ملاحظة: بعد الحفظ، قد يلزمك إفراغ الكاش لرؤية التغييرات ( ).
// <nowiki>
(function($) {
*** twinklexfd.js: XFD module
* Mode of invocation: Tab ("XFD")
* Active on: Existing, non-special pages, except for file pages with no local (non-Commons) file which are not redirects
Twinkle.xfd = function twinklexfd() {
// Disable on:
// * special pages
// * non-existent pages
// * files on Commons, whether there is a local page or not (unneeded local pages of files on Commons are eligible for CSD F2, or R4 if it's a redirect)
if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') < 0 || !mw.config.get('wgArticleId') || (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 6 && document.getElementById('mw-sharedupload'))) {
Twinkle.addPortletLink(Twinkle.xfd.callback, 'نقاش حذف (XfD)', 'tw-xfd', 'ابدأ نقاش حذف');
Twinkle.xfd.num2order = function twinklexfdNum2order(num) {
switch (num) {
case 1: return '';
case 2: return 'الثاني';
case 3: return 'الثالث';
default: return num 'th';
Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null;
// error callback on Morebits.status.object
Twinkle.xfd.printRationale = function twinklexfdPrintRationale() {
if (Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale) {
Morebits.status.printUserText(Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale, 'Your deletion rationale is provided below, which you can copy and paste into a new XFD dialog if you wish to try again:');
// only need to print the rationale once
Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null;
Twinkle.xfd.callback = function twinklexfdCallback() {
var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(600, 350);
Window.setTitle('الشروع في نقاش حذف (XfD)');
Window.addFooterLink('حول نقاشات الحذف', 'WP:XFD');
Window.addFooterLink('مساعدة', 'WP:TW/DOC#xfd');
var form = new Morebits.quickForm(Twinkle.xfd.callback.evaluate);
var categories = form.append({
type: 'select',
name: 'category',
label: 'نقاش الحذف venue:',
tooltip: 'عند التفعيل ، يتم إجراء اختيار افتراضي ، بناءً على النطاق الذي تتواجد فيه. '
'يجب أن يكون هذا الإختيار الافتراضي هو على الأرجح الأنسب ؛'
' قد يتم تعطيل بعض الخيارات غير اللائقة.'
, event: Twinkle.xfd.callback.change_category
var namespace = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber');
type: 'option',
label: 'AfD (حذف المقالات)',
selected: namespace === 0, // Main namespace
value: 'afd'
type: 'option',
label: 'TfD (حذف القوالب)',
selected: [ 10, 828 ].indexOf(namespace) !== -1, // Template and module namespaces
value: 'tfd',
disabled: namespace === 10 && /-stub$/.test(Morebits.pageNameNorm) // Stub templates at CfD
type: 'option',
label: 'FfD (حذف الملفات)',
selected: namespace === 6, // File namespace
value: 'ffd',
disabled: namespace !== 6
type: 'option',
label: 'CfD (حذف تصنيفات)',
selected: namespace === 14 || (namespace === 10 && /-stub$/.test(Morebits.pageNameNorm)), // Category namespace and stub templates
value: 'cfd',
disabled: [ 10, 14 ].indexOf(namespace) === -1 // Disabled outside category and templatespace
type: 'option',
label: 'CfD/S (إعادة تسمية سريعة لتصنيفات)',
value: 'cfds',
disabled: namespace !== 14
type: 'option',
label: 'MfD (Miscellany for deletion)',
selected: [ 0, 6, 10, 14, 828 ].indexOf(namespace) === -1 || Morebits.pageNameNorm.indexOf('Template:User ', 0) === 0,
// Other namespaces, and userboxes in template namespace
value: 'mfd'
type: 'option',
label: 'RfD (حذف التحويلات)',
selected: Morebits.wiki.isPageRedirect(),
value: 'rfd'
type: 'option',
label: 'RM (طلب النقل)',
selected: false,
value: 'rm',
disabled: namespace === 14
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
label: 'تنبيه مستحدث الصفحة إن أمكن',
value: 'notify',
name: 'notify',
tooltip: "سيتم وضع قالب تنبيه في صفحة نقاش المستخدم.",
checked: true
type: 'field',
label: 'Work area',
name: 'work_area'
var previewlink = document.createElement('a');
$(previewlink).click(function() {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.preview(result); // |result| is defined below
previewlink.style.cursor = 'pointer';
previewlink.textContent = 'Preview';
form.append({ type: 'div', id: 'xfdpreview', label: [ previewlink ] });
form.append({ type: 'div', id: 'twinklexfd-previewbox', style: 'display: none' });
form.append({ type: 'submit' });
var result = form.render();
result.previewer = new Morebits.wiki.preview($(result).find('div#twinklexfd-previewbox').last()[0]);
// We must init the controls
var evt = document.createEvent('Event');
evt.initEvent('change', true, true);
Twinkle.xfd.callback.change_category = function twinklexfdCallbackChangeCategory(e) {
var value = e.target.value;
var form = e.target.form;
var old_area = Morebits.quickForm.getElements(e.target.form, 'work_area')[0];
var work_area = null;
var oldreasontextbox = form.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];
var oldreason = oldreasontextbox ? oldreasontextbox.value : '';
var appendReasonBox = function twinklexfdAppendReasonBox() {
type: 'textarea',
name: 'xfdreason',
label: 'السبب: ',
value: oldreason,
tooltip: 'يمكنك استخدام علامات ويكي في سببك. سيقوم لمح البصر تلقائيًا بتوقيع مشاركتك.'
switch (value) {
case 'afd':
work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
type: 'field',
label: 'مقالات للحذف ::', //'Articles for deletion',
name: 'work_area'
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
label: 'لف وسم الحذف باستعمال <noinclude>',
value: 'noinclude',
name: 'noinclude',
tooltip: 'Will wrap the deletion tag in <noinclude> tags, so that it won\'t transclude. This option is not normally required.'
var afd_category = work_area.append({
type: 'select',
name: 'xfdcat',
label: 'اختر التصنيف الذي ينتمي إليه هذا الترشيح'
afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'غير معلوم', value: '?', selected: true });
afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'الإعلام والموسيقى', value: 'M' });
afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'المنظمات والشركات والمنتجات', value: 'O' });
afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'السير الذاتية', value: 'B' });
afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Society topics', value: 'S' });
afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Web or internet', value: 'W' });
afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Games or sports', value: 'G' });
afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Science and technology', value: 'T' });
afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Fiction and the arts', value: 'F' });
afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Places and transportation', value: 'P' });
afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Indiscernible or unclassifiable topic', value: 'I' });
afd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Debate not yet sorted', value: 'U' });
// delsort categories list copied off [[User:Enterprisey/delsort.js]], originally taken from [[WP:DS/C]]
var delsortCategories = {
'People': ['People', 'Academics and educators', 'Actors and filmmakers', 'Artists', 'Authors', 'Bands and musicians', 'Businesspeople', 'Politicians', 'Sportspeople', 'Women', 'Lists of people'],
'Arts': ['Arts', 'Fictional elements', 'Science fiction and fantasy'],
'Arts/Culinary': ['Food and drink', 'Wine'],
'Arts/Language': ['Language', 'Academic journals', 'Bibliographies', 'Journalism', 'Literature', 'Logic', 'News media', 'Philosophy', 'Poetry'],
'Arts/Performing': ['Albums and songs', 'Dance', 'Film', 'Magic', 'Music', 'Radio', 'Television', 'Theatre', 'Video games'],
'Arts/Visual arts': ['Visual arts', 'Architecture', 'Fashion', 'Photography'],
'Arts/Comics and animation': ['Comics and animation', 'Anime and manga', 'Webcomics'],
'Places of interest': ['Museums and libraries', 'Shopping malls'],
'Topical': ['Animal', 'Bilateral relations', 'Business', 'Conservatism', 'Conspiracy theories', 'Crime', 'Disability', 'Discrimination', 'Ethnic groups', 'Events', 'Games', 'Health and fitness', 'History', 'Law', 'Military', 'Organizations', 'Paranormal', 'Piracy', 'Politics', 'Terrorism'],
'Topical/Business': ['Business', 'Advertising', 'Companies', 'Management', 'Finance'],
'Topical/Culture': ['Beauty pageants', 'Fashion', 'Mythology', 'Popular culture', 'Sexuality and gender'],
'Topical/Education': ['Education', 'Fraternities and sororities', 'Schools'],
