Red Hat OpenShift Library

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How is the Library structured?

  1. Based on your OpenShift environment (i.e. Self-managed OpenShift or managed OpenShift): this library has been divided into chapters based on whether you manage OpenShift yourself or consume it as a managed service. Because OpenShift allows for a seamless experience across all footprints, the typical user experience will be identical from cluster to cluster. However, since deployment and management varies across these respective environments, the chapters below are segmented in a manner to make it easier for you to quickly find the information that is most relevant.
  2. Based on your role: the Library is also segmented based on the Administrator, DevOps, and Developer tasks that need to be carried out, so you can focus on what matters the most to you.

To access the Library, click on the OpenShift environment/role that best applies to you:

Self-Managed Managed OpenShift
Administrator Administrator
DevOps DevOps
Developer Developer

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