afkar collective

afkar collective

الاستشارات والخدمات في مجال الأعمال

Crafting meaning from noise. Knowledge Curation and Epistemological Architecture Advisory Services for the Age Of AI.

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Afkar Collective is dedicated to craft meaning in an age of entropy. We help governments and organizations identify the knowledge they need to operate effectively, understand its hierarchy, and establish robust taxonomies. By redefining the epistemological architecture of institutions, we aim to provide comprehensive insights that support informed decision-making, promote sustainable data practices, and unlock hidden value. Our mission is to illuminate the layers of knowledge, ensuring clarity, reliability, and strategic advantage for our clients and communities in the age of Artificial Intelligence.

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الاستشارات والخدمات في مجال الأعمال
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    Alternative insight divisions as an strategy to adapt to climate challenges and AI advancements. These divisions can foster innovation, diverse perspectives, and ethical decision-making, helping organizations navigate complexity and drive sustainable progress. #AlternativeInsights #Innovation #EthicalDecisionMaking #Sustainability #ClimateChallenges #AIAdvancements #StrategicForesight #FutureOfWork #ChangeManagement #LeadershipDevelopment

    The Role of Alternative Insight Divisions in Navigating Today's Challenges

    The Role of Alternative Insight Divisions in Navigating Today's Challenges

  • عرض صفحة منظمة afkar collective، رسم بياني

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    Next week our co-founder Joaquin Rodriguez Alvarez Ph.D. Will be joining the Firesidechat about the future og GovTech and AI trends organized by Robotics Cats

    عرض صفحة منظمة Robotics Cats، رسم بياني

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    🔥Join Our Fireside Chat with Founder Series!🔥 Latest govtech trends in the Middle East? What are the expectations around AI in the GCC region? More about urban projects and cognitive cities as new trends in smart cities... Please join our 3rd Fireside Chat, talk to our guest speaker Joaquin Rodriguez Alvarez Ph.D. , and you will get the answers to the above-mentioned questions and more! In our exclusive small-group Fireside Chat Series, you'll have the chance to engage with leading technology experts, discover the latest trends in AI, UX design, satellite data analytics, and more, gain valuable insights, ask questions, and network with industry leaders. This is a unique opportunity for undergraduates to bridge the gap between academic learning and real-world applications. Fireside Chat with Joaquin Rodriguez Alvarez Ph.D. : Smart Cities in Middle East 📅 Date: 22-July-2024, Tue PST / 23-July-2024, Wed HKT 🕒 Time: 18:00-19:00 PST / 09:00-10:00 HKT 📍 Location: Zoom online meeting Please Register below 👇 (limited number of participants). Be part of the conversation that shapes the future! 🚀 afkar collective #internship #workforce #innocation

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة afkar collective، رسم بياني

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems have revolutionized various aspects of our lives but face a fundamental challenge known as the horizon effect. This phenomenon highlights AI's limited ability to predict outcomes beyond a certain point, impacting knowledge, trust, ethics, and more. Understanding and mitigating this effect is crucial for responsible AI deployment. Check out our latest post for anexploration of the horizon effect and its implications on AI technology and society. #AI #HorizonEffect #Ethics #ArtificialIntelligence

    The Epistemological Implications of the Horizon Effect in AI

    The Epistemological Implications of the Horizon Effect in AI

  • عرض صفحة منظمة afkar collective، رسم بياني

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    Human history is defined by revolutionary technologies that reshape societies and economies. From the Industrial Revolution to the Digital Age, each leap is tied to resource depletion. Today, artificial intelligence (AI) introduces new challenges, specifically regarding the extensive amounts of human-generated data needed for training AI models. This article delves into these challenges, including epistemological issues and biases in AI. Key Points: Industrial Revolution: Brought significant production advancements at the cost of environmental degradation and resource depletion. Digital Age: Highlighted the importance of silicon and rare earth elements, introducing e-waste and privacy issues. AI and Data Dependency: AI demands vast datasets, which pose new resource strains related to data quality and ethical sourcing. Challenges with AI: Quality vs. Quantity: Large datasets may compromise accuracy and ethics, leading to unreliable AI models. Knowledge Representation: Biased or incomplete data can perpetuate misconceptions in AI's decisions. Interpretability and Transparency: Complex AI models hinder understanding and trust due to lack of transparency. Bias in AI: Training Data Bias: Non-diverse datasets in facial recognition lead to higher error rates for certain groups, causing fairness issues. Algorithmic Bias: Prejudices in hiring algorithms and other applications can reinforce societal biases. Feedback Loops: Biased data can amplify issues, creating echo chambers in recommendation systems. Conclusion: Ethical data collection, improved transparency, and diversity in training datasets are vital to address AI's challenges. By learning from historical technological patterns, we can ensure AI's potential is realized ethically and equitably, serving society's broader interests. Final Thoughts: AI development, like past technological evolutions, offers immense opportunities but also significant challenges. Addressing these challenges ensures AI benefits humanity effectively and justly. #ArtificialIntelligence #TechInnovation #DataEthics #DigitalTransformation #AIChallenges #BiasInAI #FutureTechnology #SustainableTech #EthicalAI #TechLeadership