'Topical/Religion': ['Religion', 'Atheism', 'Bible', 'Buddhism', 'Christianity', 'Islam', 'Judaism', 'Hinduism', 'Paganism', 'Sikhism', 'Spirituality'],
'Topical/Science': ['Science', 'Archaeology', 'Astronomy', 'Behavioural science', 'Economics', 'Environment', 'Geography', 'Mathematics', 'Medicine', 'Organisms', 'Social science', 'Transportation'],
'Topical/Sports': ['Sports', 'American football', 'Baseball', 'Basketball', 'Bodybuilding', 'Boxing', 'Cricket', 'Cycling', 'Football', 'Golf', 'Horse racing', 'Ice hockey', 'Rugby union', 'Softball', 'Martial arts', 'Wrestling'],
'Topical/Technology': ['Technology', 'Aviation', 'Computing', 'Firearms', 'Internet', 'Software', 'Websites'],
'Wikipedia page type': ['Disambiguations', 'Lists'],
'Geographic/Africa': ['Africa', 'Egypt', 'Ethiopia', 'Ghana', 'Kenya', 'Laos', 'Mauritius', 'Morocco', 'Nigeria', 'Somalia', 'South Africa', 'Zimbabwe'],
'Geographic/Asia': ['Asia', 'Afghanistan', 'Bangladesh', 'Bahrain', 'Brunei', 'Cambodia', 'China', 'Hong Kong', 'India', 'Indonesia', 'Japan', 'Korea', 'Malaysia', 'Maldives', 'Mongolia', 'Myanmar', 'Nepal', 'Pakistan', 'Philippines', 'Singapore', 'South Korea', 'Sri Lanka', 'Taiwan', 'Thailand', 'Vietnam'],
'Geographic/Asia/Central Asia': ['Central Asia', 'Kazakhstan', 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Tajikistan', 'Turkmenistan', 'Uzbekistan'],
'Geographic/Asia/Middle East': ['Middle East', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'Israel', 'Jordan', 'Kuwait', 'Lebanon', 'Libya', 'Palestine', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Syria', 'United Arab Emirates', 'Yemen', 'Qatar'],
'Geographic/Europe': ['Europe', 'Albania', 'Armenia', 'Austria', 'Azerbaijan', 'Belarus', 'Belgium', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'Bulgaria', 'Croatia', 'Cyprus', 'Czech Republic', 'Denmark', 'Estonia', 'Finland', 'France', 'Georgia (country)', 'Germany', 'Greece', 'Hungary', 'Iceland', 'Ireland', 'Italy', 'Jersey', 'Kosovo', 'Latvia', 'Lithuania', 'Luxembourg', 'Macedonia', 'Malta', 'Moldova', 'Montenegro', 'Netherlands', 'Norway', 'Poland', 'Portugal', 'Romania', 'Russia', 'Serbia', 'Slovakia', 'Slovenia', 'Spain', 'Sweden', 'Switzerland', 'Turkey', 'Ukraine', 'Yugoslavia'],
'Geographic/Europe/United Kingdom': ['United Kingdom', 'England', 'Northern Ireland', 'Scotland', 'Wales'],
'Geographic/Oceania': ['Oceania', 'Antarctica', 'Australia', 'New Zealand'],
'Geographic/Americas/Canada': ['Canada', 'British Columbia', 'Manitoba', 'Nova Scotia', 'Ontario', 'Quebec', 'Alberta'],
'Geographic/Americas/Latin America': ['Latin America', 'Caribbean', 'South America', 'Argentina', 'Barbados', 'Belize', 'Bolivia', 'Brazil', 'Chile', 'Colombia', 'Cuba', 'Ecuador', 'El Salvador', 'Guatemala', 'Haiti', 'Mexico', 'Nicaragua', 'Panama', 'Paraguay', 'Peru', 'Puerto Rico', 'Trinidad and Tobago', 'Uruguay', 'Venezuela', 'Grenada'],
'Geographic/Americas/USA': ['United States of America', 'Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Arizona', 'Arkansas', 'California', 'Colorado', 'Connecticut', 'Delaware', 'Florida', 'Georgia (U.S. state)', 'Hawaii', 'Idaho', 'Illinois', 'Indiana', 'Iowa', 'Kansas', 'Kentucky', 'Louisiana', 'Maine', 'Maryland', 'Massachusetts', 'Michigan', 'Minnesota', 'Mississippi', 'Missouri', 'Montana', 'Nebraska', 'Nevada', 'New Hampshire', 'New Jersey', 'New Mexico', 'New York', 'North Carolina', 'North Dakota', 'Ohio', 'Oklahoma', 'Oregon', 'Pennsylvania', 'Rhode Island', 'South Carolina', 'South Dakota', 'Tennessee', 'Texas', 'Utah', 'Vermont', 'Virginia', 'Washington', 'Washington, D.C.', 'West Virginia', 'Wisconsin', 'Wyoming'],
'Geographic/Unsorted': ['Islands']
var delsort = work_area.append({
type: 'select',
multiple: true,
name: 'delsort',
label: 'Choose deletion sorting categories: ',
tooltip: 'Select a few categories that are specifically relevant to the subject of the article. Be as precise as possible; categories like People and USA should only be used when no other categories apply.'
$.each(delsortCategories, function(groupname, list) {
var group = delsort.append({ type: 'optgroup', label: groupname });
list.forEach(function(item) {
group.append({ type: 'option', label: item, value: item });
work_area = work_area.render();
old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
.attr('data-placeholder', 'Select delsort pages')
width: '100%',
matcher: Morebits.select2.matcher,
templateResult: Morebits.select2.highlightSearchMatches,
language: {
searching: Morebits.select2.queryInterceptor
// Link text to the page itself
templateSelection: function(choice) {
return $('<a>').text(choice.text).attr({
href: mw.util.getUrl('Wikipedia:WikiProject_Deletion_sorting/' choice.text),
target: '_blank'
// prevent dropdown from appearing behind the dialog, just in case
'.select2-container { z-index: 10000; }'
// Remove black border
'.select2-container--default.select2-container--focus .select2-selection--multiple { border: 1px solid #aaa; }'
// Reduce padding
'.select2-results .select2-results__option { padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; }'
'.select2-results .select2-results__group { padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; } '
// Adjust font size
'.select2-container .select2-dropdown .select2-results { font-size: 13px; }'
'.select2-container .selection .select2-selection__rendered { font-size: 13px; }'
// Make the tiny cross larger
'.select2-selection__choice__remove { font-size: 130%; }'
case 'tfd':
work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
type: 'field',
label: 'Templates for discussion',
name: 'work_area'
type: 'div',
label: 'Userboxes are not eligible for TfD; they go to MfD.'
var templateOrModule = mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') === 'Scribunto' ? 'module' : 'template';
var tfd_category = work_area.append({
type: 'select',
label: 'حدد الإجراء المطلوب: ',
name: 'xfdcat',
event: function(e) {
var target = e.target;
// add/remove extra input box
if (target.value === 'tfm' && !target.form.xfdtarget) { // $(target.parentNode).find("input[name='xfdtarget']").length === 0 ) {
var xfdtarget = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
name: 'xfdtarget',
type: 'input',
label: 'Other ' templateOrModule ' to be merged: ',
tooltip: 'Required. Should not include the ' Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(templateOrModule) ': namespace prefix.',
required: true
} else {
target.form.xfdtarget = null;
// $(target.parentNode).find("input[name='xfdtarget']").remove();
tfd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Deletion', value: 'tfd', selected: true });
tfd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Merge', value: 'tfm' });
var tfd_template_type = work_area.append({
type: 'select',
name: 'templatetype',
label: 'Deletion tag display style: ',
tooltip: 'Which <code>type=</code> parameter to pass to the TfD tag template.'
if (templateOrModule === 'module') {
tfd_template_type.append({ type: 'option', value: 'module', label: 'Module', selected: true });
} else {
tfd_template_type.append({ type: 'option', value: 'standard', label: 'Standard', selected: true });
tfd_template_type.append({ type: 'option', value: 'sidebar', label: 'Sidebar/infobox', selected: $('.infobox').length });
tfd_template_type.append({ type: 'option', value: 'inline', label: 'Inline template' });
tfd_template_type.append({ type: 'option', value: 'tiny', label: 'Tiny inline' });
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
label: 'Wrap deletion tag with <noinclude> (for substituted templates only)',
value: 'noinclude',
name: 'noinclude',
tooltip: 'Will wrap the deletion tag in <noinclude> tags, so that it won\'t get substituted along with the template.',
disabled: templateOrModule === 'module',
checked: !!$('.box-Subst_only').length // Default to checked if page carries {{subst only}}
work_area = work_area.render();
old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
case 'mfd':
work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
type: 'field',
label: 'Miscellany for deletion',
name: 'work_area'
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
label: 'Wrap deletion tag with <noinclude>',
value: 'noinclude',
name: 'noinclude',
tooltip: 'Will wrap the deletion tag in <noinclude> tags, so that it won\'t transclude. Select this option for userboxes.'
