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Activities describe how to communicate with the external world from a ZIO Flow program, and they provide special support to be used from within transactions. Let's see a real world example of defining an activity:

import zio.flow._
import zio.flow.operation.http._

type CreateMessage = String // Real type not shown here
type Message = String // Real type not shown here

val twilioAccountSid: ConfigKey = ConfigKey("authentication.twilio.account_sid")
val twilioAuthToken: ConfigKey = ConfigKey("authentication.twilio.auth_token")

private lazy val twilioAuthHeader: Remote[String] =
  rs"Basic "   rs"${Remote.config[String](twilioAccountSid)}:${Remote.config[String](twilioAuthToken)}".toBase64

lazy val sendSMS: Activity[CreateMessage, Message] =
    "Sends an SMS using a Twilio account",
    operation = Operation.Http(
      host = "",
        .post("2010-04-01" / "Accounts" / string / "Messages.json")
    check = Activity.checkNotSupported,
    compensate = Activity.compensateNotSupported
  ).contramap[CreateMessage] { (createMessage: Remote[CreateMessage]) =>

This is a slightly simplified version of an activity that uses Twilio as a third party provider for sending SMS. Let's go through this definition line by line!

  • First we need an input type for our activity - in this case it is called CreateMessage and in a real implementation it would be a case class with many fields but for simplicity we just define it as a String here.
  • When the activity succeeds it also returns a value - for this we define the type Message, omitting the details for it as well, representing an SMS that has been sent.
  • The next two lines defines two ConfigKeys for the Twilio account SID and auth token. These are used to authenticate with Twilio. For more information about accessing configuration from ZIO Flow programs see the remotes section.
  • twilioAuthHeader uses the remote string interpolator feature to define a remote value which represents the HTTP basic auth header to be sent to Twilio. It's the concatenation of the accound ID and the token converted to Base64.
  • The sendSMS value defines the activity itself. Every activity has an input and an output type.
  • The first parameter defines a unique name for the activity, seen in logs, etc.
  • The second parameter is a textual description of what the activity does; it is not used currently but later could appear in user interfaces built around ZIO Flow.
  • The operation parameter defines how to perform the activity. In this case we use the API helper to define an operation that calls an HTTP endpoint. This is imported from zio.flow.operation.http. More information about how to define HTTP requests can be found in the next section.
  • The check and compensate parameters are set to default values indicating that this functionality is not supported.

An activity like the one above can do some external work but in case it is used in a transaction it is important to be idempotent. The reason is that a transaction's body may run multiple times in case it detects some conflicts in the used variables; Without defining the check and/or compensate parameters of the activity ZIO Flow has no way to undo an activity like this - in the above example, the SMS will be sent as many times as the transaction retries, and nothing will happen with sent SMS in case the transaction fails.

The check parameter can be set to a ZFlow that checks if the activity has already been performed. If it has, it returns the activity's expected output, and the operation will not be performed. This is useful when a ZIO Flow program was restarted possibly due to a hardware failure or deployment, while it was in the middle of performing an activity. In this case the persisted state may indicate that the activity has not been performed yet, but maybe it was already initiated; if there is no check flow, the operation will be performed again - if we can check if it has been performed or not, duplicate call can be avoided.

The compensate parameter is also a ZFlow, but it's purpose is to do something that "reverts" the performed activity. It is called in case the transaction that invoked the activity has been rolled back, either for be retried, or because of a failure. In the above example if we assume that sendSMS does not immediately send the message just schedules it on the Twilio side, we may write a compensate flow that calls a different Twilio API to cancel the scheduled message.

Running activities in flows

The Activity type defines two ways to run the activity:

  • the apply method gets the activity's parameters as a parameter; using the activity like this is very similar to calling a function
  • the fromInput method gets the activity's paramters from ZFlows input

Transforming activities

The activity allows to call contramap on it and provide a function that transforms the activity's input before the activity gets called. One very important use case for this is passing configuration values automatically to an activity's operation.

In the sendSMS example above we define the operation using the HTTP DSL (described below), and that particular operation has the input type (String, String, CreateMessage). The first string is the "hole" in the path, the second is the auth header, and the third one is the request body. We can hide the authentication from the activity's user by using contramap and passing Remote.config values in place of the first two element of the operation's input, leaving only the CreateMessage body to be sent as a parameter to the activity.

Similarly the activity's output can be transformed with mapResult if needed.


The only built-in operation type supported by ZIO Flow at the moment is the HTTP operation. A HTTP operation describes a call to a HTTP API, and it can be built using a DSL that is accessible through the API object in the zio.flow.operation.http package.

Each method on the API object adds some information about how the HTTP request should be composed or how its response should be interpreted. Some of these methods append additional input or output types to the operation's type signature.

For example if we define an operation that requires a String as part of the request's path, and an integer to be sent in the body, and expect a list of strings to be parsed from the response body:

val api1 = API.get("something" / string).input[Int].output[List[String]]

we get a value with the type API[(String, Int), Unit].

This can be wrapped in an Operation.Http to create an Operation that can be used in an Activity:

val op1 = Operation.Http(host = "", api1)

The op1 value has the type Operation.Http[(String, Int), List[String]].

The following table lists all the methods available on the API object to start defining a HTTP call:

Method Parameters Description
get Path Defines a GET request.
post Path Defines a POST request.
put Path Defines a PUT request.
delete Path Defines a DELETE request.
patch Path Defines a PATCH request.

The Path parameter passed to these represent the path part of the URL of the request.

