
- Object Insertion
- Oblivious
- Oblivious Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Oblivious Merlin (Merlin)
- Office
- Old Age
- Old Merlin (Merlin)
- Older Man/Younger Man
- Older Sibling Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- On the Run
- One Night Stands
- One Shot
- One-Sided Relationship
- Online Dating
- Online Relationship
- Open Relationships
- Oral Sex
- Organized Crime
- Original Character(s)
- Orphan Merlin (Merlin)
- Orphans
- Other: See Story Notes
- Outdoor Sex
- Pagan Festivals
- Paganism
- Pain
- Painting
- Panic
- Panic Attacks
- Pansexual Character
- Pansexual Gwaine (Merlin)
- Paranormal
- Parent Arthur (Inception)
- Parent Merlin (Merlin)
- Parenthood
- Partial Nudity
- Partner Betrayal
- Past Abuse
- Past Character Death
- Past Child Abuse
- Past Drug Addiction
- Past Freya/Merlin (Merlin)
- Past Gwen/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Past Lancelot/Merlin (Merlin)
- Past Lives
- Past Relationship(s)
- Pastels
- Pencil
- Penguins
- People Change People
- Period Typical Attitudes
- Period-Typical Homophobia
- Period-Typical Sexism
- Permanent Injury
- Photoshop
- Physical Abuse
- Physical Disability
- Physician Gaius (Merlin)
- Piano
- Pictures
- Pining
- Pining Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Pining Gwaine (Merlin)
- Pining Lancelot (Merlin)
- Pining Merlin (Merlin)
- Pirate Merlin (Merlin)
- Pirates
- Plague
- Podfic
- Podfic & Podficced Works
- Podfic Available
- Podfic Length: 5-6 Hours
- Police
- Political Alliances
- Politics
- Polyamory
- Pool
- Poor Life Choices
- Porn
- Portraits
- Possessive Behavior
- Possessive Merlin (Merlin)
- Possibly Pre-Slash
- Post-Battle of Camlann (Merlin)
- Post-Break Up
- Post-Canon
- Post-Episode: s02e13
- Post-Episode: s02e13 The Last Dragonlord (Merlin)
- Post-Episode: s05e13
- Post-Episode: s05e13 The Diamond of the Day (Merlin)
- Post-Finale
- Post-it Notes
- Post-Magic Reveal
- Post-Season/Series
- Post-Season/Series 01
- Post-Season/Series 02
- Post-Season/Series 03
- Post-Season/Series 04
- Post-Season/Series 05
- Post-Season/Series 05 Finale
- Post-Season/Series Finale
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD
- POV Alternating
- POV Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- POV Female Character
- POV Gwen (Merlin)
- POV Male Character
- POV Merlin (Merlin)
- POV Multiple
- POV Third Person
- Power Dynamics
- Power Imbalance
- Powerful Merlin (Merlin)
- Praise Kink
- Prank Wars
- Pranks and Practical Jokes
- Prat Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Pre-Canon
- Pre-Relationship
- Pre-Slash
- Pregnancy
- Presumed Dead
- Prince Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Prince Merlin (Merlin)
- Princes & Princesses
- Princess Morgana (Merlin)
- Private Investigators
- Prompt Art
- Prompt Fill
- Prophecy
- Prophetic Dreams
- Prophetic Visions
- Prosthesis
- Protective Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Protective Gwaine (Merlin)
- Protective Gwen (Merlin)
- Protective Hunith (Merlin)
- Protective Knights (Merlin)
- Protective Lancelot (Merlin)
- Protective Leon (Merlin)
- Protective Merlin
- Protective Merlin (Merlin)
- Protective Morgana (Merlin)
- Protective Will (Merlin)
- Protectiveness
- Psychic Abilities
- Psychological Torture
- Psychology
- Psychosis
- Public Transportation
- Puns & Word Play
- Queen Gwen (Merlin)
- Queen Morgana (Merlin)
- Queer Themes
- Quests
- Quidditch
- Racism
- Rain
- Rape
- Rape/Non-con Elements
- Rated For Violence
- Reality TV
- Reconciliation
- Recovered Memories
- Recovery
- Recreational Drug Use
- Redemption
- References to Ancient Celtic Religions & Lore
- References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore
- References to Ancient Roman Religion & Lore
- References to Drugs
- References to Illness
- References to Jurassic Park
- Regency
- Regeneration
- Regicide
- Regional Holidays
- Reincarnated Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Reincarnation
- Relationship of Convenience
- Relationship(s)
- Religion
- Religious Conflict
- Religious Content
- Repressed Memories
- Repression
- Rescue
- Rescue Missions
- Restaurants
- Resurrection
- Reunions
- Reveal
- Rich Merlin (Merlin)
- Rimming
- Ritual Sex
- Rituals
- Rivalry
- Rivals With Benefits
- Road Trips
- Robotics
- Robots
- Rock and Roll
- Rock Stars
- Romance
- Romantic Comedy
- Romantic Fluff
- Rope Bondage
- Rough Kissing
- Rough Sex
- Roughness
- Royal Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Royal Merlin (Merlin)
- Royalty
- Rule 63
- Runes
- Running
- Running Away
- Sacrifice
- Sad
- Sailing
- San Diego Comic-Con
- Sassy
- Sassy Merlin (Merlin)
- Saving the World
- Scarred Merlin (Merlin)
- Scars
- School
- Science
- Science Fiction
- Science Fiction & Fantasy
- Screw Destiny
- Season/Series 01