if ((mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 2 /* User: */ || mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 3 /* User talk: */) && mw.config.exists('wgRelevantUserName')) {
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
label: 'Also notify owner of userspace if they are not the page creator',
value: 'notifyuserspace',
name: 'notifyuserspace',
tooltip: 'If the user in whose userspace this page is located is not the page creator (for example, the page is a rescued article stored as a userspace draft), notify the userspace owner as well.',
checked: true
work_area = work_area.render();
old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
case 'ffd':
work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
type: 'field',
label: 'Discussion venues for files',
name: 'work_area'
work_area = work_area.render();
old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
case 'cfd':
work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
type: 'field',
label: 'Categories for discussion',
name: 'work_area'
var isCategory = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 14;
var cfd_category;
cfd_category = work_area.append({
type: 'select',
label: 'Choose type of action wanted: ',
name: 'xfdcat',
event: function(e) {
var value = e.target.value;
var target = e.target.form.xfdtarget;
// update enabled status
if (value === 'cfd' || value === 'sfd-t') {
target.disabled = true;
target.required = false;
} else {
target.disabled = false;
target.required = true;
if (isCategory) {
// update label
if (value === 'cfs') {
target.previousSibling.textContent = 'Target categories: ';
} else if (value === 'cfc') {
target.previousSibling.textContent = 'Target article: ';
} else {
target.previousSibling.textContent = 'Target category: ';
// add/remove extra input box
if (value === 'cfs' && $(target.parentNode).find("input[name='xfdtarget2']").length === 0) {
var xfdtarget2 = document.createElement('input');
xfdtarget2.setAttribute('name', 'xfdtarget2');
xfdtarget2.setAttribute('type', 'text');
xfdtarget2.setAttribute('required', 'true');
} else {
} else { // Update stub template label
target.previousSibling.textContent = 'Target stub template: ';
if (isCategory) {
cfd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Deletion', value: 'cfd', selected: true });
cfd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Merge', value: 'cfm' });
cfd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Renaming', value: 'cfr' });
cfd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Split', value: 'cfs' });
cfd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Convert into article', value: 'cfc' });
} else {
cfd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Stub Deletion', value: 'sfd-t', selected: true });
cfd_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'Stub Renaming', value: 'sfr-t' });
type: 'input',
name: 'xfdtarget',
label: 'Target category: ', // default, changed above
disabled: true,
value: ''
work_area = work_area.render();
old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
case 'cfds':
work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
type: 'field',
label: 'Categories for speedy renaming',
name: 'work_area'
var cfds_category = work_area.append({
type: 'select',
label: 'C2 sub-criterion: ',
name: 'xfdcat',
tooltip: 'See WP:CFDS for full explanations.'
cfds_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'C2A: Typographic and spelling fixes', value: 'C2A', selected: true });
cfds_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'C2B: Naming conventions and disambiguation', value: 'C2B' });
cfds_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'C2C: Consistency with names of similar categories', value: 'C2C' });
cfds_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'C2D: Rename to match article name', value: 'C2D' });
cfds_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'C2E: Author request', value: 'C2E' });
cfds_category.append({ type: 'option', label: 'C2F: One eponymous article', value: 'C2F' });
type: 'input',
name: 'xfdtarget',
label: 'New name: ',
value: '',
required: true
work_area = work_area.render();
old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
case 'rfd':
work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
type: 'field',
label: 'Redirects for discussion',
name: 'work_area'
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
label: 'Notify target page if possible',
value: 'relatedpage',
name: 'relatedpage',
tooltip: "A notification template will be placed on the talk page of this redirect's target if this is true.",
checked: true
work_area = work_area.render();
old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
case 'rm':
work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
type: 'field',
label: 'Requested moves',
name: 'work_area'
type: 'checkbox',
list: [
label: 'Uncontroversial technical request',
value: 'rmtr',
name: 'rmtr',
tooltip: 'Use this option when you are unable to perform this uncontroversial move yourself because of a technical reason (e.g. a page already exists at the new title, or the page is protected)',
checked: false,
event: function() {
form.newname.required = this.checked;
type: 'input',
name: 'newname',
label: 'New title: ',
tooltip: 'Required for technical requests. Otherwise, if unsure of the appropriate title, you may leave it blank.'
work_area = work_area.render();
old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
work_area = new Morebits.quickForm.element({
type: 'field',
label: 'Nothing for anything',
name: 'work_area'
work_area = work_area.render();
old_area.parentNode.replaceChild(work_area, old_area);
// Return to checked state when switching, but no creator notification for CFDS or RM
if (value === 'cfds' || value === 'rm') {
form.notify.checked = false;
form.notify.disabled = true;
} else {
form.notify.checked = true;
form.notify.disabled = false;
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref = function twinklexfdsetWatchPref(pageobj, pref) {
switch (pref) {
case 'yes':
case 'no':
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks = {
getDiscussionWikitext: function(venue, params) {
if (venue === 'cfds') { // CfD/S takes a completely different style
return '* [[:' Morebits.pageNameNorm ']] to [[:' params.target ']]\u00A0\u2013 '
params.xfdcat (params.reason ? ': ' Morebits.string.formatReasonText(params.reason) : '.') ' ~~~~';
if (venue === 'rm') {
// even if invoked from talk page, propose the subject page for move
var pageName = new mw.Title(Morebits.pageNameNorm).getSubjectPage().toText();
return (params.rmtr ?
'{{subst:RMassist|1=' pageName '|2=' params.newname :
'{{subst:Requested move|current1=' pageName '|new1=' params.newname)
'|reason=' params.reason '}}';
var text = '{{subst:' venue '2';
var reasonKey = venue === 'ffd' ? 'Reason' : 'text';
// Add a reason unconditionally, so that at least a signature is added
if (params.reason) {
text = '|' reasonKey '=' Morebits.string.formatReasonText(params.reason) ' ~~~~';
} else {
text = '|' reasonKey '=~~~~';
if (venue === 'afd' || venue === 'mfd') {
text = '|pg=' Morebits.pageNameNorm;
if (venue === 'afd') {
text = '|cat=' params.xfdcat;
} else if (venue === 'rfd') {
text = '|redirect=' Morebits.pageNameNorm;
} else {
text = '|1=' mw.config.get('wgTitle');
if (mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') === 'Scribunto') {
text = '|module=Module:';
if (params.target) {
if (venue === 'rfd') {
text = '|target=' params.target (params.section ? '#' params.section : '');
} else if (venue !== 'cfd' && venue !== 'sfd-t') {
text = '|2=' params.target;
if (params.target2) {
text = '|3=' params.target2;
if (params.uploader) {
text = '|Uploader=' params.uploader;
text = '}}';
if (params.delsort_cats) { // Only for AFDs
params.delsort_cats.forEach(function (cat) {
text = '\n{{subst:delsort|' cat '|~~~~}}';
return text;
showPreview: function(form, venue, params) {
var templatetext = Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext(venue, params);
if (venue === 'rm') { // RM templates are sensitive to page title
form.previewer.beginRender(templatetext, params.rmtr ? 'Wikipedia:Requested moves/Technical requests' : mw.Title.newFromText(Morebits.pageNameNorm).getTalkPage().toText());
} else {
form.previewer.beginRender(templatetext, 'WP:TW'); // Force wikitext
preview: function(form) {
var venue = form.category.value;
var params = {
reason: form.xfdreason.value
if (form.xfdcat) {
params.xfdcat = form.xfdcat.value;
// Remove CfD or TfD namespace prefixes
if (venue === 'tfd' || venue === 'cfd') {
var namespace_re = new RegExp('^:?' mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') ':', 'i');
if (form.xfdtarget) { // CfD or TfD
params.target = Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(form.xfdtarget.value.replace(namespace_re, ''));
if (form.xfdtarget2) { // CfD
params.target2 = Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(form.xfdtarget2.value.replace(namespace_re, ''));
} else if (venue === 'cfds' && form.xfdtarget.value) { // Add namespace to CfD/S
params.target = /^Category:/.test(form.xfdtarget.value) ? form.xfdtarget.value : 'Category:' form.xfdtarget.value;
params.delsort_cats = $(form.delsort).val();
if (form.rmtr) {
params.rmtr = form.rmtr.checked;
if (form.newname) {
params.newname = form.newname.value;
if (venue === 'ffd') {
// Fetch the uploader
var page = new Morebits.wiki.page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));
page.lookupCreation(function() {
params.uploader = page.getCreator();
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.showPreview(form, venue, params);
} else if (venue === 'rfd') { // Find the target
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.rfd.findTarget(params, function(params) {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.showPreview(form, venue, params);
} else if (venue === 'cfd') { // Swap in CfD subactions
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.showPreview(form, params.xfdcat, params);
} else {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.showPreview(form, venue, params);
addToLog: function(params, initialContrib) {
var usl = new Morebits.userspaceLogger(Twinkle.getPref('xfdLogPageName'));// , 'Adding entry to userspace log');
usl.initialText =
"This is a log of all [[WP:XFD|deletion discussion]] nominations made by this user using [[WP:TW|Twinkle]]'s XfD module.\n\n"
'If you no longer wish to keep this log, you can turn it off using the [[Wikipedia:Twinkle/Preferences|preferences panel]], and '
'nominate this page for speedy deletion under [[WP:CSD#U1|CSD U1]].'
