Junior Achievement of Albania

Junior Achievement of Albania

Education Management

Our mission is to promote and support economic education and entrepreneurship among young Albanians.

About us

Junior Achievement (JA) is the world’s largest organization dedicated to educating students about workforce readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy through experiential, hands-on programs. JA programs help prepare young people for the real world by showing them how to generate wealth and effectively manage it, how to create jobs which make their communities more robust, and how to apply entrepreneurial thinking to the workplace. Students put these lessons into action and learn the value of contributing to their communities. Junior Achievement of Albania is a not profit, non governmental organization established in April 2012, as an investment of Albanian - American Development Foundation - AADF (www.aadf.org). Its mission is to successfully implement Junior Achievement Programs in Albanian education system through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth. JA program address exactly the fourth competence and are largely considered by government and other stakeholders in economic education. In support of the current curricular reform initiated by the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth, JA programs are integrated in the new official curricula of K-9, part of Civic Education & High School, part Economy, subject at 12th grade. This intervention would constitute a unique example among 122 countries worldwide implementing JA programs in schools, as the first case of JA program being obligatory through the whole pre-university education system. The support will ensure a qualitative installation of JA program in the core curriculum, capacity building of teaching staff and sustained involvement of business community in school life. In addition, JA of Albania is delivering two high school elective modules: at grade 11 & 12 1. JA Student Company (Shoqerite e Nxenesve) 2. Job Shadow (Drjetues per nje dite)

Education Management
Company size
2-10 employees
Entrepreneurship, Financial Literacy, Work Readiness Skills, Hands on Experience, Learning by Doing, Innovation Ideas Lab, Young Talents, Generating Business (Start Up), and Bridging the gap between schools and business world


Employees at Junior Achievement of Albania


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    Bashkëdrejtuesi ekzekutiv i AADF, Z. Martin Mata dhe përfaqësues të Junior Achievement of Albania patën kënaqësinë të marrin pjesë në eventin më të madh të sipërmarrjes për të rinjtë, GEN-E 2024 në Katania, Itali. 🇮🇹 Mbi 8⃣0⃣0⃣ sipërmarrës të rinj, arsimtarë, partnerë dhe drejtues të industrisë e politikëberjes u mblodhën për të marrë pjesë në këtë aktivitet. GEN-E mblodhi mbi 70 kompani nxënësish dhe startupe të nivelit universitar. 🧑🎓🧑🏫 Ekipi shqiptar u përfaqësua më së miri nga fituesit e Festivalit Kombëtar të Sipërmarrjes GEN-E Albania, "Eco Empathy" dhe startup-i "Bubi Media" nga programi i startupit në JAA. 🇦🇱 AADF përgëzon Junior Achievement of Albania, për punën e tyre të pandërprerë në nxitjen e talenteve të rinj dhe për mbështetjen që u jep atyre në platforma globale si GEN-E. 💼 Junior Achievement of Albania #AADF #jaofalbania #juniorachievement #GEN_E

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  • Mbi 8⃣0⃣0⃣ sipërmarrës të rinj, edukatorë, staf JA, partnerë, sponsor dhe drejtues të industrisë e politikëberjes u mblodhën nga e gjithë Europa për të marrë pjesë në eventin më të madh të sipërmarrjes për të rinjtë, GEN-E 2024 në Katania, Itali nga data 2 - 4 Korrik 2024. GEN-E mblodhi mbi 70 kompani nxënësish dhe startupe të nivelit universitar. 🧑🎓🧑🏫 Ekipi shqiptar u përfaqëua më së miri nga fituesit e Festivalit tonë Kombëtar të Sipërmarrjes GEN-E Albania, "Eco Empathy" dhe startup-i "Bubi Media" nga programi i startupit në JAA. Prezantimet e tyre qënë fantastike e angazhimi me jurinë dhe popullariteti i stendave të festivalit ishte i lartë mes vizitorëve. Ne në JAA jemi jashtëzakonisht krenarë për përfaqësimin dinjitoz të skuadrave tona në këtë event prestigjioz! 🇦🇱💡 Angazhimi ynë për të nxitur sipërmarrjen nuk kaloi pa u vënë re, me 29 nga 68 kompani nxënësish të përfaqësuara në Virtual Expo. 🚀 Së fundi, dëshirojmë të shprehim mirënjohjen tonë më të sinqertë për AADF.🙏 Pa vizionin dhe angazhimin e tyre, JAA nuk do të ishte në gjendje të nxiste talente të tilla të jashtëzakonshme dhe t'i mbështeste ata në shfaqjen e aftësive të tyre në platforma globale si GEN-E. 🇦🇱🇺🇸💼 JA Europe Albanian - American Development Foundation (AADF) JA Italia Martin Mata Blerina Guga #GEN_E #entrepreneurship #juniorachievement #jaofalbania

