A downloadable game

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Irmãos Aratu and Shaolin Carcará are 2 new Mega Drive / Sega Genesis games from Mangangá Team (Laudelino, Luiz, and myself). You need an emulator or flash cart do play these games. The games are in Portuguese language, but they are totally playable without Portuguese knowledge.

The games are free, but a donation is apreciated. Have fun.

Irmãos Aratu e Shaolin Carcará são dois novos jogos para Mega Drive do mangangá Team (Laudelino, Luiz, e eu). Você precisa de um emulador ou cartucho flash para jogar os jogos. A Distribuição é gratuíta, mas apreciamos qualquer apoio em forma de doação aqui pelo itchio ou pelo meu paypal [email protected]

Irmãos Aratu Credits / Créditos:

Amaweks: stage graphics, cutscenes graphics and all music

Laudelino: code, title screen logo, game and level design, character design and sprites graphics

Luiz F.M. Villalva: beta tests

Shaolin Carcará Credits:

Amaweks: music and cutscenes graphics

Laudelino: code, game and level design.

Luiz F.M. Villalva: beta tests

Pedro paiva: title screen logo https://menosplaystation.itch.io/

All the awesome pixel art for background and sprites from ansimuz https://opengameart.org/users/ansimuz

Both games made with SGDK from Stephane-D https://github.com/Stephane-D/SGDK


Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
Tagsbeat-em-all, Beat 'em up, Mega Drive, Multiplayer, Sega Genesis


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

irmaos-aratu-2022-rev01.zip 597 kB
shaolin-carcara-2022-rev01.zip 578 kB


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Having enjoyed both of these games, especially the graphics and gameplay, I felt I needed to leave a tiny bit of constructive criticism. Please don't think me rude by saying this as I only wish to improve this game. Frankly, I find the music to be quite repetitive and grating on the ears. If it were toned down a bit, or even replaced with something a little more subtle, I personally feel that the game would be a lot more enjoyable to play through.

Thanks for the feedback, it's something for us to think about for our the next games.

It looks like I spoke too soon.  After level one, the music improves drastically in both games.  Sorry I didn't give the game more of a try before leaving feedback.  It was just the graveyard song.

(1 edit)

olá amigo fiz gameplay do seu jogo shaolin-carcara para o youtube, quero dizer que gostei muito do jogo, quero da sugestões para melhorar, começando pela configuração dos botões, tanto para jogar no MD real ou em emulador, A bater B pular, C magia, seu jogo precisa de algum tipo de magia, precisa equilibrar a jogabilidade e dificuldade, parabens pelo seu trabalho, assim que estiver concluido vou comprar uma copia digital ok, abraço

Opa, legal posta o link do vídeo aqui, e obrigado pelas sugestões, vamos levar elas em consideração nos próximos projetos.

(1 edit)

blz, ai está o video, eu estava rouco então não falei nada apenas texto na edição

Opa, valeu.