وحدة:بطاقة/قالب/عمل موسيقي

-- Credits:
-- Developer : وهراني @arwiki (وحدة:بطاقة/قالب/عمل غنائي)
-- Version: 20240614

local generic = require( 'وحدة:بطاقة/أدوات' )
local localdata = require  'وحدة:بطاقة/بيانات' 

local wd = require "Module:Wikidata.Ca"

local function check_P406() 
    if localdata.wikidata then return end
	local wid = localdata.item and localdata.item.id
	local wid2 = wd.claim{ item = wid, property = 'P406', formatting = 'raw'} 

    if(wid2 and mw.wikibase.isValidEntityId( wid2 )) then localdata.item.id = wid2 end


local formats = {
	--{لون العنوان, لون العنوان الفرعي, لون النص)
	Q23691 = { '#FFD615', '#FFED96', '#000000'}, --  نشيد وطني
	Q7366 = { '#F4DCB6', '#F4DCB6', '#000000'}, --  أغنية

	Q208569 = {'lightsteelblue', '#E1E1E1', '#000000'},  --studio
	Q220935 = {'lightsteelblue', '#E1E1E1', '#000000'},  --demo
	Q169930 = {'#F4BF92', '#E1E1E1', '#000000'},  --EP : extended play 
	Q105438658 = {'#F4BF92', '#E1E1E1', '#000000'}, --single_album 
	Q209939 = {'burlywood', '#E1E1E1', '#000000'},  -- live album 
	Q723849 = {'#BFE0BF', '#E1E1E1', '#000000'},  -- greatest hits album 
	Q963099 = {'#BFE0BF', '#E1E1E1', '#000000'},  -- remix album 
	Q394970 = {'#BFE0BF', '#E1E1E1', '#000000'},  -- box set 
	Q222910 = {'#BFE0BF', '#E1E1E1', '#000000'},  -- compilation album 
	Q1892995 = {'#BFE0BF', '#E1E1E1', '#000000'},  --mixtape 
	Q217199 = {'gainsboro', '#E1E1E1', '#000000'},  --soundtrack--film
	Q5049564 = {'gainsboro', '#E1E1E1', '#000000'}, --cast 
	Q193977 = {'#99CCFF', '#E1E1E1', '#000000'}, --video clip
	--other = {'peachpuff', '#E1E1E1', '#000000'}, --

	default = {'#CEDEFF', '#E1E1E1', '#000000'}	
local function wdformat() 
	local wid = localdata.item and localdata.item.id
	local wtypes = wd.claim{ item = wid, property = 'P31', formatting = 'raw', separator='/·/'	} or ''
	wtypes = wtypes .. '/·/' .. (wd.claim{ item = wid, property = 'P7937', formatting = 'raw', separator='/·/'	} or '')
    if wtypes then	wtypes = mw.text.split(wtypes, '/·/')	end

	local default = formats.default
	--wtypes = wd.addVals(wtypes or {}, {property = 'P279'}, 1) 
	for i, item in pairs(wtypes or {}) do
		if formats[item] then
			return formats[item]
	return default


local displayformat = wdformat()

return  {
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 maincolor = displayformat[1],
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 thirdcolor = displayformat[3] ,
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