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  • 🌟 What will happen in Catania during #Gen_E 2024, won’t stay in Catania! Jemi shumë të gëzuar të njoftojmë se ekipet tona shqiptare 🇦🇱 po bëhen gati për të na përfaqësuar në Festivalin më të madh të Sipërmarrjes në Europë GEN-E 2024. 🚀 EcoEmpathy, do të ngjitet ne skënën e GEN-E si skuadra shqiptare me e mirë nga Kompanitë e Nxënësve të këtij viti shkollor që sapo lamë pas, dhe Bubi Media, si Startup-i më i Mirë, po bëhet gati për të shkëlqyer në prezantimin gjatë GEN-E 2024! 🎉 Për të parë planin e plotë, vizitoni gen-e.eu

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  • Junior Achievement of Albania reposted this

    View profile for Delin Spahiu, graphic


    I’m excited to share that our team is one of the three winners of this year's Junior UP! Together with Xhurian Shaba and Alvi P., we tackled all the challenges and learned so much while improving our startup, "Lookup," to its best version. It was a long and tough journey, but one we’ll never forget. A big thank you goes to Gerion Treska for all his hard work, and to the other teams who made this journey fun and entertaining by sharing their stories. Huge thanks to our judges as well, and especially to Junior Achievement of Albania for supporting youth innovation and making stuff like this happen. Thank you all for being part of this amazing experience 😁 !

    Another thrilling chapter of innovation and entrepreneurship unfolded at this year's Junior UP Demo Day! Our JA Alumni have once again set a new standard, dedicating themselves to turning their visionary ideas into reality 🚀 After months filled with workshops, training sessions, and startup events, we witnessed the transformation of concepts into concrete startups ready to make their mark. 🎓 This year, 7 ambitious startups took the stage, each presenting a unique solution poised to make a significant impact in the local community and beyond. Meet our esteemed panel of judges: 👉 Grant Van Cleve – President of the American Chamber of Commerce and co-founder of Holberton School Albania 👉 Ravik Mima – Chapter Coordinator SE Keiretsu Forum 👉 Dorin Rama, CA – Chief Executive Officer at Crimson Finance Fund Albania 👉 Endrit Kromidha – Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation 👉 Blerina Guga – Chief Executive Officer of Junior Achievement of Albania Each startup pitched for 3 minutes, followed by a Q&A session with the JuniorUP jury. The grand finale concluded with fund allocation for the top startups. We are thrilled to announce the winners who will be supported by JAA: 🏆 Bubi - $10,000 - founded by Kristi Shehu 🏆 Lookup - $10,000 - founded by Delin Spahiu 🏆 V’ark - $10,000 - founded by Avdirrahman Bakalli A heartfelt thank you to all participants, our judges, and especially to all those who believe in the power of youth and innovation. Your unwavering support is the backbone of this transformative journey for our JA alumni year after year. To our winners and all the startups, this is just the beginning. The road ahead is bright, and we can't wait to see where it leads. 💼🌱 Until next time, keep innovating, keep dreaming, and remember—the best is always ahead! Albanian - American Development Foundation (AADF)

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    View profile for Kristi Shehu, graphic

    Cyber Security Engineer | Pentester | Cyber Security Analyst | Tech Journalist of 4iMagazine

    A while ago, we decided to start a very heartfelt initiative with BUBI, our educational gaming platform designed to help kids learn Albanian. Our motto, "Learn by having fun," reflects our belief in the power of playful learning. Therefore, I am thrilled to share that BUBI has won at this year's Junior UP Demo Day! We are incredibly grateful to Junior Achievement of Albania for their support and to everyone who believes in our mission. This award is not just a win for us but a step forward for innovative education in our community. As we look to the future, we are excited about the possibilities and committed to continuing our journey of helping children learn and grow. Thank you to all the participants, judges, and supporters who made this event possible. Here's to many more milestones and to the bright future that lies ahead! 🌟 Flori Gjini

    Another thrilling chapter of innovation and entrepreneurship unfolded at this year's Junior UP Demo Day! Our JA Alumni have once again set a new standard, dedicating themselves to turning their visionary ideas into reality 🚀 After months filled with workshops, training sessions, and startup events, we witnessed the transformation of concepts into concrete startups ready to make their mark. 🎓 This year, 7 ambitious startups took the stage, each presenting a unique solution poised to make a significant impact in the local community and beyond. Meet our esteemed panel of judges: 👉 Grant Van Cleve – President of the American Chamber of Commerce and co-founder of Holberton School Albania 👉 Ravik Mima – Chapter Coordinator SE Keiretsu Forum 👉 Dorin Rama, CA – Chief Executive Officer at Crimson Finance Fund Albania 👉 Endrit Kromidha – Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation 👉 Blerina Guga – Chief Executive Officer of Junior Achievement of Albania Each startup pitched for 3 minutes, followed by a Q&A session with the JuniorUP jury. The grand finale concluded with fund allocation for the top startups. We are thrilled to announce the winners who will be supported by JAA: 🏆 Bubi - $10,000 - founded by Kristi Shehu 🏆 Lookup - $10,000 - founded by Delin Spahiu 🏆 V’ark - $10,000 - founded by Avdirrahman Bakalli A heartfelt thank you to all participants, our judges, and especially to all those who believe in the power of youth and innovation. Your unwavering support is the backbone of this transformative journey for our JA alumni year after year. To our winners and all the startups, this is just the beginning. The road ahead is bright, and we can't wait to see where it leads. 💼🌱 Until next time, keep innovating, keep dreaming, and remember—the best is always ahead! Albanian - American Development Foundation (AADF)

