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Port Moresceby

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Port Moresceby
—  Hēafodburg  —
Port Moresceby on Papua Nīwguineg

Land  Papua Nīw Guinea Papua Nīw Guinea
Gestaðelod 1873
• gerim

240 km²
Hiehþu 35±1 m
• buend

317,374 buenda
Tidgyrdel UTC 10:00
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Þis cyþþubox hæfþ Wikidata wihta

Port Moresceby (Niwenglisc: Port Moresby), is sēo hēafodburg of Papua Nīwguineg.

Hēafodstōlas on þǣm Sericus Gārsecges
Austrasise Canberra, AustralandǷeolinȝtūn, Niwsæland1
Melsiānia Honiaran, Salomon ĪegeNōumæ, Nīwescotta Ēaland2Port Moresceby, Papua Nīwguineg3Portesfīlla, FanuatuSufa, Ficgīege
Minescranea Hānolūlu, Haƿaii4Haguatnā, Guam5Mæsiro, Mīerescealc Īege6Nuhgurulmud, Palau5Palcir, Ȝ.R. Minescranea5Sāpan, Norþerne Māriana Īegland4Suþaraƿa, KiribasYarenscīr, Nauru (æfter ƿiðræcca lage)
Polinesia Adamustūn, Pitcearnīega7Aloafæ, Niugue8Eapiæ, SamoaAfærōæ, Cociega8Fæcaōfō, Tocelaw9Funafuti, TufaluMatautta, Wealas and Futun (æfter ƿiðræcca lage)2Nūcūalōfe, TongaPægopægo, Americanisc Samoa4Pahpētig, Frencisc Polynesia (Tahitīeg)2
1Oft encluden on Polinesia  2Frencisc landbunes  3Oft encluden on Austrasise  4Rīce of sēo Geanedan Ricu  5Ūtlic landrīce of sēo Geanedan Ricu  
6On gemænscipericu ƿīþ þē Geanedan Ricu7Bryttisc landbunes 8On gemænscipericu ƿīþ Niwsæland 9Niwsæland ūtlic landrīce