(Morebits.userIsSysop ? '\n\nThis log does not track XfD-related deletions made using Twinkle.' : '');
var editsummary = 'Logging ' params.venue ' nomination of [[:' Morebits.pageNameNorm ']].';
// Provide Wikipedian TLA style: AfD, RfD, CfDS, RM, SfD, etc.
var toTLACase = function(str) {
// return str.toString().toUpperCase().replace(/\BF/, 'f');
return str.toString().toUpperCase().replace(/(.)F(.)(?:-.)?/, '$1f$2');
// If a logged file is deleted but exists on commons, the wikilink will be blue, so provide a link to the log
var fileLogLink = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 6 ? ' ([{{fullurl:Special:Log|page=' mw.util.wikiUrlencode(mw.config.get('wgPageName')) '}} log])' : '';
var appendText = '# [[:' Morebits.pageNameNorm ']]' fileLogLink ' nominated at [[WP:' params.venue.toUpperCase() '|' toTLACase(params.venue) ']]';
var extraInfo = '';
switch (params.venue) {
case 'tfd':
if (params.xfdcat === 'tfm') {
appendText = ' (merge)';
if (params.target) {
var contentModel = mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') === 'Scribunto' ? 'Module:' : 'Template:';
extraInfo = '; Other ' contentModel.toLowerCase() ' [[';
if (!/^:?(?:template|module):/i.test(params.target)) {
extraInfo = contentModel;
extraInfo = params.target ']]';
case 'mfd':
if (initialContrib && params.notifyuserspace && params.userspaceOwner !== initialContrib) {
extraInfo = ' and {{user|1=' params.userspaceOwner '}}';
case 'cfd':
appendText = ' (' toTLACase(params.xfdcat) ')';
if (params.target) {
var categoryOrTemplate = params.xfdcat.charAt(0) === 's' ? 'Template:' : ':Category:';
extraInfo = '; ' params.action ' to: [[' categoryOrTemplate params.target ']]';
if (params.xfdcat === 'cfs' && params.target2) {
extraInfo = ', [[' categoryOrTemplate params.target2 ']]';
case 'cfds':
appendText = ' (' toTLACase(params.xfdcat) ')';
// Ensure there's more than just 'Category:'
if (params.target && params.target.length > 9) {
extraInfo = '; New name: [[:' params.target ']]';
case 'rfd':
if (params.target) {
extraInfo = '; Target: [[:' params.target ']]';
if (params.relatedpage) {
extraInfo = ' (notified)';
case 'rm':
if (params.rmtr) {
appendText = ' (technical)';
if (params.newname) {
extraInfo = '; New name: [[:' params.newname ']]';
case 'ffd':
case 'afd':
if (initialContrib) {
appendText = '; notified {{user|1=' initialContrib '}}';
if (extraInfo) {
appendText = extraInfo;
appendText = ' ~~~~~';
if (params.reason) {
appendText = "\n#* '''Reason''': " params.reason;
usl.log(appendText, editsummary Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
afd: {
main: function(apiobj) {
var xmlDoc = apiobj.responseXML;
var titles = $(xmlDoc).find('allpages p');
// There has been no earlier entries with this prefix, just go on.
if (titles.length <= 0) {
apiobj.params.numbering = apiobj.params.number = '';
} else {
var number = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < titles.length; i) {
var title = titles[i].getAttribute('title');
// First, simple test, is there an instance with this exact name?
if (title === 'ويكيبيديا:نقاش الحذف/' Morebits.pageNameNorm) {
number = Math.max(number, 1);
var order_re = new RegExp('^'
RegExp.escape('ويكيبيديا:نقاش الحذف/' Morebits.pageNameNorm, true)
'\\s*\\(\\s*(\\d )(?:(?:th|nd|rd|st) nom(?:ination)?)?\\s*\\)\\s*$');
var match = order_re.exec(title);
// No match; A non-good value
if (!match) {
// A match, set number to the max of current
number = Math.max(number, Number(match[1]));
apiobj.params.number = Twinkle.xfd.num2order(parseInt(number, 10) 1);
apiobj.params.numbering = number > 0 ? ' (' apiobj.params.number ' nomination)' : '';
apiobj.params.discussionpage = 'ويكيبيديا:نقاش الحذف/' Morebits.pageNameNorm apiobj.params.numbering;
Morebits.status.info('Next discussion page', '[[' apiobj.params.discussionpage ']]');
// Updating data for the action completed event
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = apiobj.params.discussionpage;
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = 'Nomination completed, now redirecting to the discussion page';
// Tagging article
var wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'Adding deletion tag to article');
wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect(true); // should never be needed, but if the article is moved, we would want to follow the redirect
// Tagging needs to happen before everything else: this means we can check if there is an AfD tag already on the page
taggingArticle: function(pageobj) {
var text = pageobj.getPageText();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();
if (!pageobj.exists()) {
statelem.error("It seems that the page doesn't exist; perhaps it has already been deleted");
// Check for existing AfD tag, for the benefit of new page patrollers
var textNoAfd = text.replace(/<!--.*AfD.*\n\{\{(?:Article for deletion\/dated|AfDM).*\}\}\n<!--.*(?:\n<!--.*)?AfD.*(?:\s*\n)?/g, '');
if (text !== textNoAfd) {
if (confirm('An AfD tag was found on this article. Maybe someone beat you to it. \nClick OK to replace the current AfD tag (not recommended), or Cancel to abandon your nomination.')) {
text = textNoAfd;
} else {
statelem.error('Article already tagged with AfD tag, and you chose to abort');
// Now we know we want to go ahead with it, trigger the other AJAX requests
// Mark the page as curated/patrolled, if wanted
if (Twinkle.getPref('markXfdPagesAsPatrolled')) {
// Starting discussion page
var wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(params.discussionpage, 'Creating article deletion discussion page');
// Today's list
var date = new Morebits.date(pageobj.getLoadTime());
wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page( //'Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Log/'
'ويكيبيديا:نقاش الحذف/'
date.format('YYYY MMMM D', 'utc'), "Adding discussion to today's list");
// Notification to first contributor
if (params.usertalk) {
var thispage = new Morebits.wiki.page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));
thispage.setLookupNonRedirectCreator(true); // Look for author of first non-redirect revision
// or, if not notifying, add this nomination to the user's userspace log without the initial contributor's name
} else if (params.lognomination) {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
// List at deletion sorting pages
if (params.delsort_cats) {
params.delsort_cats.forEach(function(cat) {
var delsortPage = new Morebits.wiki.page('Wikipedia:WikiProject Deletion sorting/' cat, 'Adding to list of ' cat '-related deletion discussions');
delsortPage.setFollowRedirect(true); // In case a category gets renamed
delsortPage.setCallbackParameters({discussionPage: params.discussionpage});
// Remove some tags that should always be removed on AfD.
