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Fram Wikipǣdian
(Edlǣded of Virginia)
For ōðrum brȳcum, sēo Firginiæ (scīrung).
—  rīce þāra Geāndena Rīca American  —

Motto: Sic semper tyrannis, Virginia is for lovers
Ēacnama: Old Dominion, Mother of Presidents and the Mother of Statesmen

Land  Geānedu Rīcu America
Hēafodstōl Rīċemund
Underfangennes in Gaderunge 25 Sēremōnaþ 1788
Ambihtlicu sprǣc Englisc
Rīcesreccend Glenn Youngkin
• gerīm
• ƿæter

110,862 km²
7.68 %
Hīehþu 290 m
Hīehst ārǣrnes Mount Rogers
Niðemest ārǣrnes Westsæ
• būend

8,631,393 būenda
Tīdgyrdel America/New_York
ISO 3166-2 US-VA
Webstede Webstede

Logo Wikimedia Commons Firginiæ Commons
Þis cyþþubox hæfþ Wikidata wihta

Firginiæ (Niwenglisc: Virginia) is ān þāra frumra 13 rīca þāra Geānlǣhtra Rīca þe ongēan Brytta geƿealde ūpārās on þǣre American Oferƿeorpennesse. Hēo biþ gemǣnelice geteald tō dǣle þæs Sūðdǣles. His ambihtlica nama is þæt Gemǣngestrēon Firginian; hēo is ān fēoƿer Gemǣngestrēona of þǣm fīftig Geānlǣhtum Rīcum.

Kentucky and Ƿestfirginiæ ƿǣron dǣlas Firginiæ æt þǣre tīde þǣre staðelunge þāra Geānlǣhtra Rīca, ac se ǣrra ƿearþ underfangen in þā Geānlǣcunge sƿā sundorrīce in 1792 and se ōðer oþbærst of Firginiæ in þǣm Americaniscan Ingefeohte.

Firginiæ is gecƿeden "Foresittenda Mōdor" for þǣm þe ƿǣron mā U.S. Foresittendra (8) on þissum rīce geboren þonne on ǣnigum ōðrum. Fīf þāra ƿǣron geedcoren tō ōðerre ambihttīde: Georgius Hƿæsingatūn, Þomas Gefferson, Iames Mædeȳsūn, Iames Monroe, ond Ƿoodroƿ Ƿilson. Þā ōðre Firginiānisce Foresittend sindon Ƿillames Heanrig Harrieson, Iohannes Tylier, ond Zachariah Taillour.

Betwēonan Gewīnlandisc folce wunigende on þǣre stōwe þe nū Firginiæland is, wǣron þā Powhatan, Nottawæġ, Meherrin, Pohicæ, Monacan, Saponi, and Ceorauuī.

On ende þǣre 16th centurie þāra Engla ongunnon tō becuman Norðland Amerīcā, "Firginiæ " wæs sēo noma þe Hlǣfdīg Elizabeth I of England (þe wæs gehāten sēo "Gemeowlige Hlǣfdīg" for þā þe hēo nǣfre nǣnne hūsbonde næfde) tō wiðencan þāre eallan stōwe þe þǣre 1584 fēran Þānes Walter Raleigh be þǣre nēowolcēast. Se Lunden Firginiæland Scīrung wæs ġeworden sēo ǣresta þurh þæs cyninges ċartan þe gesceapen wæs on April 10, 1606. Hēo hrǣdlice fēondode þā ǣreste ǣcende Engliscan setlunge in þǣre Nīwan Wīsan þe wæs æt Gēmestūne on þǣre Firginiæland Ġerēfaþēod on 1607. Hīo ǣfterlīc wæs hālgod on May 23, 1609.

Firginiæ wæs gehāten his byname "Þæt Ēalda Rīce" fram Cyninge Charles II of England on þǣre ācennednes tīd æt þǣre Hwīle for þām þe hit gelēofode þā crūna bēon hālig wiðinnan þǣre Engliscan Cynewīsan Gēard on þǣre Engliscan Cynewīsan Gēardiscre Gūðe. Patrick Henry wæs sēo ǣresta Gerefa Firginiælandes fram 1776 oð 1779, and ēft fram 1784 oð 1786. On June 12, 1776, se Firginiæland Ġeþēod underfēng þone Firginiæland Rīhtsǣd þæt wæs handgewitod fram Bill of Rights þe wæs æfterfērend tō þǣre Gemǣnan Rīces Gescōdnesse. On June 29, 1776, þæt gemynd þing underfēng ēac ā setnys þe gesētte Firginiæland swā þæt hit wǣre gemǣneð þām Ċynewīse swīðe tōbryrd of þǣre Brintiscan Rīce. On 1790 begeondan Firginiæland and Mǣrcland forgeafan land tō wyrcenne Distric of Columbia, ac on āne ċyninglican setnys fram 9. Hlūdmōnað 1846, þæt land þe fram Firginiælande wæs forgifen, wæs ġeafniged, and nū is Arlingtonscīr and dǣl þǣre Cittie of Alexandria."

Firginiæ is ān of þām lēodum þe of þǣre Þēodwīsan geswicon tō wīcennenne þone Gemyndrīce under þǣre Civil War. Þā þæt dyde, sume scīrunga wurdon ġetreoȝode swā Ƿestfirginiæ, sēo wæs ġebunden þurh þā Þā Unīedrīce Gemyndrīcē Rīce set 1870 Firginiæland rǣdlice ġeǣned tō þǣre Þēodwīsan on January 26, 1870, æfter ānre fǣrlican tīde þǣre æfterwīgescipes mīlitiscan rīcere.