    The Dual-Edged Sword of AI: Technological Progress and Data Depletion

    The Dual-Edged Sword of AI: Technological Progress and Data Depletion

  • عرض صفحة منظمة afkar collective، رسم بياني

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    🔄 Reframing Strategic Partnerships in the Age of Generative AI 🤝💡 The rapid advancements in generative AI are transforming how businesses operate, innovate, and compete. To fully leverage this powerful technology, it's crucial to rethink and reshape our strategic partnerships. Traditional, static partnerships? 📉 Those won't cut it anymore. Today, we need dynamic, synergistic relationships where AI tools, data, and expertise are seamlessly shared and integrated. Key components for successful AI-driven partnerships include: Mutual AI Integration: Sharing AI models and best practices to co-create value. Robust Data-Sharing Agreements: Ensuring secure and ethical data exchange. Flexible Structures: Adapting quickly to new AI advancements and opportunities. Benefits are clear: 🚀 Faster innovation cycles 🛡️ Mitigated risks through aligned AI strategies 🌍 Expanded market opportunities Challenges? Yes, but manageable: Ethical AI use and compliance Data privacy and security Cultural and operational alignment By embracing these new paradigms, businesses can unlock unprecedented growth and success. The future belongs to those who adapt and collaborate intelligently, leveraging the transformative power of AI through reframed strategic partnerships. Are you ready to embrace this change? Let's discuss how we can build the future together. 💬 #AI #GenerativeAI #StrategicPartnerships #Innovation #TechnologyTransformation #BusinessGrowth

    Reframing Strategic Partnerships in the Age of Generative AI

    Reframing Strategic Partnerships in the Age of Generative AI

  • عرض صفحة منظمة afkar collective، رسم بياني

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    Plato's Cave and the Artificial Shadows: How AI Mirrors Our Reality The advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) has unveiled a new era of artificial intelligence that seems to place us in front of a distorted mirror. This mirror, however, isn’t designed to help us see the truth. Instead, it buries us deeper into the depths of Plato’s cave—a place where shadows dance on the walls, and truth becomes irrelevant. In Plato's allegory of the cave, prisoners are confined, only able to see shadows projected on the wall, mistaking these illusions for reality. Similarly, with the rise of AI and its persuasive capabilities, we find ourselves subjected to a new kind of game, one where the shadows are shaped by design not to inform, but to deceive, providing plausible and believable answers framed by unknown guardrails with unclear intentions. Recent research underscores the inherent danger in this dynamic. As argued by a trio of philosophy professors from Glasgow University, the output of LLMs like ChatGPT can be more accurately described as "bullshit" rather than mere hallucination. In his seminal work "On Bullshit," philosopher Harry Frankfurt delineates the difference between a liar and a bullshitter. The former rejects and opposes the truth, while the latter is utterly indifferent to it. This characterization fits the behavior of LLMs perfectly—they operate on probabilistic frameworks, not truthful veracity. An uncritical continuation on this path threatens to erode our very notions of reality, propelling us into what Jean Baudrillard might call our worst nightmare. In Baudrillard's vision, reality is replaced by a simulation, where the distinction between truth and falsehood becomes ever more blurry. This echoes Socrates' warnings in "Phaedrus," where he argues that true rhetoric requires understanding and conveying truth, not merely crafting plausible statements. How have we come to renounce the very foundation of philosophy? Our societies, institutions, and governments appear complicit in allowing the proliferation of systems inherently untrustworthy by design. This complicity is exacerbated by the race among companies and organizations to appear cutting-edge and innovative, often valuing the development of chatbots that can spread further untruths over the pursuit of genuine knowledge. Containing this digital nightmare is imperative. We must critically evaluate the ethical frameworks guiding AI development. The desert of the real, as depicted by Baudrillard, is no longer a distant dystopia; it is our current reality. Our communities and identities are at stake. To navigate this new landscape, we need transparent discussions and regulations around AI technologies. We must insist on systems that prioritize truth and trustworthiness over persuasive facade. Rhetoric based on truth is not a relic of the past but a necessity for preserving the integrity of our reality.

