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welcome to my page!
Here you will find my portfolio and all the possibly needed links.
Events for 2025: - NordicFuzzCon 2025 (02.2025, Malmö, Sweden) - Confirmed! - Awoostria (07.2025, Wien, Austria) - Planned - Eurofurence 29 (09.2025, Hamburg, Germany) - Planned - Reffurence (10.2025, Hamburg, Germany) - Planned
Check out my works!
LINKS This is where else you can find me on the internet!
My shop:
Watch me streaming live!
Direct announcements and art feed:
If you'd like to get in touch feel free to drop me an email to > [email protected]
Check out my works!
ABOUT ME Booth at MEX Berliin 2024
My DD table at Eurofurence 27 in Hamburg, Germany (2023)
My booth at NordicFuzzCon 2024, (Malmö, Sweden)
My mini-booth at Dokomi 2024!
My DD table at Eurofurence 26 in Berlin, Germany (2022)
Humble beginnings at Artist Alley, EF25 in Berlin, Germany (2019)
Hello there! Nice to meet you!
I'm Anoroth or Ano for short. I'm a NB androgynous artist from Poland. I live in Germany since 2021. My main strengths are colorful illustrations and detailed reference sheets! I love to draw creatures and characters of all kinds and shapes. Dragons are obviously my favourite! 🐉 I started out in 2006 with traditional techniques and shifted to digital a few years later. Traditional media are still very present in my life though. Not expecting it would become my career, I continued drawing as a hobby during school and university time. I graduated with a master's degree in digital design and worked for a few years as an UX&UI designer. In 2020 I decided graphic design is not my passion, and switched completely to digital art. In my my free time I like to do some gardening and play various RPG games.
The conventions
In 2019 I have attended my first convention - Eurofurence 25. Since it was my first, I took part in Artist Alley. In 2021 I got my first Dealer's Den table and have been an active Dealer at Eurofurence every year! I love hosting my booth, speaking with people and making physical useful products. For every next event I always try to have at least one completely new product. I am also offering bigger, limited pieces at Art Show auctions since 2021. I would love to go to much more events in the coming years!
Past events: - Eurofurence: 25 (2019)26 (2022), 27 (2023), 28 (2024) - Nordicfuzzcon (2024) - Dokomi (2024) - MEX Berlin (2024)
Tools of choice
In everyday work I use Adobe Photoshop and Blender. My hardware is a 27'' iMac and a 24'' Huion Kamvas Pro screen tablet. For traditional art I use all sorts of tools! Among my favourities are copic markers, watercolor, acrylics and colored pencils.
Check out my artworks!
PRODUCT EXAMPLES Here you can see samples of merchandise I sell at my booth. Some of them you can also buy online. See them in their full glory over at my Etsy shop!
Playmat and mousepads examples
MY WORKS - portraits Vertical
MY WORKS - reference sheets With illustrative background
Regular flat-colors