text = text.replace(/\{\{\s*(dated prod|dated prod blp|Prod blp\/dated|Proposed deletion\/dated|prod2|Proposed deletion endorsed|Userspace draft)\s*(\|(?:\{\{[^{}]*\}\}|[^{}])*)?\}\}\s*/ig, '');
// Then, test if there are speedy deletion-related templates on the article.
var textNoSd = text.replace(/\{\{\s*(db(-\w*)?|delete|(?:hang|hold)[- ]?on)\s*(\|(?:\{\{[^{}]*\}\}|[^{}])*)?\}\}\s*/ig, '');
if (text !== textNoSd && confirm('A speedy deletion tag was found on this page. Should it be removed?')) {
text = textNoSd;
pageobj.setPageText((params.noinclude ? '<noinclude>{{' : '{{') (params.number === '' ? 'subst:afd|help=off' : 'subst:afdx|'
params.number '|help=off') (params.noinclude ? '}}</noinclude>\n' : '}}\n') text);
pageobj.setEditSummary('Nominated for deletion; see [[:' params.discussionpage ']].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage'));
discussionPage: function(pageobj) {
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
pageobj.setPageText(Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext('afd', params));
pageobj.setEditSummary('Creating deletion discussion page for [[:' Morebits.pageNameNorm ']].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchDiscussion'));
pageobj.save(function() {
Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null; // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki
todaysList: function(pageobj) {
var old_text = pageobj.getPageText() '\n'; // MW strips trailing blanks, but we like them, so we add a fake one
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();
var text = old_text.replace(/(<!-- Add new entries to the TOP of the following list -->\n )/, '$1{{subst:afd3|pg=' Morebits.pageNameNorm params.numbering '}}\n');
if (text === old_text) {
var linknode = document.createElement('a');
linknode.setAttribute('href', mw.util.getUrl('Wikipedia:Twinkle/Fixing AFD') '?action=purge');
linknode.appendChild(document.createTextNode('How to fix AFD'));
statelem.error([ 'Could not find the target spot for the discussion. To fix this problem, please see ', linknode, '.' ]);
pageobj.setEditSummary('Adding [[:' params.discussionpage ']].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchList'));
userNotification: function(pageobj) {
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
var initialContrib = pageobj.getCreator();
// Disallow warning yourself
if (initialContrib === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
pageobj.getStatusElement().warn('You (' initialContrib ') created this page; skipping user notification');
var usertalkpage = new Morebits.wiki.page('User talk:' initialContrib, 'Notifying initial contributor (' initialContrib ')');
var notifytext = '\n{{subst:Afd notice|1=' Morebits.pageNameNorm (params.numbering !== '' ? '|order= ' params.numbering : '') '}} ~~~~';
usertalkpage.setEditSummary('Notification: [[' params.discussionpage '|nomination]] of [[:' Morebits.pageNameNorm ']] at [[ويكيبيديا:نقاش الحذف|articles for deletion]].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(usertalkpage, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchUser'));
usertalkpage.append(function onNotifySuccess() {
// add this nomination to the user's userspace log, if the user has enabled it
if (params.lognomination) {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, initialContrib);
}, function onNotifyError() {
// if user could not be notified, log nomination without mentioning that notification was sent
if (params.lognomination) {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
delsortListing: function(pageobj) {
var discussionPage = pageobj.getCallbackParameters().discussionPage;
var text = pageobj.getPageText().replace('directly below this line -->', 'directly below this line -->\n{{' discussionPage '}}');
pageobj.setEditSummary('Listing [[:' discussionPage ']].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
tfd: {
taggingTemplate: function(pageobj) {
var text = pageobj.getPageText();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
var tableNewline = params.tfdtype === 'standard' || params.tfdtype === 'sidebar' ? '\n' : ''; // No newline for inline
pageobj.setPageText((params.noinclude ? '<noinclude>' : '') '{{subst:template for discussion|help=off'
(params.tfdtype !== 'standard' ? '|type=' params.tfdtype : '') (params.noinclude ? '}}</noinclude>' : '}}') tableNewline text);
pageobj.setEditSummary('Nominated for deletion; see [[:' params.discussionpage ']].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage'));
if (params.scribunto) {
pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); // Module /doc might not exist
taggingTemplateForMerge: function(pageobj) {
var text = pageobj.getPageText();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
var tableNewline = params.tfdtype === 'standard' || params.tfdtype === 'sidebar' ? '\n' : ''; // No newline for inline
pageobj.setPageText((params.noinclude ? '<noinclude>' : '') '{{subst:tfm|help=off|'
(params.tfdtype !== 'standard' ? 'type=' params.tfdtype '|' : '') '1=' params.otherTemplateName.replace(/^(?:Template|Module):/, '')
(params.noinclude ? '}}</noinclude>' : '}}') tableNewline text);
pageobj.setEditSummary('Listed for merging with [[:' params.otherTemplateName ']]; see [[:' params.discussionpage ']].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage'));
if (params.scribunto) {
pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); // Module /doc might not exist
todaysList: function(pageobj) {
var old_text = pageobj.getPageText();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();
var added_data = Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext(params.xfdcat, params);
var text = old_text.replace('-->', '-->\n' added_data);
if (text === old_text) {
statelem.error('failed to find target spot for the discussion');
pageobj.setEditSummary('Adding ' (params.xfdcat === 'tfd' ? 'deletion nomination' : 'merge listing') ' of [[:' Morebits.pageNameNorm ']].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchDiscussion'));
pageobj.save(function() {
Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null; // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki
userNotification: function(pageobj) {
var initialContrib = pageobj.getCreator();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
// Disallow warning yourself
if (initialContrib === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
pageobj.getStatusElement().warn('You (' initialContrib ') created this page; skipping user notification');
var usertalkpage = new Morebits.wiki.page('User talk:' initialContrib, 'Notifying initial contributor (' initialContrib ')');
var notifytext = '\n';
var modNotice = mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') === 'Scribunto' ? '|module=yes' : '';
switch (params.xfdcat) {
case 'tfd':
notifytext = '{{subst:Tfd notice|1=' mw.config.get('wgTitle') modNotice '}} ~~~~';
case 'tfm':
notifytext = '{{subst:Tfm notice|1=' mw.config.get('wgTitle') '|2=' params.target modNotice '}} ~~~~';
alert('twinklexfd in userNotification: unknown TFD action');
usertalkpage.setEditSummary('Notification: [[' params.discussionpage '|listing]] of [[:' pageobj.getPageName() ']] at [[WP:TFD|templates for discussion]].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(usertalkpage, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchUser'));
// Add this nomination to user's userspace log, if the user has enabled it
// and it isn't the second template in a TfM nomination
if ((params.xfdcat === 'tfd' || pageobj.getPageName() === Morebits.pageNameNorm) && params.lognomination) {
usertalkpage.append(function onNotifySuccess() {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, initialContrib);
}, function onNotifyError() {
// if user could not be notified, log without mentioning notification
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
} else {
mfd: {
main: function(apiobj) {
var xmlDoc = apiobj.responseXML;
var titles = $(xmlDoc).find('allpages p');
// There has been no earlier entries with this prefix, just go on.
if (titles.length <= 0) {
apiobj.params.numbering = apiobj.params.number = '';
} else {
var number = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < titles.length; i) {
var title = titles[i].getAttribute('title');
// First, simple test, is there an instance with this exact name?
