Manage all your ads in one place

Hello! Welcome to the website of Arnan de Gans, I’m a freelance developer and creator of excellent WordPress and ClassicPress plugins. Whether you want to increase your revenue, enhance your website security or if you’re looking for handy plugins for WooCommerce and Classic Commerce.

My most popular plugin is AdRotate Banner Manager and its counterpart AdRotate Pro. Which is one of the most intuitive plugins to place all kinds of adverts on your website and easily manage your advertising campaigns.

Using AdRotate you can easily place banners that you create yourself or use Adsense Ads, Ads, Amazon Associate tags and any other kind of advert and affiliate offer on your WordPress and ClassicPress website. AdRotate Banner Manager and AdRotate Pro are trusted by over 50,000 website owners!

Get started for free
Get into advertising

All the basics
Unlimited ads


AdRotate Single
€ 49
One site license
Make advertising simple

More features
WordPress & ClassicPress

Buy Now

AdRotate Duo
€ 59
Two site license
Make advertising simple

Increase revenue
WordPress & ClassicPress

Buy Now

AdRotate Multi
€ 129
Five site license
Make advertising simple

Monetize your websites
WordPress & ClassicPress

Buy Now

View these and other plugins on the plugins page.

Latest updates

Goosle 1.7.1 is available now on Github!

Goosle 1.7.1 is available now on Github!
Monday August 26, 2024
Goosle version 1.7.1 adds a new magnet search engine and includes a lot of small improvements. Notable new features include a timeout function for if the response of a search engine is anything but good. [...] Continue reading »

AdRotate Banner Manager 5.13.3 - The just-in-case-update

AdRotate Banner Manager 5.13.3 - The just-in-case-update
Tuesday August 20, 2024
AdRotate Banner Manager 5.13.3 is a small update where the way filenames are checked is switched over from a function I made myself to a WordPress function. This helps enhance security and covers a wider range [...] Continue reading »

Bogus security issue from WordFence for AdRotate Banner Manager

Bogus security issue from WordFence for AdRotate Banner Manager
Tuesday August 20, 2024
If you're a Wordfence user you may have received a notice about a security issue in AdRotate Banner Manager recently. This issue supposedly [...] Continue reading »

Goosle 1.7 is available now on Github!

Goosle 1.7 is available now on Github!
Wednesday August 7, 2024
Goosle version 1.7 adds new search engines and includes a lot of tweaks and little improvements. Mojeek and Pixabay are now available as search engines. Pixabay is especially interesting because they provide high quality photos and [...] Continue reading »

Plugin reviews

I have used ADRotate Pro (single) for five years, and I highly recommend it. It allows me to easily adjust display times to customers' wishes and budgets. I have had no major problems in five years. The couple of times that I've required help with glitches have elicited immediate response from Arnan. He is responsive, courteous and, in my experience, his advice always works. AdRotate Pro makes the financial side of NEMiss.News simple and profitable. We've upgraded our site three times in five years, and have changed out many plug-ins. AdRotate Pro is one of the few we have kept from the beginning. Nan at NEMiss.News

Easy to use . Working properly. Strongly recommend.