

التكنولوجيا والمعلومات والإنترنت

Dubai Multi Commodities Centre، Dubai ٤٬٤٠٧ متابع

Make supply chains secure. #supplychain #cybersecurity #globaltrade #3PL

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We provide supply chain solutions to all actions of global trade and product movements, offer unique software solutions for sustainable 3PL capacities, and mitigate risks in order to thrive value for our customers.

الموقع الإلكتروني
المجال المهني
التكنولوجيا والمعلومات والإنترنت
حجم الشركة
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المقر الرئيسي
Dubai Multi Commodities Centre, Dubai
شركة يملكها عدد قليل من الأشخاص

المواقع الجغرافية


  • عرض صفحة منظمة edex12، رسم بياني

    ٤٬٤٠٧ متابع

    Transparency, realistic expectations to accurate delivery dates, and the underlying data policies of logistic firms, can influence purchasing decisions of retailers and traders and significantly reduce cart abandonment rates, thereby positively impacting sales. Delivery time is not just an important consideration, it’s a fundamental aspect of the buying decision. Accurate predictions can drastically increase customer satisfactions by setting realistic expectations, thereby influencing the likelihood of a purchase. #ontimeshipping #KPI #supplychaindata

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة edex12، رسم بياني

    ٤٬٤٠٧ متابع

    Container rates from Asia to the US have surged since the onset of the Red Sea crisis. According to CNBC, rates from Asia to the East Coast have risen by about 150%, while those to the West Coast have seen a staggering increase of 190%, despite not utilizing the Red Sea shipping lane.   Increase on Opex and diverted routes   By circumventing the Red Sea lane, shipping around the Cape of Good Hope adds approximately 8,500 km to a vessel’s journey. This detour will cause a 10 to20 day increase in transit time, depending on the vessel’s speed. The additional fuel fees are contributing to raising the operational costs for shippers, as there are also increased costs associated with the labor on board. #supplychainriskmanagement #edex12 #logisticsmanagement

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة edex12، رسم بياني

    ٤٬٤٠٧ متابع

    Disruptions to Global Food Supplies International Food Policy Research Institute warns of potential disruptions to global food supplies. The red sea crisis, inflation’s impact on food prices, coupled with the war in Ukraine affecting wheat trade, could extend to wheat exports from Russia and the EU. Countries dependent on these regions, like East Africa, may face wheat shortages. Eritrea, Somalia, and Pakistan, which rely on these sources for over 80% of their wheat, are particularly vulnerable.  #foodsupplychain

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة edex12، رسم بياني

    ٤٬٤٠٧ متابع

    The conflicts in the Red Sea have given rise to significant challenges in global shipping. The ramifications extend far beyond the immediate region, affecting various aspects of the international supply chain. Follow our posts about updates on the cost impacts, increased transit times, and far-reaching impacts on global trade resulting from the Red Sea crisis. Downstream inventory issues expected, impacting Europe and US markets! The unanticipated increase in transit time has left companies grappling with downstream inventory issues. Companies operating on just-in-time (JIT) supply chains, such as Tesla, Volvo, and Whirlpool, have already announced manufacturing disruptions due to parts shortages. Adjusting ordering processes for the extended transit time or resuming shipments through the Red Sea is crucial to mitigating these disruptions. #supplychain #redseacrisis

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