if (title === 'Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/' Morebits.pageNameNorm) {
number = Math.max(number, 1);
var order_re = new RegExp('^'
RegExp.escape('Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/' Morebits.pageNameNorm, true)
'\\s*\\(\\s*(\\d )(?:(?:th|nd|rd|st) nom(?:ination)?)?\\s*\\)\\s*$');
var match = order_re.exec(title);
// No match; A non-good value
if (!match) {
// A match, set number to the max of current
number = Math.max(number, Number(match[1]));
apiobj.params.number = Twinkle.xfd.num2order(parseInt(number, 10) 1);
apiobj.params.numbering = number > 0 ? ' (' apiobj.params.number ' nomination)' : '';
apiobj.params.discussionpage = 'Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/' Morebits.pageNameNorm apiobj.params.numbering;
apiobj.statelem.info('next in order is [[' apiobj.params.discussionpage ']]');
// Tagging page
var wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'Tagging page with deletion tag');
wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect(true); // should never be needed, but if the page is moved, we would want to follow the redirect
// Updating data for the action completed event
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = apiobj.params.discussionpage;
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = 'Nomination completed, now redirecting to the discussion page';
// Discussion page
wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(apiobj.params.discussionpage, 'Creating deletion discussion page');
// Today's list
wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page('Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion', "Adding discussion to today's list");
// Notification to first contributor, and notification to owner of userspace (if applicable and required)
if (apiobj.params.usertalk) {
var thispage = new Morebits.wiki.page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));
// or, if not notifying, add this nomination to the user's userspace log without the initial contributor's name
} else if (apiobj.params.lognomination) {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(apiobj.params, null);
taggingPage: function(pageobj) {
var text = pageobj.getPageText();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
pageobj.setPageText((params.noinclude ? '<noinclude>' : '') '{{'
(params.number === '' ? 'mfd' : 'mfdx|' params.number) '|help=off}}\n'
(params.noinclude ? '</noinclude>' : '') text);
pageobj.setEditSummary('Nominated for deletion; see [[:' params.discussionpage ']].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage'));
discussionPage: function(pageobj) {
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
pageobj.setPageText(Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext('mfd', params));
pageobj.setEditSummary('Creating deletion discussion page for [[:' Morebits.pageNameNorm ']].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchDiscussion'));
pageobj.save(function() {
Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null; // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki
todaysList: function(pageobj) {
var text = pageobj.getPageText();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();
var date = new Morebits.date(pageobj.getLoadTime());
var date_header = date.format('===MMMM D, YYYY===\n', 'utc');
var date_header_regex = new RegExp(date.format('(===[\\s]*MMMM[\\s] D,[\\s] YYYY[\\s]*===)', 'utc'));
var new_data = '{{subst:mfd3|pg=' Morebits.pageNameNorm params.numbering '}}';
if (date_header_regex.test(text)) { // we have a section already
statelem.info('Found today\'s section, proceeding to add new entry');
text = text.replace(date_header_regex, '$1\n' new_data);
} else { // we need to create a new section
statelem.info('No section for today found, proceeding to create one');
text = text.replace('===', date_header new_data '\n\n===');
pageobj.setEditSummary('Adding [[:' params.discussionpage ']].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchList'));
userNotification: function(pageobj) {
var initialContrib = pageobj.getCreator();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
// Also notify the user who owns the subpage if they are not the creator
params.userspaceOwner = mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');
if (params.notifyuserspace && params.userspaceOwner !== initialContrib) {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.mfd.userNotificationMain(params, params.userspaceOwner, 'Notifying owner of userspace');
// Disallow warning yourself
if (initialContrib === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
pageobj.getStatusElement().warn('You (' initialContrib ') created this page; skipping user notification');
} else {
// Used to ensure we only add to the userspace
// log once, after notifying the initial creator
params.initialContrib = initialContrib;
// Really notify the creator
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.mfd.userNotificationMain(params, initialContrib, 'Notifying initial contributor');
userNotificationMain: function(params, userTarget, actionName) {
var usertalkpage = new Morebits.wiki.page('User talk:' userTarget, actionName ' (' userTarget ')');
var notifytext = '\n{{subst:Mfd notice|1=' Morebits.pageNameNorm (params.numbering !== '' ? '|order= ' params.numbering : '') '}} ~~~~';
usertalkpage.setEditSummary('Notification: [[' params.discussionpage '|nomination]] of [[:' Morebits.pageNameNorm ']] at [[WP:MFD|miscellany for deletion]].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(usertalkpage, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchUser'));
// Only log once, using the initial creator's notification as our barometer
if (params.initialContrib === userTarget && params.lognomination) {
usertalkpage.append(function onNotifySuccess() {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, userTarget);
}, function onNotifyError() {
// if user could not be notified, log without mentioning notification
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
} else {
ffd: {
main: function(pageobj) {
// this is coming in from lookupCreation...!
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
var initialContrib = pageobj.getCreator();
params.uploader = initialContrib;
// Adding discussion
var wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(params.logpage, "Adding discussion to today's list");
// Notification to first contributor
if (params.usertalk) {
// Disallow warning yourself
if (initialContrib === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
pageobj.getStatusElement().warn('You (' initialContrib ') created this page; skipping user notification');
} else {
var usertalkpage = new Morebits.wiki.page('User talk:' initialContrib, 'Notifying initial contributor (' initialContrib ')');
var notifytext = '\n{{subst:Ffd notice|1=' mw.config.get('wgTitle') '}}';
usertalkpage.setEditSummary('Notification: [[' params.discussionpage '|listing]] of [[:' Morebits.pageNameNorm ']] at [[WP:FFD|files for discussion]].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(usertalkpage, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchUser'));
usertalkpage.append(function onNotifySuccess() {
// add this nomination to the user's userspace log, if the user has enabled it
if (params.lognomination) {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, initialContrib);
}, function onNotifyError() {
// if user could not be notified, log nomination without mentioning that notification was sent
if (params.lognomination) {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
// or, if not notifying, add this nomination to the user's userspace log without the initial contributor's name
} else if (params.lognomination) {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
taggingImage: function(pageobj) {
var text = pageobj.getPageText();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
text = text.replace(/\{\{(mtc|(copy |move )?to ?commons|move to wikimedia commons|copy to wikimedia commons)[^}]*\}\}/gi, '');
pageobj.setPageText('{{ffd|log=' params.date '|help=off}}\n' text);
pageobj.setEditSummary('Listed for discussion at [[:' params.discussionpage ']].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage'));
pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); // it might be possible for a file to exist without a description page
todaysList: function(pageobj) {
var text = pageobj.getPageText();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
// add date header if the log is found to be empty (a bot should do this automatically, but it sometimes breaks down)
if (!pageobj.exists()) {
text = '{{subst:Ffd log}}';
pageobj.setPageText(text '\n\n' Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext('ffd', params));
pageobj.setEditSummary('Adding [[:' Morebits.pageNameNorm ']].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchDiscussion'));
pageobj.save(function() {
Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null; // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki
cfd: {
taggingCategory: function(pageobj) {
var text = pageobj.getPageText();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
var added_data = '{{subst:' params.xfdcat;
var editsummary = (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 14 ? 'Category' : 'Stub template')
' being considered for ' params.action;
switch (params.xfdcat) {
case 'cfd':
case 'sfd-t':
case 'cfc':
editsummary = ' to an article';
// falls through
case 'cfm':
case 'cfr':
case 'sfr-t':
added_data = '|' params.target;
case 'cfs':
added_data = '|' params.target '|' params.target2;
alert('twinklexfd in taggingCategory(): unknown CFD action');
added_data = '}}';
editsummary = '; see [[:' params.discussionpage ']].';
pageobj.setPageText(added_data '\n' text);
pageobj.setEditSummary(editsummary Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage'));
pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); // since categories can be populated without an actual page at that title
todaysList: function(pageobj) {
var old_text = pageobj.getPageText();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();
var added_data = Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext(params.xfdcat, params);
var editsummary = 'Adding ' params.action ' nomination of [[:' Morebits.pageNameNorm ']].';
var text = old_text.replace('below this line -->', 'below this line -->\n' added_data);
if (text === old_text) {
statelem.error('failed to find target spot for the discussion');
pageobj.setEditSummary(editsummary Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchDiscussion'));
pageobj.save(function() {
Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null; // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki
