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Ubuntwes tācn
Gegyld/Wyrcend Canonical Ltd. / Ubuntu Foundation
OS cynn Unixgelīc
Ǣrost forþyppung 20 Winterfylleð 2004 (2004-10-20)
Nīwost fæst forþyppung


/ 25 Eastermonað 2013; 11 years ago (2013-04-25)[1]
Gearwa sprǣca Mænigsprǣcisc (mā þonne 55)
Nīwmacunge endebyrdness Ubuntu Software Centre
Brūcendland GNU
Gewunelīc brūcendweald Unity (cann brūcan ōðru ƿeald)
Lēafnes Mǣst sēo GNU Gemǣne Folclīce Lēaf, ac ēac ōðra lēafa
Webbsīde www.ubuntu.com

Ubuntu is speacatella ƿeorcendebyrdness ƿorht of Debian, and of Linux, and frēo and openfrumlīc ƿeorcƿrithyrst is, ac þǣr is geǣht ƿeorcƿrithyrst þe man on spearctellend hladan mæg.

Ƿebbcȳþþu secgaþ þæt Ubuntƿes dǣl Linuxes nytte nēan 50% is,[2][3] and ƿierþ oftor gebrocen tō ƿebbþegntōl.[4]

Ubuntu is geƿorht fram Canonical Ltd., þe is gegyld on þǣm Geāndan Cynerīce þe is geǣht fram Sūþaffriciscum onginnmenn Mark Shuttleƿorþ. Æfter Canonical is þæt Ubuntƿes ƿeorc frēore ƿeorcƿrithyrste agolden.

Linux Mint is ƿeorcendebyrdness sēo fram Ubuntƿe ārās.