نبذة عنا

AMAYA aims to provide its guest with a journey from all Mediterranean Sea. We have selected the most authentic and appealing dishes from every city of the Mediterranean Sea and have replicated the spirit and the essence of these dishes to bring all of it to your table. A: amazing We often used to express surprise or admiration. For example, "That was an amazing dish!" or "The view was absolutely amazing!" We want to trigger this feeling in you. M: magical moments Some examples of magical moments might include watching a beautiful Burj Khalifa sunset, experiencing your birth with your family and friends, or have a delicious food. Ultimately, magical moments are unique to each individual and lets us show you some magical moments. A: atmosphere A great atmosphere can foster a sense of community and encourage people to relax and have fun. It can also help to create a sense of belonging and encourage people to want to spend more time in that environment. Overall, a great atmosphere is essential for creating a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone involved and this is our mission for you. Y: you When we are feeling great, it can affect our mood, energy levels, and overall happiness. It is important to embrace these moments and try to hold onto them for as long as possible. Remember to take care of yourself and do things that bring you joy and happiness. Feeling great is a state of mind that we cultivate and this feeling we want to share with you. A: awesome Teamwork is essential for any group or organization to succeed. Awesome people understand this concept and are willing to put aside their own ego and personal interests for the benefit of the team. They are open to new ideas and feedback, and are willing to collaborate and listen to others. They also recognize the strengths and skills of their teammates and work to utilize them effectively. This is our awesome AMAYA-Family.

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excellent food ، restaurant ، و dubai

المواقع الجغرافية

موظفين في Amaya Restaurant & Lounge


  • عرض صفحة منظمة Amaya Restaurant & Lounge، رسم بياني

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    Escape the Ordinary at Amaya Restaurant & Lounge in Dubai! In a world where routine often reigns supreme, we believe in the magic of breaking away from the mundane. At #AMAYA, we offer not just a meal, but an unforgettable experience that transcends the ordinary. Located in the Heart of #Dubai: Nestled in this vibrant city, AMAYA is your perfect escape. Whether you're looking for a romantic evening, a family celebration, or a place to impress your business partners, we have you covered. Join Us: Escape the ordinary and immerse yourself in an extraordinary dining #experience. Book your table today and let us take you on a culinary journey you won't forget.

  • عرض صفحة منظمة Amaya Restaurant & Lounge، رسم بياني

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    Sitting in the heart of #Dubai, with the iconic Burj Khalifa towering majestically in the background, you found yourself immersed in a moment of pure bliss. The morning sun bathed the skyline in a golden hue as you enjoyed breakfast with your best friend at Amaya Restaurant & Lounge that promised not just a meal, but an experience. The #ambiance is nothing short of spectacular. Floor-to-ceiling windows offered an uninterrupted view of the Burj Khalifa, its shimmering façade reflecting the vibrant energy of the city below. The décor was a perfect blend of modern elegance and cozy comfort, making you feel both pampered and at ease. As you settled into your plush seats, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked pastries enveloped, a prelude to the #culinary #delights that awaited. The menu is a gourmet's dream – an array of options that catered to every palate. You start with a selection of exotic fruits, their vibrant colors a feast for the eyes. Each bite is a burst of freshness, a reminder of nature's bounty in this urban oasis. Next came the main course – an exquisite spread of avocado croissant topped with perfectly poached eggs, fluffy pancakes drizzled with rich maple syrup, and a decadent serving of smoked salmon with cream cheese. Every dish is a #masterpiece, artfully presented and bursting with flavors that danced on your tongues. Sharing this extraordinary breakfast with your best #friend in such an awe-inspiring setting is a reminder of the importance of cherishing moments and relationships. It’s a celebration of friendship, of life's little luxuries, and of the boundless possibilities that lie ahead. In that moment, with the Burj Khalifa as your witness, you felt invincible, ready to take on the world and create even more unforgettable memories together.