userNotification: function(pageobj) {
var initialContrib = pageobj.getCreator();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
// Disallow warning yourself
if (initialContrib === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
pageobj.getStatusElement().warn('You (' initialContrib ') created this page; skipping user notification');
var usertalkpage = new Morebits.wiki.page('User talk:' initialContrib, 'Notifying initial contributor (' initialContrib ')');
var notifytext = '\n{{subst:Cfd notice|1=' Morebits.pageNameNorm '|action=' params.action (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 10 ? '|stub=yes' : '') '}} ~~~~';
usertalkpage.setEditSummary('Notification: [[' params.discussionpage '|listing]] of [[:' Morebits.pageNameNorm ']] at [[WP:CFD|categories for discussion]].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(usertalkpage, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchUser'));
usertalkpage.append(function onNotifySuccess() {
// add this nomination to the user's userspace log, if the user has enabled it
if (params.lognomination) {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, initialContrib);
}, function onNotifyError() {
// if user could not be notified, log nomination without mentioning that notification was sent
if (params.lognomination) {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
cfds: {
taggingCategory: function(pageobj) {
var text = pageobj.getPageText();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
pageobj.setPageText('{{subst:cfr-speedy|1=' params.target.replace(/^:?Category:/, '') '}}\n' text);
pageobj.setEditSummary('Listed for speedy renaming; see [[WP:CFDS|Categories for discussion/Speedy]].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage'));
pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); // since categories can be populated without an actual page at that title
pageobj.save(function() {
if (params.lognomination) {
// No user notification for CfDS, so just add this nomination to the user's userspace log
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
addToList: function(pageobj) {
var old_text = pageobj.getPageText();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();
var text = old_text.replace('BELOW THIS LINE -->', 'BELOW THIS LINE -->\n' Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext('cfds', params));
if (text === old_text) {
statelem.error('failed to find target spot for the discussion');
pageobj.setEditSummary('Adding [[:' Morebits.pageNameNorm ']].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchDiscussion'));
pageobj.save(function() {
Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null; // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki
rfd: {
// This gets called both on submit and preview to determine the redirect target
findTarget: function(params, callback) {
// Used by regular redirects to find the target, but for all redirects,
// avoid relying on the client clock to build the log page
var query = {
'action': 'query',
'curtimestamp': true
if (document.getElementById('softredirect')) {
// For soft redirects, define the target early
// to skip target checks in findTargetCallback
params.target = document.getElementById('softredirect').textContent.replace(/^: /, '');
} else {
// Find current target of redirect
query.titles = mw.config.get('wgPageName');
query.redirects = true;
var wikipedia_api = new Morebits.wiki.api('Finding target of redirect', query, Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.rfd.findTargetCallback(callback));
wikipedia_api.params = params;
// This is a closure for the callback from the above API request, which gets the target of the redirect
findTargetCallback: function(callback) {
return function(apiobj) {
var $xmlDoc = $(apiobj.responseXML);
var curtimestamp = $xmlDoc.find('api').attr('curtimestamp');
apiobj.params.curtimestamp = curtimestamp;
if (!apiobj.params.target) { // Not a softredirect
var target = $xmlDoc.find('redirects r').first().attr('to');
if (!target) {
var message = 'This page does not appear to be a redirect, aborting';
if (mw.config.get('wgAction') === 'history') {
message = '. If this is a soft redirect, try again from the content page, not the page history.';
apiobj.params.target = target;
var section = $xmlDoc.find('redirects r').first().attr('tofragment');
apiobj.params.section = section;
main: function(params) {
var date = new Morebits.date(params.curtimestamp);
params.logpage = 'Wikipedia:Redirects for discussion/Log/' date.format('YYYY MMMM D', 'utc');
params.discussionpage = params.logpage '#' Morebits.pageNameNorm;
// Tagging redirect
var wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'Adding deletion tag to redirect');
// Updating data for the action completed event
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = params.logpage;
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = "Nomination completed, now redirecting to today's log";
// Adding discussion
wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(params.logpage, "Adding discussion to today's log");
// Notifications
if (params.usertalk || params.relatedpage) {
var thispage = new Morebits.wiki.page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));
// or, if not notifying, add this nomination to the user's userspace log without the initial contributor's name
} else if (params.lognomination) {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
taggingRedirect: function(pageobj) {
var text = pageobj.getPageText();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
pageobj.setPageText('{{subst:rfd|' (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 10 ? 'showontransclusion=1|' : '') 'content=\n' text '\n}}');
pageobj.setEditSummary('Listed for discussion at [[:' params.discussionpage ']].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage'));
todaysList: function(pageobj) {
var old_text = pageobj.getPageText();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();
// params.target sectionHash "}} ~~~~\n" );
var added_data = Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext('rfd', params);
var text = old_text.replace(/(<!-- Add new entries directly below this line\.? -->)/, '$1\n' added_data);
if (text === old_text) {
statelem.error('failed to find target spot for the discussion');
pageobj.setEditSummary('Adding [[:' Morebits.pageNameNorm ']].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchDiscussion'));
pageobj.save(function() {
Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null; // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki
sendNotifications: function(pageobj) {
var initialContrib = pageobj.getCreator();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();
// Notifying initial contributor
if (params.usertalk) {
// Disallow warning yourself
if (initialContrib === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
statelem.warn('You (' initialContrib ') created this page; skipping user notification');
} else {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.rfd.userNotification(params, initialContrib);
// Notifying target page's watchers, if not a soft redirect
if (params.relatedpage) {
var targetTalk = new mw.Title(params.target).getTalkPage();
// On the offchance it's a circular redirect
if (params.target === mw.config.get('wgPageName')) {
statelem.warn('Circular redirect; skipping target page notification');
} else if (document.getElementById('softredirect')) {
statelem.warn('Soft redirect; skipping target page notification');
} else if (targetTalk.getNamespaceId() === 3) {
// Don't issue if target talk is the initial contributor's talk or your own
if (targetTalk.getNameText() === initialContrib) {
statelem.warn('Target is initial contributor; skipping target page notification');
} else if (targetTalk.getNameText() === mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
statelem.warn('You (' mw.config.get('wgUserName') ') are the target; skipping target page notification');
} else {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.rfd.targetNotification(params, targetTalk);
userNotification: function(params, initialContrib) {
var usertalkpage = new Morebits.wiki.page('User talk:' initialContrib, 'Notifying initial contributor (' initialContrib ')');
var notifytext = '\n{{subst:Rfd notice|1=' Morebits.pageNameNorm '}} ~~~~';
usertalkpage.setEditSummary('Notification: [[' params.discussionpage '|listing]] of [[:' Morebits.pageNameNorm ']] at [[WP:RFD|redirects for discussion]].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(usertalkpage, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchUser'));
usertalkpage.append(function onNotifySuccess() {
// add this nomination to the user's userspace log, if the user has enabled it
if (params.lognomination) {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, initialContrib);
}, function onNotifyError() {
// if user could not be notified, log nomination without mentioning that notification was sent
if (params.lognomination) {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
targetNotification: function(params, targetTalk) {
var targettalkpage = new Morebits.wiki.page(targetTalk, 'Notifying redirect target of the discussion');
var notifytext = '\n{{subst:Rfd notice|1=' Morebits.pageNameNorm '}} ~~~~';
targettalkpage.setEditSummary('Notification: [[' params.discussionpage '|listing]] of [[:' Morebits.pageNameNorm ']] at [[WP:RFD|redirects for discussion]].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(targettalkpage, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchRelated'));
// Add to userspace log even if not notifying the creator
if (params.lognomination && !params.usertalk) {
targettalkpage.append(function() {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
} else {
rm: {
listAtTalk: function(pageobj) {
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
pageobj.setAppendText('\n\n' Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext('rm', params));
pageobj.setEditSummary('Proposing move' (params.newname ? ' to [[:' params.newname ']]' : '') Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
pageobj.setCreateOption('recreate'); // since the talk page need not exist
Twinkle.xfd.setWatchPref(pageobj, Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchDiscussion'));
pageobj.append(function() {
Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null; // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki
// add this nomination to the user's userspace log, if the user has enabled it
if (params.lognomination) {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
listAtRMTR: function(pageobj) {
var text = pageobj.getPageText();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
var statelem = pageobj.getStatusElement();
