



captain afab is honestly a very relatable character because whomst among us does not have some great beast that has eluded us all our lives. mine, for instance, is a decent night’s sleep.

Ahab. I meant fucking. captain Ahab.

y'all are gonna make this a whole thing aren’t you

top 5 things people have said in the tags on this so far:

  • moby girldick
  • I mean, he is chasing dick
  • the real white whale was testosterone
  • assigned whaler at birth
  • captain afab and his trusty crewman cismale

(via trebornosnibor)



i know there’s more than this out there but it really is incredible that people will look at a fictional character someone else wrote and collectively say “I will write you a hundred happy endings.”


(via summerofspock)










You should look a gift horse in the mouth though. Just because it was free doesn’t mean it isn’t your responsibility to make sure it’s healthy.

Not to mention all horse medicine is expensive, including dentistry, so for all you know they could just be passing off vet costs to you

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Don’t look at a gift horse. Don’t accept a horse as a gift. Be extremely skeptical of anyone trying to bind you to the ownership of a horse.

Climb upon the back of your gift horse and allow it to walk you to the river

somehow, I only just put together that a “gift horse” means a horse that is gifted to you, and not some kind of strange horse themed deity of generosity that is dropping goodies into your gullible hands from their giant horse maw.

I feel rather stupid at the moment

Nah your version is way better

#wait that’s what it means#i also always thought it was a horse god

The sheer number of people in the notes who thought this is amazing. There is love and light and beauty in the world.

For those confused, this saying is about being given a horse for free. You check a horse’s teeth to estimate its age and check for certain health conditions; when buying a random horse from a random guy in Old Timey Times (horses tend to have pretty thorough paperwork these days), it was expected that you’d check the horse’s teeth to make sure the seller wasn’t lying to you about the horse’s age and quality. The idea is that if someone is giving the horse to you for free, it’d be rude and entitled to check its age.

“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” essentially means “don’t criticise or second-guess your blessings”. Similar (but not identical) to “beggars can’t be choosers”. A modern version of the same saying could be “don’t check the mileage on a free car”.

#what the fuck#are you sure? lol#i just imagined a horse that had gifts in it’s mouth and you take the gift but dont look behind it#because it could come with strings attached#and if you dont look you wont know

You guys have some very complicated horse mythology

Troy, still making people paranoid.

(via fpwoper)





(via trebornosnibor)

Anonymous asked:

People who wear glasses: do you take them off when eating?


People who wear glasses: do you take them off when eating?



See results



Responses on my post about this are all over the map, but it looks like most people who create art do so just out of a need to create art, even though they find the actual steps and process to be totally unfun or even annoying to do.

It appeared from notes to be a bit rarer that people draw or write out of loving the work process itself. Lets find out!

which describes you when you make art?

It’s difficult or unfun to do the work but the final creation is what matters

I do it because the process is fun, the final outcome isn’t important

I love both the entire process and the result


view results

I think it’s necessary to separate the concept of “fun” from the concept of “loving something” or even “enjoying something.” I’m sure everyone has slightly different definitions of these terms but as I see it, in the Venn diagram illustrating them, “fun” might be a small circle contained wholly within the much, much larger circle of “enjoying something,” with “loving something” a separate circle overlapping with both other circles. Like so:


I have loved a lot of things in my time that are neither fun nor particularly enjoyable (e.g. going home to be with my parents after my dad’s knee surgery—it was meaningful & I felt so lucky to be able to do it, but it was also difficult and often painful). I’ve also had fun with a hell of a lot of things I didn’t love (e.g. trying out laser tag; taking a cooking class; going square dancing). And there are plenty of kinds of enjoyment that I wouldn’t describe as “fun” but that are still pleasurable (e.g. getting a massage, weeding the garden, watching a sad movie).

For me, the writing process is something that I always love, often but not always enjoy, and sometimes find fun. The final product is less important than the process, but I still enjoy it (usually), love it (always) and find it fun (sometimes).

On the poll as written:

“It’s difficult or unfun to do the work but the final creation is what matters”: Strongly disagree, but with nuance. I often find it difficult to do the work—in fact I intentionally set myself writing projects I know will be challenging, because being challenging makes them more interesting to me—but that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily “unfun.” Though there are undeniably parts of the process that ARE unfun, and I just have to slog through them to get to the enjoyable/fun parts again. That slog is partially worth doing to get to the final product, but more than that it’s worth doing because it’s just part of having an ongoing writing practice, which is a thing that I find life-giving.

“I do it because the process is fun, the final outcome isn’t important”: Also strongly disagree, but with nuance. The final outcome is less important than the practice, but I still value it. And again, I would say I do it because the process—which is sometimes fun and sometimes unfun—is overall very rewarding and nourishing.

“I love both the entire process and the result”: Agree, but with nuance. I do love both those things, but with a definition of love that includes many times when said things are difficult, boring, frustrating, baffling, etc. It’s like having a long-term relationship with a person. Any relationship that lasts long enough is going to have its rough patches and its high spots. So at least for me, “I love both A and B” is not a meaningful alternative to “A isn’t fun; B is important” and “A is fun; B isn’t important.”

Anyway sorry if this is annoyingly pedantic; I think it’s a rich & interesting topic!

(via chamyl)







during the Victorian occultism movement I would have been the guy who giggled all the way through seances

Arthur Conan Doyle subtly, but very firmly kicking you under the table.

man was 6’1” and built like a brick shithouse if he looked at me sideways I’d collapse like an aluminum can

Mans was WHAT


here’s a picture of him standing next to Harry Houdini, who was 5’6”

This absolute sasquatch talking fae shit to this exhausted short king.

Big Scots lad :D

(via neverwhere)



i know most people following me dont care about the weather, but i really need to share this because im genuinely gonna throw the fuck up dying of laughter over whoever runs this national weather service account on twitter fighting for their lives


i could feel the poor poor national weather service employee who was stuck responding to all these people’s pure aggravation and annoyance with every face palming emoji they used

(via indieninja92)





The spritz blessing with the Feliway is amazing.

(via three--rings)