  • عرض صفحة منظمة Amaya Restaurant & Lounge، رسم بياني

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    A #Breakfast to Remember at Amaya Restaurant & Lounge Welcome to AMAYA, where every breakfast is an experience to cherish, and every bite is savored with a view that will leave you breathless. Nestled in the heart of hashtag #Dubai, our restaurant offers not just a meal, but a journey to start your day right, with the iconic Burj Khalifa. As the sun rises over the city, casting a golden hue across the skyline, there’s no better place to be than on our terrace. Picture yourself seated at one of our elegantly set tables, the warm morning breeze gently embracing you. The towering hashtag #BurjKhalifa stands majestically before you, its reflection shimmering in your coffee cup, creating a moment of serene beauty. At hashtag #AMAYA, we believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and we strive to make it the most enjoyable one too. Each dish is prepared with the finest ingredients, sourced locally and globally, to ensure that every bite is as delightful as the last. Our chefs are passionate about creating culinary masterpieces that not only taste exquisite but also look like works of art. Imagine savoring a delicious eggs benedict, the yolk running perfectly as you take your first bite, while the Burj Khalifa glistens in the morning light. Or indulging in our freshly baked croissants, their buttery layers flaking perfectly, as you sip on a delicious hashtag #cappuccino, the world’s tallest building serving as your awe-inspiring backdrop. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond our food. The ambiance is designed to be as inviting as it is elegant. Comfortable seating, lush greenery, and attentive service ensure that your breakfast experience is nothing short of perfect. So, whether you’re a Dubai local or a traveler seeking a memorable start to your day, we invite you to join us for an hashtag #unforgettable breakfast. Come for the food, stay for the view, and leave with memories that will last a lifetime. At AMAYA, breakfast with an amazing view is not just a meal, it’s a moment to be savored.

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Amaya Restaurant & Lounge، رسم بياني

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    #Coconut water has surged in popularity in recent years, often touted as nature's sports drink. But beyond its trendy status, there's a world of history and cultural significance wrapped around this tropical delight. For centuries, people in tropical regions have been savoring the refreshing taste and numerous benefits of coconut water. It's not just a beverage but a symbol of life and sustenance. In many island cultures, the coconut palm is referred to as the "Tree of Life" because it provides food, drink, and materials for shelter and tools. Coconut water is not just any liquid. It's a natural electrolyte #powerhouse, packed with potassium, magnesium, and sodium, making it an excellent hydration choice. Unlike many commercial sports drinks, it is low in calories and free from added sugars, making it a healthy option for anyone looking to rehydrate after physical activity. The water comes from young, green coconuts, typically harvested when they are about 5-7 months old. At this stage, the liquid inside is clear, sweet, and packed with nutrients. As the coconut matures, the water gets absorbed into the flesh, which is why older coconuts contain less liquid. Beyond hydration, coconut water has been traditionally used in folk medicine for various ailments. It's known for its cooling properties and is often consumed to help reduce body heat and treat urinary tract infections. Some studies have even suggested it can help lower blood pressure due to its high potassium content. Culinary enthusiasts also cherish coconut water for its versatility. It's a popular ingredient in smoothies, adding a hint of sweetness and a nutrient boost. In tropical cuisine, it's used in soups, stews, and desserts, imparting a subtle, refreshing flavor that enhances dishes. But perhaps the most enchanting aspect of drinking coconut water is the #experience itself. There's something undeniably satisfying about cracking open a fresh coconut and sipping its contents straight from the source. It’s a moment of connection with nature, a reminder of the simpler pleasures in life. So, next time you reach for a drink, consider the humble coconut. It's not just a beverage; it's a taste of paradise, a splash of hydration, and a sip of history all in one.

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Amaya Restaurant & Lounge، رسم بياني

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    Imagine sitting in a luxurious lounge with a breathtaking view of Dubai's iconic skyline, the sun setting behind the towering #BurjKhalifa, casting a golden glow over the city. The warm desert breeze gently brushes your skin as you take a slow, deep inhale from a beautifully adorned hookah, the fragrant, aromatic smoke swirling around you, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and indulgence. In Dubai, smoking #hookah is more than just a pastime; it is an experience steeped in tradition and modern luxury. As you exhale, the stresses of everyday life seem to dissipate, replaced by a sense of relaxation and contentment. The rich flavors of the shisha blend together, each puff offering a new layer of taste—fruity, spicy, or minty—each more delightful than the last. Surrounded by the city’s vibrant culture and the harmonious fusion of old and new, you can appreciate the rich history of the hookah. Originating centuries ago, this practice has evolved from ancient gatherings into a symbol of hospitality and social connection. In #Dubai, it brings people together, fostering conversations that span across cultures and generations, connecting souls through shared moments of peace and pleasure. The elegant lounges, often adorned with plush cushions, intricate decor, and soothing music, create the perfect ambiance for savoring this experience. Whether you’re sharing stories with #friends or simply enjoying a moment of solitude, the act of smoking hookah becomes a meditative ritual, a pause in the fast-paced rhythm of life. As the evening deepens and the city lights begin to twinkle, you feel a profound sense of gratitude for this moment of serenity and connection. In Dubai, with a hookah in hand, you are not just a visitor; you are part of a timeless tradition, a beautiful blend of the past and the present, finding joy and inspiration in the simple act of sharing a smoke under the Arabian sky.