On January 13, 1990, Douglas Wilder wearþ sēo fruma Āfroamerices biscop ealles US rīces þæt tō þǣre Wīgescīpu þegnode, þā þā hē wæs gecoren tō Gerefan Firginiælandes.


[adihtan | adiht fruman]

Firginiælandes ǣwisc hæfð leng bēon hēalden swā ān þā beteran ġewihteðelum on þǣre Gemǣnan Rīce mid manigfealdum innfeondum, þæt is, forþmǣt þā mīlitrīgan onwealdan gesamnodon on þǣre Hāmptūn Rodas stōwe, tæbaccu and hrēawena æcerbrēowung swā þēah swā swā þurh Sūþsið Firginiæland, wǣre and ǣrende, and Norðerne Firginiæland þǣre bēdhwǣlmbyrig tō þǣre rīciscan rīce and his bǣron. Mǣstes dǣles Firginiæland is on innan 11 Mǣþlīce Gereordnes Būm.


[adihtan | adiht fruman]

Þā gelyfetdǣda gegēara Firginiælandburga sind:

  • Protestanctēaw – 74%
  • Rōmānisc Crīsten – 12%
  • Ōðer Crīsten – 2%
  • Ōðer lēohtwīgendōm – 2%
  • Unlēohtwīgend – 7%

Þā þrīo mǣstan Protestanctēawas on Firginiæ: Baptisc (31% þæs gesāmnyssan landes folces), Mǣðodisc (13%), Presbiterisc (4%).

Miscegenlīc ġecwissnes

[adihtan | adiht fruman]

Firginiæland is sēo lǣsta ǣ on þǣre landes cyneƿises, þā on 1916, þæt heora yrðlinges stefna wæs tō dǣlan.

Ōðere stedas

[adihtan | adiht fruman]

Þā sind ēac stedas þe hāttaþ Firginiæ þāra Rica Illinois and Minnesota: sēo

Ūtanƿearde bindas

[adihtan | adiht fruman]
Hēafodstōl Rīċemund

AlæcsandrigBrycgstoƿBȳnafistaCeorlettesfyllCeosapēacColōnushiehþuCoppingtūnDantūnEmgporiaFægerfæxFeallanesciriceFirginiestrondFrankeleinFreoðericbyrgGǣleaxHamƿicHærisunbyrgHopianƿelLeaxingatūnLinċbyrgMǣnasseMǣnasse EdiscMǣrtenestūnNīƿeportnīƿesNorþfolcNorþtūnPetrusburhPocosinPortesmuðaRædfordRīċemundRōƿrenocSælemStāntūnSūþfolcǷyrhtƿægnesburhǷillamesbyrgǷintanceaster


AccomæcÆlbeormearlÆllegænigÆmelyaÆlfrēdingtūnApomatǣxBæþBēdesfordBlandBotetorhtBrūnsƿīcBūcananBuccingahāmCambealCeorlīnCeorolĊearlceasterCeorletteCeasterfeldClercCragCōlepeaporCumbralandCyng GeorgiusCyng ond CƿēnCyng ǷillameDunnƿududigĒastseaxanElmhyrstEorl ĒadƿeardEoforƿicEorl GeorgiusEorl ǷillameĒostreFægerfæxFācƿierFlēodFlēouannaFrankeleinFreoðericĠeolurēadGilesGlēaƿċeasterGuicheGrægsonGrœ̄neGrœ̄nestūnHāliġfeaxHānuferHēnriċusHenrigHeahlondHlūddūneHræpahancgnocHrocainghāmHƿæsingatūnIaccobusceasterLonċeasterLeaLuisæLūneburhMædisonMatheusMæcclanbyrgMiddelseaxanMuntgumniNellsunuNiƿecentNorþhamƿicsċīrNorþhymbralandNottaƿegPæcgPætricPyttaƿudulandPōƿatānPulāsceRīċemundRīcheardsunuRōƿrenocRoccbrycgRusælScottaScēonandahSmiþSuþhamƿicSpotsƿudulandStæffordSūþriġeSuþseaxeTaselƿelǷareynǷestmōrlandǷihtīegǷīsǷiþþe


Ællegænig BeorgasBlǣwenhryċġCeosapēac ByhtCumbraland BeorgasDelmærfa EallmǣstīegĒasternebeċeFirginiæ EallmǣstīegFōtmuntHamtūnradstedesHryċġonddæl ĀpulfæscesMiddel EallmǣstīegNorþernehneccaNorþerne FirginiæScēonandahdælSuþhamtūnradstedesSuþsīdeSuþƿestfirginiæTennesīegdælTīdwæterÞriċeastraǷesternefirginiæǷestsæ Flatstrondlandes

 Geānedu Rīcu American
Rīcu AlabamaArcǣnsaĀrrisonaCǣnsasCaliforniaCentuccīgColoradoConnecticutDelaƿareĒalascæFermuntFirginiæFloridaGeorgiaGnebrāsgaGnefadaHaƿaiiHloðwigeanneHƿæsingatūnHƿīomingeIdahoIllinoisIndiǣnaIoƿaMæsċūtsitsMaineMarianlandMisceganMinnesotaMississippiMisseōraMontǣnaNīƿe CēsarēaNīƿe EoforƿīcNīƿe MexicoNīƿu HāmtūnscīrNorþcarolīnaNorþdacotaOhioOclahomaOrēgūnPennsylfanieRhode ĪegSūþcarolīnaSūþdacotaTennesīegTexasŪtaWestfirginiæWisconsin
Þoftscipes Scīr Columbie scīr
Īeglice landscipas Americānisc SamoaBæceres īegCyngman sǣhrycgGuamHōhlandes īegIaruises īegĪega of IdesumIohanneses tūn atollMidƿeg atollNauassa īegNorþerne Māriana ĪeglandPalmyra atollPortrīcheardǷacan īeg