A Path is constructed from multiple segments. Each segment is either a static string or a value received as the operation's input. The segments can be concatenated by either the / operator, or the operator. The input-dependent path segments can have various types, and ZIO Flow defines a couple of helper methods to express them in a nice readable way. For example the following path expression defines a path that contains dynamic integer and UUID parts:

val path1 = Path.path("api") / "v1" / "users" / int / "artifact" / uuid

This has the type Path[(Int, java.util.UUID)].

Note that we had to explicitly wrap the first string segment with Path.path. This is usually not necessary when using the path DSL because in that case the compiler already expects a Path type and implicitly converts the string to a Path.

The result of these is an API value that exposes further methods to customize the call:

Method Parameters Description
header Header Adds a header to the request.
input ContentType, Schema Defines the type of the request body, to be sent as JSON
output Schema Defines the type of the response body, to be parsed as JSON
query Query Defines query parameters to be added

The Header and Query DSLs are similar to the Path in that they extend the operation's input types with new elements.

The Header.string("X-Custom-Header") defines a custom header to be sent in the request, and it adds a String input to the operation. To send more than one headers, the operator can be used to create a sequence of them.

The Query builder is very similar, but just like for Paths, we have a couple of predefined builders for common types. For both Header and Query there is a ? operator defined on these types, converting the given header or query parameter to optional. That changes its type in the input type to an Option[A].

An example for defining query parameters could be:

val query1 = long("timestamp")    string("description").?    uuid("id")

which has the type Query[(Long, Option[String], java.util.UUID)].


Operations are one of the extension points of ZIO Flow. For custom operations you need to use Operaiton.Custom, and also need to install a custom operation executor on the server that executes the ZIO Flow programs. This is described in the execution section.

Activity libraries

ZIO Flow defines some predefined set of activities in activity libraries. These are separate artifacts published for both the JVM and Scala.JS, Activity definitions and corresponding data types with schema.

We have the following activity libraries at the moment:


To use the Twilio activity library, add the following dependency to your project:

libraryDependencies  = "dev.zio" %% "zio-flow-twilio" % "@VERSION@"

This library defines the following activities:

  • sendSMS - sends an SMS to a phone number of registered target, either immediately or scheduled
  • deleteMessageActivity - deletes a message from the Twilio account; if it is a scheduled message, this will prevent it from being sent

The library defines a case class called CreateMessage that describes the message to be sent, and Message represents an SMS registered in the system.

The following example parameter for the sendSMS activity defines a scheduled SMS to be sent to a phone number:

import zio.flow._
import zio.flow.activities.twilio._
import java.time.Instant

  To = PhoneNumber(" 15558675310"),
  MessagingServiceSid = Some(MessagingServiceSid("MGXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")),
  Body = "This is a scheduled message",
  SendAt = Some(Instant.parse("2021-11-30T20:36:27Z")),
  StatusCallback = Some(CallbackUrl("")),
  ScheduleType = Some(MessageScheduleType.fixed)

To use these activities, you need to provide your Twilio account SID and auth token under the following configuration keys:

  • authentication.twilio.account_sid
  • authentication.twilio.auth_token


The SendGrid activity library is available under the following dependency:

libraryDependencies  = "dev.zio" %% "zio-flow-sendgrid" % "@VERSION@"

It currently defines a single activity called sendMail. To use this activity, you need to create a SendGrid API key and set it under the following configuration key:

  • authentication.sendgrid.api_key

The following code snippet shows an example of using the Mail data structure to send an email via SendGrid:

import zio.flow.activities.sendgrid._

val exampleMail: Mail =
    personalizations = List(
        to = List(
          EmailAddress(email = "[email protected]", name = "John Doe"),
          EmailAddress(email = "[email protected]", name = "Julia Doe")
        cc = Some(
            EmailAddress(email = "[email protected]", name = "Jane Doe")
        bcc = Some(
            EmailAddress(email = "[email protected]", name = "Jim Doe")
        from = Some(
            email = "[email protected]",
            name = "Example Sales Team"
        to = List(
          EmailAddress(email = "[email protected]", name = "Janice Doe")
        bcc = Some(
            EmailAddress(email = "[email protected]", name = "Jordan Doe")
    from = EmailAddress(email = "[email protected]", name = "Example Order Confirmation"),
    reply_to = Some(EmailAddress(email = "[email protected]", name = "Example Customer Service Team")),
    subject = "Your Example Order Confirmation",
    content = List(
        `type` = "text/html",
        value =
          "<p>Hello from Twilio SendGrid!</p><p>Sending with the email service trusted by developers and marketers for <strong>time-savings</strong>, <strong>scalability</strong>, and <strong>delivery expertise</strong>.</p><p>%open-track%</p>"
    attachments = Some(
          content =
          filename = "index.html",
          `type` = "text/html",
          disposition = "attachment"
    categories = Some(List(CategoryName("cake"), CategoryName("pie"), CategoryName("baking"))),
    send_at = Some(1617260400),
    batch_id = Some(BatchId("AsdFgHjklQweRTYuIopzXcVBNm0aSDfGHjklmZcVbNMqWert1znmOP2asDFjkl")),
    asm = Some(
        group_id = 12345,
        groups_to_display = List(12345)
    ip_pool_name = Some("transactional email"),
    mail_settings = Some(
        bypass_list_management = Some(Setting(enable = false)),
        footer = Some(Footer(enable = false)),
        sandbox_mode = Some(Setting(enable = false))
    tracking_settings = Some(
        click_tracking = Some(
            enable = true,
            enable_text = false
        open_tracking = Some(
            enable = true,
            substitution_tag = Some("%open-track%")
        subscription_tracking = Some(SubscriptionTracking(enable = false))

Write your own

It is recommended to write reusable activities for your own use cases, and package them to similar activity libraries. Both the twilio and the sendgrid libraries are good examples of how to do this.