    Michael Townsen Hicks, James Humphries & Joe Slater, ChatGPT is bullshit - PhilPapers

    Michael Townsen Hicks, James Humphries & Joe Slater, ChatGPT is bullshit - PhilPapers

  • عرض صفحة منظمة afkar collective، رسم بياني

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    🌿 The Future of Urbanism: Beyond the Myth of the "Smart City" 🌆 In today's discourse on urban development, there's a growing realization that the concept of "smart cities" often serves as a commercial label, selling solutions for fabricated problems. The true essence of a sustainable urban ecosystem lies in embracing cities as living, breathing entities—recognizing and integrating the myriad non-human stakeholders that sustain life. To build cities that thrive amidst ecological chaos, we must shift our focus from mere human-centric designs to inclusive environments that celebrate and enhance life in all its forms. This means considering the well-being of birds, plants, animals, microbial life, fungi, soil quality, and air quality—not just from our perspective, but from the viewpoint of the entire web of life. By acknowledging the role of all beings, including pollinators and other critical contributors to our ecosystem, we can create urban spaces that are truly liveable and resilient. The cities of the future (meaning those able to survive the comming climatic chaos) should be about enhancing and nurturing all forms of life for a holistic and sustainable existence. Let's start this conversation and reimagine urbanism for the future! 🌱🌍 #Urbanism #SustainableCities #EcologicalUrbanism #SmartCities #UrbanDevelopment #Sustainability #Biodiversity #Ecosystem #FutureCities #EnvironmentalStewardship #HolisticDesign

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة afkar collective، رسم بياني

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    🌟 The Conundrum of AI Work Assistants in Modern Enterprises 🌟 At Afkar Collective, our expertise lies in advanced technology, AI, innovation, and the nuanced art of knowledge curation. Recently, there's been much discourse around AI work assistants, initially hailed as a simple step towards improving workplace efficiency. However, the reality has been quite different. 🛠️ Critical Challenges: Despite the promises, AI work assistants have stumbled upon significant hurdles. CIOs are vocal about the hefty internal efforts needed to derive true value from these expensive tools. The root of the problem often lies in inadequate implementation strategies, devoid of proper epistemology frameworks and knowledge curation practices. 🔍 The Real Struggle: Juniper Networks: The CIO expressed unexpected difficulty, stressing, "It has been more work than anticipated," with current tools being far from production-ready despite extensive testing. Inaccurate Data: Enterprises frequently battle with outdated and imprecise data, resulting in AI tools delivering faulty information. This issue is compounded by a lack of thorough knowledge curation practices. Microsoft's Observations: The corporate VP of AI noted that systems like Copilot don’t always retrieve data from the correct sources, leading to disappointing outcomes. This is a clear indication of flawed implementation strategies. Hitachi Americas’ Experience: VP Bala Krishnapillai pointed out the perennial issues of inconsistent and duplicated data, highlighting the absence of robust data validation and curation mechanisms, which are critical for reliable AI outputs. 🚀 A Call for Strategic Revision: As Kyndryl CIO Michael Bradshaw succinctly mentioned, "Copilot has great capabilities, but a company has to be prepared to use it—by keeping data organized, up-to-date, and secure." However, merely keeping data organized isn't enough. There needs to be a fundamental shift towards establishing solid epistemology frameworks and adopting comprehensive knowledge curation strategies and practices. 💡 Our Perspective: Tackling the challenges of deploying internal AI assistants requires a holistic approach. Without rigorous methodologies and strategic knowledge curation, aiming for substantial process improvements and productivity gains is ambitious at best and futile at worst. At Afkar Collective, we advocate for a profound recalibration of AI implementation strategies. By embedding robust epistemology frameworks and rigorous knowledge curation practices, we aim to empower organizations to turn these challenges into catalysts for innovation and growth. Let's redefine the landscape of AI work assistants together. 🚀🔍 #AICritique #Innovation #TechChallenges #Productivity #AfkarCollective

