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Ajahuaska word berei in die Napo-omgewing van Ecuador.
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Ajahuaska (ook bekend as ayahuasca) verwys na enige van die verskillende psigoaktiewe afkooksels van die rankplant Banisteriopsis caapi wat gewoonlik met die blare van dimetieltriptamienhoudende spesies of met struike van die genus Psychotria berei word. Die brousel is in die 1950's die eerste keer deur die Harvard-etnobotanis Richard Evans Schultes akademies beskryf. Hy het opgemerk dit word deur die inheemse volke van die Amasonereënwoud in Colombia onder 'n verskeidenheid name vir divinatoriese en geneeskundige doeleindes gebruik.


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Dele van B. caapi word geweek en dan saam met blare van verskeie ander plante, insluitende Psychotria viridis of Diplopterys cabrerana, gekook. Die uiteindelike brousel bevat die kragtige hallusinogeniese alkaloïede N,N-dimetielltriptamien (DMT) en monoamienoksidase-inhiberende harmala-alkaloïede, wat nodig is om die DMT oraal aktief te maak.

Brousels kan ook van plante sonder DMT gemaak word; Psychotria viridis word dan vervang deur plante soos Justicia pectoralis, Brugmansia of seremoniële tabak, ook bekend as mapacho, of soms geheel weggelaat sonder enige plaasvervanger.


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Ajahuaska word grotendeels as 'n godsdienstige sakrament gebruik. Volgelinge van die Brasiliaanse geloof Santo Daime maak openlik gebruik daarvan.


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[wysig | wysig bron]
  • Adelaars, Arno. Ayahuasca. Rituale, Zaubertränke und visionäre Kunst aus Amazonien, ISBN 978-3-03800-270-3 [Duits]
  • Marlene Dobkin De Rios. Visionary Vine: Hallucinogenic Healing in the Peruvian Amazon, (2nd ed.). Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland, 1984. ISBN 0-88133-093-0 [Engels]
  • Graham Hancock, Supernatural: Meetings with the Ancient Teachers of Mankind. London: Century, 2005. ISBN 1844136817 [1] [Engels]
  • Ross Heaven and Howard G. Charing. 'Plant Spirit Shamanism: Traditional Techniques for Healing the Soul'. Vermont: Destiny Books, 2006. ISBN 1-86377-118-9 [Engels]
  • Bruce F. Lamb. Rio Tigre and Beyond: The Amazon Jungle Medicine of Manuel Córdova. Berkeley: North Atlantic, 1985. ISBN 0-938190-59-8 [Engels]
  • Luis Eduardo Luna & Pablo Amaringo. Ayahuasca Visions: The Religious Iconography of A Peruvian Shaman. Berkeley: North Atlantic, 1999. ISBN 1-55643-311-5 [Engels]
  • Luis Eduardo Luna & Stephen F. White, eds. Ayahuasca Reader: Encounters with the Amazon's Sacred Vine. Santa Fe, NM: Synergetic, 2000. ISBN 0-907791-32-8 [Engels]
  • Terence McKenna. Food of the Gods: A Radical History of Plants, Drugs, and Human Evolution. [Engels]
  • Ralph Metzner, red. Ayahuasca: Hallucinogens, Consciousness, and the Spirit of Nature. New York: Thunder's Mouth, 1999. ISBN 1-56025-160-3 [Engels]
  • Ralph Metzner (red.) Sacred Vine of Spirits: Ayahuasca: Park Street Press,U.S.; 2 edition (Jan 2006). ISBN 1863770530, ISBN 978-1863770531 [Engels]
  • Jeremy Narby. The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge. New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 1998. ISBN 0-87477-911-1 [Engels]
  • P.J. O'Rourke, All the Trouble in the World. New York: The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1994. ISBN 0-87113-611-2 [Engels]
  • Jonathan Ott. Ayahuasca Analogues: Pangæan Entheogens. Kennewick, Wash.: Natural Products, 1994. ISBN 0-9614234-5-5 [Engels]
  • Ott, J. 1999. Pharmahuasca: Human pharmacology of oral DMT plus harmine, Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 31(2): I7I-177. [Engels]
  • Alex Polari de Alverga. Forest of Visions: Ayahuasca, Amazonian Spirituality, and the Santo Daime Tradition. Rochester, Vt.: Park Street, 1999. ISBN 0-89281-716-X [Engels]
  • Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff. The Shaman and the Jaguar: A Study of Narcotic Drugs Among the Indians of Colombia. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1975. ISBN 0-87722-038-7 [Engels]
  • Benny Shanon. The Antipodes of the Mind: Charting the Phenomenology of the Ayahuasca Experience. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. ISBN 0-19-925293-9 [Engels]

Dokumentêre rolprente

[wysig | wysig bron]
  • Alistair Appleton, The Man Who Drank the Universe, 30 min. 2005 [Engels]
  • Dean Jefferys; Shamans of the Amazon, 52 min. 2001 [Engels]
  • Jan Kounen, Autres mondes [Frans]
  • Glenn Switkes, Night of the Liana, 45 min. 2002 [Engels]
  • Armand Bernardt, L'Ayahuasca, le Serpent et Moi, 52 min. 2003 [Frans]
  • Anna Stevens, Woven Songs of the Amazon, 54 min. 2006 [Engels]
  • Rudolf Pinto do Amaral & Harald Scherz, ["Heaven Earth"], 60 min. 2008 [Engels]
  • BBC - Bruce Parry's Amazon, 2008, Episode 2 [Engels]