- Season/Series 03
- Season/Series 04
- Season/Series 05
- Secret Crush
- Secret Identity
- Secret Relationship
- Secrets
- Seer Morgana (Merlin)
- Self-Discovery
- Self-Esteem
- Self-Esteem Issues
- Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
- Self-Harm
- Semi-Public Sex
- Sensation Play
- Sensory Deprivation
- Separations
- Serious Injuries
- Sex
- Sex Magic
- Sex Toys
- Sex Work
- Sex Worker Merlin (Merlin)
- Sexism
- Sexual Abuse
- Sexual Assault
- Sexual Content
- Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Inexperience
- Sexual Slavery
- Sexual Tension
- Sexual Violence
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- Shapeshifting
- Sharing
- Sharing a Bed
- Sharing a Room
- Shipwrecks
- Shirtless
- Shirtless Gwaine (Merlin)
- Show Business
- Siblings
- Singer Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Singing
- Sins
- Sins of the Father
- Sisters
- Size Kink
- Slash
- Slavery
- Slaves
- Sleep
- Sleepiness
- Sleeping Together
- Sleepy Cuddles
- Slice of Life
- Slow Build
- Slow Burn
- Slurs
- Smart Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Smart Merlin (Merlin)
- Smitten Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Smitten Merlin (Merlin)
- Smoking
- Smuggling
- Smut
- Snow
- Snow and Ice
- Social Media
- Soft Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Solstice
- Some Humor
- Soul Bond
- Soulmate-Identifying Marks
- Soulmates
- Spanking
- Spells & Enchantments
- Spies & Secret Agents
- Spoilers
- Spooky
- Sports
- Starting Over
- Steampunk
- Step-Brothers
- Step-siblings
- Stitches
- Storms
- Strangers
- Strangers to Lovers
- Stream of Consciousness
- Stripper Jesse Pinkman
- Strippers & Strip Clubs
- Stripping
- Stuttering
- Sub Merlin (Merlin)
- Submission
- Substance Abuse
- Subways
- Suicidal Thoughts
- Suicide
- Suicide Attempt
- Summer Solstice
- Supernatural Bonds
- Supernatural Elements
- Supportive Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Supportive Leon (Merlin)
- Supportive Merlin (Merlin)
- Suspense
- Swearing
- Sweet
- Swimming Pools
- Switching
- Swordfighting
- Swordplay
- Swords
- Swords & Sorcery
- Symbolism
- Tags Contain Spoilers
- Tarot
- Tattooed Merlin (Kingsman)
- Tattooed Merlin (Merlin)
- Tattoos
- Teenagers
- Telepathy
- Television
- Temporary Amnesia
- Temporary Character Death
- Tension
- Terrorism
- Texting
- The Art of War - Sun Tzu
- The Knights' Friendship (Merlin)
- The Old Religion (Merlin)
- Theft
- Therapy
- There Was Only One Bed
- They/Them Pronouns for Merlin (Merlin)
- This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think
- Threats
- Threats of Rape/Non-Con
- Threesome
- Threesome - M/M/M
- Thriller
- Time Loop
- Time Shenanigans
- Time Skips
- Time Travel
- Time Travel Fix-It
- Time Travelling Merlin (Merlin)
- Timelines
- Tooth-Rotting Fluff
- Top Arthur
- Top Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Top Arthur Pendragon/Bottom Merlin (Merlin)
- Top Merlin (Merlin)
- Top Merlin/Bottom Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Topping
- Torture
- Traditional Media
- Trans
- Trans Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Trans Character
- Trans Elyan (Merlin)
- Trans Male Character
- Trans Merlin (Merlin)
- Transformation
- Transphobia
- Trapped
- Trapped In A Closet
- Trauma
- Travel
- Treason
- Treasure Hunting
- True Love
- True Love's Kiss
- Tumblr
- Tumblr: tavernfest (Merlin)
- TV News
- Underage - Freeform
- Underage Rape/Non-con
- Undressing
- Unhappy Ending
- Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms
- Unhealthy Relationships
- Unicorns
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Unplanned Pregnancy
- Unrequited
- Unrequited Love
- Unresolved Romantic Tension
- Unresolved Sexual Tension
- Unresolved Tension
- Unsubtle Merlin (Merlin)
- Uther Pendragon Being an Asshole (Merlin)
- Uther Pendragon Dies (Merlin)
- Uther Pendragon Finds Out About Merlin's Magic (Merlin)
- Uther Pendragon Hates Magic (Merlin)
- Uther Pendragon Knows About Merlin's Magic (Merlin)
- Vampires
- Vegan Merlin (Merlin)
- Vegetarians & Vegans
- Vengeance Demon(s)
- Victorian
- Video
- Vikings
- Violence
- Violins
- Virginity
- Visions
- Vomiting
- Wakes & Funerals
- Wall Sex
- Wallpaper
- War
- Watercolors
- Wealth
- Weapons
- Weapons Kink
- Weather
- Weddings
- Were-Creatures
- Werewolves
- Western
- White Collar Crime
- Whump
- Wings
- Winter Solstice
- Witch Hunters
- Witch Morgana (Merlin)
- Witches
- Witness Protection
- Wolves
- Wordcount: 10.000-30.000
- Wordcount: 30.000-50.000
- Wordcount: Over 1.000
- Wordcount: Over 10.000
- Workplace
- Worldbuilding
- Worried Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
- Worry
- Writer Merlin (Merlin)
- Writers
- Writing
- Ygraine de Bois Lives (Merlin)
- Young Merlin (Merlin)
- Zombie Apocalypse
- Zombies