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The Fourth Beta of Android 15
The Fourth Beta of Android 15

18 July 2024

Posted by Matthew McCullough – VP of Product Management, Android Developer Today we're bringing you Beta 4, the last scheduled u...

Prepare your app for the new Samsung Galaxy foldables and watches!
Prepare your app for the new Samsung Galaxy foldables and watches!

11 July 2024

Posted by Maru Ahues Bouza – Product Management Director, Android Developer Yesterday’s Galaxy Unpacked event from Samsung debuted ...

The Third Beta of Android 15
The Third Beta of Android 15

18 June 2024

Posted by Matthew McCullough – VP of Product Management, Android Developer Today's Android 15 Beta 3 release takes Android 15 ...

The Second Beta of Android 15
The Second Beta of Android 15

15 May 2024

Posted by Dave Burke , VP of Engineering Today we're releasing the second beta of Android 15, which continues our work to build...

Google I/O 2024: What’s new in Android Development Tools
Google I/O 2024: What’s new in Android Development Tools

14 May 2024

Posted by Mayank Jain – Product Manager, Android Studio At Google I/O 2024, we announced an exciting new set of features and tool...