    AI isn’t dumb, but it might be dumber than you think

    AI isn’t dumb, but it might be dumber than you think

  • عرض صفحة منظمة afkar collective، رسم بياني

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    🚀 Innovation is the cornerstone of progress. In our fast-paced world, the demand for robust and scalable innovation is more critical than ever. While traditional innovation ecosystems and labs have fueled advancements, their limitations are now apparent. It's time to evolve beyond methodologies like design thinking and embrace ecosystemic business models that comprehensively address the intricate needs of corporate and governmental innovation. 🌟 The Limitations of Traditional Models 🧩 Isolation and Fragmentation Innovation labs often work in silos, limiting knowledge sharing and diverse perspectives. This isolation hinders the development of comprehensive solutions for complex challenges. 🔄 Incremental Change Over Disruptive Innovation Traditional methods often prioritize small improvements rather than industry-transforming innovations. 👥 Superficial Engagement Superficial participation from startups, creators, and big businesses doesn't foster deep collaboration. True innovation requires sustained, meaningful partnerships that leverage each stakeholder's strengths and perspectives. The Ecosystemic Business Model: A Transformative Approach At Afkar Collective, we champion ecosystemic business models. This approach fosters holistic integration of stakeholders and employs Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) to drive targeted, scalable innovation. Key Advantages: 🌐 Holistic Integration Ecosystemic models bring together diverse stakeholders for a richer tapestry of perspectives, leading to comprehensive and effective solutions. ⚙️ Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) SPVs act as catalysts, aligning startups' creativity, big businesses' resources, creators' unique views, and government support to drive focused innovation projects with clear objectives. 📈 Scalable Impact Innovations developed through SPVs can be scaled across different contexts, ensuring broader implementation of best practices and successful models. Why This Matters: 🤝 Enhanced Collaboration Deeper, meaningful participation from all stakeholders enriches the pool of ideas, leading to more robust outcomes. 🎯 Targeted Innovation SPVs focus efforts on high-impact projects, ensuring innovation aligns with strategic goals. 🔄 Greater Flexibility and Responsiveness Ecosystemic models adapt to changing needs, making them ideal for modern, dynamic innovation landscapes. 🌍 Sustainable and Transformative Impact Ecosystemic models enable continuous, transformative innovation, driving long-term, significant impact. At Afkar Collective, we are dedicated to revolutionizing innovation. By fostering inclusive and collaborative ecosystems, we aim to meet today's dynamic needs and pave the way for a more prosperous future. #Innovation #Ecosystem #Collaboration #Disruption #SPVs #FutureOfWork #AfkarCollective #ChangeTheGame

    Breaking the Mold: Embracing Ecosystemic Business Models for True Innovation

    Breaking the Mold: Embracing Ecosystemic Business Models for True Innovation

  • عرض صفحة منظمة afkar collective، رسم بياني

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    Breaking the Mold: Embracing Ecosystemic Business Models for True Innovation At Afkar Collective, we've seen firsthand the limitations traditional innovation ecosystems and innovation labs face. While these models have paved the way for significant advancements, there's a critical need to evolve beyond design thinking to truly address the complex needs of corporate and governmental innovation. Enter our next frontier: The Ecosystemic Business Model. 🔹 Why Traditional Models Fall Short: Isolation: Innovation labs often work in silos, disconnected from the broader ecosystem. Incremental vs. Disruptive: Many traditional approaches focus on incremental changes instead of groundbreaking shifts. Limited Engagement: The involvement of startups, creators, and big businesses is often superficial, missing out on deeper collaboration. 🔹 The Ecosystemic Approach: Holistic Integration: By fostering collaboration between diverse stakeholders (startups, creators, big business, and government), we bring together a multitude of perspectives and capabilities. SPVs (Special Purpose Vehicles): These are not just funding mechanisms but are designed to group solutions, drive targeted innovation projects, and create tangible outcomes. Scalable Impact: Solutions and innovations driven through SPVs can be scaled more effectively, ensuring that successful models can be replicated and tailored across various domains. 🔹 Why This Matters: Ecosystemic business models ensure that innovation is not only sustainable but also brings about meaningful change. By leveraging SPVs, we enable deeper participation across the board—startups get the platform to shine, creators bring novel ideas, big businesses inject scale and resources, and governments facilitate and support. At Afkar Collective, we believe this shift is not just necessary but imperative for meeting the dynamic needs of today's world. Together, let's build an innovation ecosystem that’s inclusive, collaborative, and transformative. #Innovation #BusinessModels #Ecosystem #Startups #Collaboration #InnovationLabs #SPVs #DesignThinking #AfkarCollective

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