Frequently Asked Questions

Why are you rejecting my credit card?

I’m not, your bank does. If a credit card gets rejected make sure you entered the right information on checkout, known by your bank. Also make sure your credit card uses modern security features like 3D Secure (3DS). Often called Verified by Visa/Visa Secure, American Express SafeKey or SecureCode. In some cases your bank may simply reject the transaction because the card is overdrawn or from a conflict area.

Payment verification? Buyer Intent?

In some cases extra verification is required to complete your payment. This is part of the European Union their ongoing effort to make everything as safe and user-unfriendly as possible. You may receive an email from your bank or my payment processor Stripe or PayPal asking to verify the transaction. This email should arrive during, or within minutes from going through, the checkout process.

My credit/debit card doesn’t work. Please help!

Look for the reason why the card is rejected. The vast majority of transactions that fail do so on a ‘failed intent’. This is the banks way of saying ‘user error’ and may mean you mistyped the CCV code from your card, took too long to complete the transaction or some other verification method failed. Paypal is more flexible wit this and so are some banks. So using a different payment method may just help you make your payment more easily.

I’ve already bought a new license. Why do I receive another license expiry email?

Because licenses are not a renewal the old one will still expire. People who have a license that is about to expire will receive up-to 3 emails informing them about the status of the license. This means that if you buy a new license when you receive the first notification, you may receive up-to 2 more notifications about the original license expiring. These emails are only sent to activated licenses.

Are you a real business?

I am a freelance developer.
Your Credit Card/Paypal statements (depending on which checkout option you use) can name “Arnan de Gans”, “Arnan de Gans/ADROTATE”, “AJDGNET” or “AJDG SOLUTIONS” in your end-of-month bank/credit card statement. This is all me.

What’s all this about travelling?

I’ve ditched mainstream life in the Netherlands for something more sunny and interesting. Your invoice may list an address located in an unconventional place because of it. Don’t worry though, that’s just me enjoying my life! You can read a bit more about me and my motivations for moving and what I’m up to on my personal website –

My username is not accepted, why?

There are a few simple requirements for usernames. You can not use a email address, it has to be 5 characters or more and can not contain spaces. Certain obvious keywords like ‘admin’ and ‘webmaster’ and a few more are blocked as well.

What currency do you use?

All prices on my website are shown in Euros. You can pay via your selected payment method and use any currency, the selected payment service will convert the amount to the Euro amount automatically.

Why is my email address banned/blacklisted?

Unfortunately the internet is full of spam, trolls, hackers and other crap. I am actively maintaining an extensive blacklist/blocklist/spamlist which includes anything that I deem annoying or spammy. This also includes domains (such as hotmail/outlook and some other free email services). Some of which have put my server on a watchlist. Just to avoid confusion and frustration in the future. Some TLD (such as .pl, .info and .cn) are blocked completely.

Where can I download an invoice?

For most purposes the order confirmation email you’ve received will suffice as a receipt.

Invoices are generated on request. To get yours, simply email me with your order number and ask for your invoice. I’ll generate it as soon as possible and you can download it from your account in the My Purchases Page.

Why is there a Paypal Surcharge?

Due to the unfair pricing of Paypal on transactions and how they treat merchants there is a small added percentage fee for the use of their services. You can consider this a handling fee if you will. If you do not wish to pay this fee you can use one of the other payment methods. Surcharges are non-refundable.

Why do you not give refunds?

Due to the nature of the products I provide, digital downloads and services, I do not provide refunds. Intangible products can unfortunately not be returned. However, if you are not satisfied with your purchase or you believe it takes too long to complete your order or for any reason you are not happy with the services I provide, please tell me so we can find a solution for your concerns. You can do so via the contact form.

How can I cancel my order?

Contact me via the contact form as soon as possible with transaction details and your order number. Please outline the reason for canceling (for my curiosity). An order can not be cancelled once work is well under way or after downloads have been made available as per the Terms and Conditions.

Where did my account go?

When you register an account and don’t do anything with it, it gets deleted after a few days. This keeps the site clean, free of robots and keeps pointless accounts to a minimum.

I want to work for you

I’m not hiring.

Can you host my premium plugin for updates and licensing?

Technically yes, please get in touch if you’re interested in such a service.

Want to do a collaboration project?

I’m not very social. But if your project is something awesome, sure, let’s discuss it.

How did you make this website?

With ClassicPress, WooCommerce and a bunch of plugins. I’ve created a few plugins of my own and created my own API to manage the plugin ecosystem and services I provide. Also I’m using Storefront from Automattic for which I’ve created a child-theme with tons of customisations.