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  • Another thrilling chapter of innovation and entrepreneurship unfolded at this year's Junior UP Demo Day! Our JA Alumni have once again set a new standard, dedicating themselves to turning their visionary ideas into reality 🚀 After months filled with workshops, training sessions, and startup events, we witnessed the transformation of concepts into concrete startups ready to make their mark. 🎓 This year, 7 ambitious startups took the stage, each presenting a unique solution poised to make a significant impact in the local community and beyond. Meet our esteemed panel of judges: 👉 Grant Van Cleve – President of the American Chamber of Commerce and co-founder of Holberton School Albania 👉 Ravik Mima – Chapter Coordinator SE Keiretsu Forum 👉 Dorin Rama, CA – Chief Executive Officer at Crimson Finance Fund Albania 👉 Endrit Kromidha – Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation 👉 Blerina Guga – Chief Executive Officer of Junior Achievement of Albania Each startup pitched for 3 minutes, followed by a Q&A session with the JuniorUP jury. The grand finale concluded with fund allocation for the top startups. We are thrilled to announce the winners who will be supported by JAA: 🏆 Bubi - $10,000 - founded by Kristi Shehu 🏆 Lookup - $10,000 - founded by Delin Spahiu 🏆 V’ark - $10,000 - founded by Avdirrahman Bakalli A heartfelt thank you to all participants, our judges, and especially to all those who believe in the power of youth and innovation. Your unwavering support is the backbone of this transformative journey for our JA alumni year after year. To our winners and all the startups, this is just the beginning. The road ahead is bright, and we can't wait to see where it leads. 💼🌱 Until next time, keep innovating, keep dreaming, and remember—the best is always ahead! Albanian - American Development Foundation (AADF)

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  • Në datat 14-15 Qershor 2023, Junior Achievement of Albania mbylli me sukses Kampionatin Kombëtar të Debatit të Universiteteve! Të organizuar nga JAA si pjesë e programit “Debating Economics”, 8 klube debati nga universitetet publike dhe private nga i gjithë vendi 🇦🇱 shkuan ballë për ballë në 3 raunde debatesh. ⚔🔥 Në finale u përballën POLIS University dhe Fakulteti i Ekonomisë së University of Tirana / Universiteti i Tiranës (UT) (FEUT). 🎓🔥 Pas debateve plot argumenta, skuadra nga FEUT doli fituese, duke marrë në shtëpi trofeun e kampionatit! 🏆✨ 📚🗣 Debatuesit tanë nuk qenë debatues vetëm në këto dy ditë por përgjatë vitit u trajnuan e u praktikuan për të qenë debatues të suksesshëm, zhvilluan aftësitë e kërkimit e prezantimit në publik, dije e aftësi që do ti shoqërojnë gjatë gjithë jetës. 💡🚀 Mirënjohje të gjithë debatuesve për angazhimin dhe zellin e tyre të treguar pas cdo eventi e trajnimi nga programi i "Debating Economics". Falenderojmë gjithashtu mentorët, trajnuesit dhe gjykatësit e programit. Ne në JAA ndihemi shumë me fat që kemi mundësinë të punojmë me të rinj si ju.🌟💙 #DebatiUniversitar #JAA #DebatingEconomics #debateclub

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  • 📣 Shumë urime skuadrave që morën pjesë në Kampionatin Kombëtar të Debatit në Shkollat e Mesme - pjesë e programit "Debating Economics" nga Junior Achievement of Albania në datat 24 - 25 Maj 2024 tek POLIS University. “Ky parlament beson se qeveritë duhet t'i japin përparësi investimeve në industritë tradicionale mbi nxitjen e rritjes së ekonomisë dixhitale.” ishte tema me të cilën 16 skuadrat u përballën me njëra-tjetrën. Përballja finale ndodhi mes shkollave “Hasan Tahsini” Sarandë dhe “Sami Frashëri” Tiranë ku klubi i debatit i kësaj të fundit mori dhe titullin kampion! 🏅 Klubi fitues do të përfaqësojë Shqipërinë 🇦🇱 në Worlds Schools Debate Academy në Slloveni gjatë muajit Qershor. 🌍 Falenderojmë mentorët e debatit, gjyqtarët, mësuesit e nxënësit e shkollave që u bënë pjesë e "Klubeve të Debatit" gjatë vitit akademik 2023-2024! 💪 🎉 #SchoolDebate #JAA #DebatingEconomics #WorldSchoolDebate2024

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    Mr. Michael Granoff, Chairman of the BoT of AADF, inaugurated the new Junior Achievement of Albania premises at Tirana's Pyramid, now part of the vibrant innovation hub. 🎪 The event also marked the 13th JAA Entrepreneurship Festival, showcasing 120 high school finalists. JA of Albania continues to foster future entrepreneurs, leaders, and innovators.🗝 Junior Achievement of Albania #AADF #AADFprojects #juniorachievement #youtheducation #albania

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