var hiddenCommentRE = /---- and enter on a new line.* -->/;
var newtext = text.replace(hiddenCommentRE, '$&\n' Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.getDiscussionWikitext('rm', params));
if (text === newtext) {
statelem.error('failed to find target spot for the entry');
pageobj.setEditSummary('Adding [[:' Morebits.pageNameNorm ']].' Twinkle.getPref('summaryAd'));
pageobj.save(function() {
Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = null; // any errors from now on do not need to print the rationale, as it is safely saved on-wiki
// add this nomination to the user's userspace log, if the user has enabled it
if (params.lognomination) {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
Twinkle.xfd.callback.evaluate = function(e) {
var form = e.target;
var type = form.category.value;
var usertalk = form.notify.checked;
var reason = form.xfdreason.value;
var delsort_cats = $(form.delsort).val(); // afd
var xfdcat = form.xfdcat && form.xfdcat.value; // afd, cfd, cfds, tfd
var xfdtarget = form.xfdtarget && form.xfdtarget.value; // cfd, cfds, tfd
var xfdtarget2 = form.xfdtarget2 && form.xfdtarget2.value; // cfd
var noinclude = form.noinclude && form.noinclude.checked; // afd, mfd, tfd
var tfdtype = form.templatetype && form.templatetype.value; // tfd
var notifyuserspace = form.notifyuserspace && form.notifyuserspace.checked; // mfd
var relatedpage = form.relatedpage && form.relatedpage.checked; // rfd
var newname = form.newname && form.newname.value; // rm
var rmtr = form.rmtr && form.rmtr.checked; // rm
var lognomination = Twinkle.getPref('logXfdNominations') && Twinkle.getPref('noLogOnXfdNomination').indexOf(type) === -1;
Twinkle.xfd.currentRationale = reason;
if (!type) {
Morebits.status.error('Error', 'no action given');
var query, wikipedia_page, wikipedia_api, logpage;
var params = { reason: reason, venue: type, lognomination: lognomination }; // Common params
var date = new Morebits.date(); // XXX: avoid use of client clock, still used by TfD, FfD and CfD
switch (type) {
case 'afd': // AFD
query = {
'action': 'query',
'list': 'allpages',
'apprefix': 'نقاش الحذف/' //'Articles for deletion/'
'apnamespace': 4,
'apfilterredir': 'nonredirects',
'aplimit': 'max' // 500 is max for normal users, 5000 for bots and sysops
wikipedia_api = new Morebits.wiki.api('Tagging article with deletion tag', query, Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.afd.main);
wikipedia_api.params = $.extend(params, { usertalk: usertalk, noinclude: noinclude,
xfdcat: xfdcat, delsort_cats: delsort_cats });
case 'tfd': // TFD
if (xfdtarget) {
var tfdNamespace_re = new RegExp('^:?' mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') ':', 'i');
xfdtarget = Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(xfdtarget.replace(tfdNamespace_re, ''));
} else {
xfdtarget = '';
logpage = 'Wikipedia:Templates for discussion/Log/' date.format('YYYY MMMM D', 'utc');
$.extend(params, { tfdtype: tfdtype, logpage: logpage, noinclude: noinclude, xfdcat: xfdcat, target: xfdtarget });
params.discussionpage = params.logpage '#' Morebits.pageNameNorm;
// Modules can't be tagged, TfD instructions are to place
// on /doc subpage, so need to tag and watch specially
params.scribunto = mw.config.get('wgPageContentModel') === 'Scribunto';
var watch_query = {
action: 'watch',
titles: mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
token: mw.user.tokens.get('watchToken')
// Tagging template(s)/module(s)
if (xfdcat === 'tfm') { // Merge
var wikipedia_otherpage;
// Tag this template/module
if (params.scribunto) {
wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(mw.config.get('wgPageName') '/doc', 'Tagging this module documentation with merge tag');
params.otherTemplateName = 'Module:' xfdtarget;
wikipedia_otherpage = new Morebits.wiki.page(params.otherTemplateName '/doc', 'Tagging other module documentation with merge tag');
// Watch tagged module pages as well
if (Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage') !== 'no') {
watch_query.titles = '|' params.otherTemplateName;
new Morebits.wiki.api('Adding Modules to watchlist', watch_query).post();
} else {
wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'Tagging this template with merge tag');
params.otherTemplateName = 'Template:' xfdtarget;
wikipedia_otherpage = new Morebits.wiki.page(params.otherTemplateName, 'Tagging other template with merge tag');
// Tag other template/module
var otherParams = $.extend({}, params);
otherParams.otherTemplateName = Morebits.pageNameNorm;
} else { // delete
if (params.scribunto) {
wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(mw.config.get('wgPageName') '/doc', 'Tagging module documentation with deletion tag');
// Watch tagged module page as well
if (Twinkle.getPref('xfdWatchPage') !== 'no') {
new Morebits.wiki.api('Adding Module to watchlist', watch_query).post();
} else {
wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'Tagging template with deletion tag');
wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect(true); // should never be needed, but if the page is moved, we would want to follow the redirect
// Updating data for the action completed event
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = logpage;
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = "Nomination completed, now redirecting to today's log";
// Adding discussion
wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(logpage, "Adding discussion to today's log");
// Notification to first contributors
if (usertalk) {
var involvedpages = [];
var seenusers = [];
involvedpages.push(new Morebits.wiki.page(mw.config.get('wgPageName')));
if (xfdcat === 'tfm') {
if (params.scribunto) {
involvedpages.push(new Morebits.wiki.page('Module:' xfdtarget));
} else {
involvedpages.push(new Morebits.wiki.page('Template:' xfdtarget));
involvedpages.forEach(function(page) {
page.lookupCreation(function(innerpage) {
var username = innerpage.getCreator();
if (seenusers.indexOf(username) === -1) {
// or, if not notifying, add this nomination to the user's userspace log without the initial contributor's name
} else if (params.lognomination) {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
case 'mfd': // MFD
query = {
'action': 'query',
'list': 'allpages',
'apprefix': 'Miscellany for deletion/' Morebits.pageNameNorm,
'apnamespace': 4,
'apfilterredir': 'nonredirects',
'aplimit': 'max' // 500 is max for normal users, 5000 for bots and sysops
wikipedia_api = new Morebits.wiki.api('Looking for prior nominations of this page', query, Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.mfd.main);
wikipedia_api.params = $.extend(params, { usertalk: usertalk, notifyuserspace: notifyuserspace, noinclude: noinclude, xfdcat: xfdcat });
case 'ffd': // FFD
var dateString = date.format('YYYY MMMM D', 'utc');
logpage = 'Wikipedia:Files for discussion/' dateString;
$.extend(params, { usertalk: usertalk, date: dateString, logpage: logpage });
params.discussionpage = params.logpage '#' Morebits.pageNameNorm;
// Updating data for the action completed event
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = logpage;
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = 'Nomination completed, now redirecting to the discussion page';
// Tagging file
wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'Adding deletion tag to file page');
// Contributor specific edits
wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));
case 'cfd':
var cfdNamespace_re = new RegExp('^:?' mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') ':', 'i');
if (xfdtarget) {
xfdtarget = xfdtarget.replace(cfdNamespace_re, '');
} else {
xfdtarget = '';
if (xfdtarget2) {
xfdtarget2 = xfdtarget2.replace(cfdNamespace_re, '');
logpage = 'Wikipedia:Categories for discussion/Log/' date.format('YYYY MMMM D', 'utc');
$.extend(params, { xfdcat: xfdcat, target: xfdtarget, target2: xfdtarget2, logpage: logpage });
params.discussionpage = params.logpage '#' Morebits.pageNameNorm;
// Useful for customized actions in edit summaries and the notification template
var summaryActions = {
cfd: 'deletion',
'sfd-t': 'deletion',
cfm: 'merging',
cfr: 'renaming',
'sfr-t': 'renaming',
cfs: 'splitting',
cfc: 'conversion'
params.action = summaryActions[params.xfdcat];
// Updating data for the action completed event
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = logpage;
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = "Nomination completed, now redirecting to today's log";
// Tagging category
wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'Tagging category with ' params.action ' tag');
wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect(true); // should never be needed, but if the page is moved, we would want to follow the redirect
// Adding discussion to list
wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(logpage, "Adding discussion to today's list");
// Notification to first contributor
if (usertalk) {
wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'));
// or, if not notifying, add this nomination to the user's userspace log without the initial contributor's name
} else if (params.lognomination) {
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.addToLog(params, null);
case 'cfds':
xfdtarget = /^Category:/.test(xfdtarget) ? xfdtarget : 'Category:' xfdtarget;
logpage = 'Wikipedia:Categories for discussion/Speedy';
$.extend(params, { xfdcat: xfdcat, target: xfdtarget });
// Updating data for the action completed event
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = logpage;
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = 'Nomination completed, now redirecting to the discussion page';
// Tagging category
wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), 'Tagging category with rename tag');
// Adding discussion to list
wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(logpage, 'Adding discussion to the list');
case 'rfd':
$.extend(params, { usertalk: usertalk, relatedpage: relatedpage });
// find target and pass main as the callback
Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.rfd.findTarget(params, Twinkle.xfd.callbacks.rfd.main);
case 'rm':
$.extend(params, { newname: newname, rmtr: rmtr });
var nomPageName = rmtr ?
'Wikipedia:Requested moves/Technical requests' :
new mw.Title(Morebits.pageNameNorm).getTalkPage().toText();
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = nomPageName;
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = 'Nomination completed, now redirecting to the discussion page';
wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page(nomPageName, rmtr ? 'Adding entry at WP:RM/TR' : 'Adding entry on talk page');
if (rmtr) {
} else {
// listAtTalk uses .append(), so no need to load the page
alert('twinklexfd: unknown XFD discussion venue');
// </nowiki>