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I was so thrilled I got the chance to fulfill the lovely Cyberfairie's holiday wish! *q*
The wish/theme I went with was bdsm... I hope this counts, even though you can't see the ropes around Bull's wrists! *sweats* They are so ridiculously in love... just look at them. *3*
Thank you for writing and sharing such lovely stories, I hope you'll enjoy my gift to you, Cyberfairie! <3
War_Queen, Destiel_4_Life_61, Autistic_council_spectre, ninjafoxyoko, dontneedaclassroom, otherwiseestella, Tykki, kye_16, memoriesofrain, caityjay, TaliVakarian, piemaker93, dod123, lwdagreat, bauble, Nele, auds1978, Kahlan_Amnell, JustJasper, theladylily, nordic_sky, Dichotomous_Dragon, andshelurked, and Cyberfairie as well as 7 guests left kudos on this work!