  • عرض صفحة منظمة Amaya Restaurant & Lounge، رسم بياني

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    Croissant, with their flaky, golden crusts and buttery interiors, are the epitome of #breakfast indulgence. Originating in Austria and perfected in France, these crescent-shaped pastries have become synonymous with Parisian mornings, often enjoyed alongside a steaming cup of coffee. Each bite reveals layers of delicate dough, meticulously folded and rolled to create that unmistakable light and airy texture. The magic of a #croissant lies in its simplicity—just flour, butter, yeast, milk, and a pinch of sugar and salt, yet the process demands patience and skill. The dough undergoes multiple stages of folding and resting, a technique known as laminating, which traps air and creates the croissant’s signature flakiness. This meticulous process, combined with high-quality ingredients, transforms the humble dough into a work of art. In addition to the classic butter croissant, variations abound, offering a delightful array of #flavors and fillings. Almond croissants, with their sweet, nutty frangipane centers, and pain au chocolat, oozing with rich, dark chocolate, are beloved choices. Savory options, such as ham and cheese croissants, provide a hearty alternative for those seeking a more substantial start to their day. The croissant's versatility extends beyond breakfast. It can be the foundation for elegant sandwiches or the base for decadent desserts like croissant bread pudding. Whether enjoyed plain, with a smear of jam, or filled with sumptuous ingredients, croissants elevate any meal into a moment of pure pleasure. So, next time you find yourself craving something special for breakfast, reach for a croissant in Amaya Restaurant & Lounge. Allow yourself to savor its delicate layers and rich flavor, appreciating the craftsmanship that makes this pastry a timeless favorite.

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Amaya Restaurant & Lounge، رسم بياني

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    A great #BusinessLunch at #AMAYA is not just a meal; it's a strategic symphony of flavors and conversation that can fuel not only your afternoon but potentially your entire career. Imagine stepping into a venue chosen for its ambiance - quiet enough to discuss, yet lively enough to energize. Each course that arrives is not just sustenance but a talking point, a shared experience that breaks down barriers and builds trust. Picture sitting at a table with the sun casting gentle patterns through the windows, highlighting the vibrant colors of the dishes. You and your #business counterpart exchange ideas with every bite, finding common ground over the perfectly cooked steak or the innovative vegan dish. It's in these moments, between the clinking of glasses and the casual banter, that partnerships are forged and deals are hinted at, all before dessert arrives. This isn't merely eating; it's an art of negotiation and #networking, served up with a side of culinary delight. Leaving the table, you feel not just satisfied by the meal, but invigorated by the possibilities that have opened up. A successful business lunch like this leaves you optimistic about the future, eager to follow up on the conversation. So, cherish these meals and make the most of them—they are as much about building relationships as they are about enjoying the #food.

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Amaya Restaurant & Lounge، رسم بياني

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    This is the Amaya Restaurant & Lounge experience. Imagine stepping into Dubai’s finest restaurant as the morning sun casts golden hues through its panoramic windows. Here, in the heart of a city that bridges continents and cultures, you’re about to experience a #breakfast like no other. As you take your seat, you’re greeted with a smile as warm as the Arabian sun. The table is set with a glassware that catches the light, promising a meal that’s as great in presentation as it is in flavor. The menu is a masterpiece of #culinary art, offering a fusion of local and international delights. Each dish is prepared with the freshest ingredients—succulent fruits that taste of the sun, pastries as light as air, and aromatic coffees sourced from the finest beans that awaken the senses and invigorate the soul. This is more than just a meal; it’s a celebration of the new day. It’s an opportunity to indulge in life’s finer pleasures, to savor each moment, and to feel gratitude for the new beginnings that each sunrise brings. Here, in #AMAYA, you're not just starting another day—you're embarking on a journey of discovery and delight, where every bite tells a story of craftsmanship and passion. So, take your time. Enjoy every morsel. Let this breakfast not just nourish your body, but also #inspire your mind and rejuvenate your spirit. After all, a day that begins this wonderfully is bound to be extraordinary in every way.

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