Us Helping Us, People Into Living, Inc.

Support the critical work of Us Helping Us, People Into Living, Inc.

Make a Donation Today

Over the past 10 years, Us Helping Us has achieved a number of significant milestones and key accomplishments, which include: 
  • conducted more than 19,000 HIV tests and 8,000 screenings for other STIs [Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Hepatitis C]
  • conducted more than 15,000 hours of community education activities, with approximately 250,000 individuals regarding HIV/AIDS prevention and sexual health information, and behavioral and mental health awareness
  • provided more than 1,000 individuals with behavioral and mental health counseling and treatment services
  • enrolled more than 1,000 people in Affordable Care Act insurance plans.

Your donation helps us to continue to provide these important services to the community.

Consider becoming a Friend of Us Helping Us by making your gift a monthly recurring donation. This allows us to better plan and strategize our efforts.  


Become a Major Donor for special recognition and exclusive invitations.


For information about Planned Giving, please visit our Planned Giving section on this site, or contact Steven Emmert at: [email protected] or call 202.446.1100.


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You can choose a recurring donation to be perpetual, or end after a specific number of payments.

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Security is of paramount importance to us. Your payment information is processed securely via Level 1 PCI DSS Compliant Service Provider.

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3636 Georiga Ave, NW, Washingon, DC 20010, United States